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Virginita's Dream

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she is henpecked by you and what about pooper?
poor mister pooper:D
too late ol' chap... perhaps Ulrika can describe them to you...

ulrika or Elrike or a botlle ................................Seagram7 (or Rosé?:D)
ulrika or Elrike or a botlle ................................Seagram7 (or Rosé?:D)
...the scent of the panties... Be careful ol' Blue Nose, as Interpol could find those blue fibers in Virginita's wet garments...

I'm sorry, but black text on dark grey background makes this unreadable by me! (Is this a new form of torture?)
I think that Pooper is a realy torturer...he likes not only to torture his victims as much as his readers....:D (it's a joke, Pooper, dont be hurted!):p

No, seriously, it's a little problem and if you could improve that, we'll be
I'm sorry, but black text on dark grey background makes this unreadable by me! (Is this a new form of torture?)
I think that Pooper is a realy torturer...he likes not only to torture his victims as much as his readers....:D (it's a joke, Pooper, dont be hurted!):p
No, seriously, it's a little problem and if you could improve that, we'll be

Yep I hear ya! BUT . . . . . I have been chastised before by one of the grown ups for using the 'Blackend' background.
and told to switch to the'Default' background

Can admin advise me which is the preferred background?

Meanwhile I will attempt to find colours that are legible in both

Sorry if I got it wrong as your pleasure is my desire . . .


Luv & xx's
Is it not only a question of choice of text'colour? ;)
I'm sorry, but black text on dark grey background makes this unreadable by me! (Is this a new form of torture?)
you can right click with your mouse on the word blackend left under in the screen and in the stylechooser you can choose default ;)
Hi Admi, shall I stick with Default or swap to Blackend style?
this last one is fine in both styles blackend and default;):D
Run girls! . . . . more nasty Hot Needle action here!

Now that Queen Virginita's panties were removed, the Torture Twins stab the hot needles into Queen Virginita’s soft flesh all round her vagina. They start outside and gradually work their way towards her labia. Then Twin 1 pulls open her lips to expose her moist inner flesh and they pierce her with freshly heated needles.

Queen Virginita cannot believe the searing pain as each point enters her most private parts and with masochistic pleasure thinks: “Is there any torture more erotic than this?”

She would soon know that there was . . . .

Run girls! . . . . more nasty Hot Needle action here!

Now that Queen Virginita's panties were removed, the Torture Twins stab the hot needles into Queen Virginita’s soft flesh all round her vagina. They start outside and gradually work their way towards her labia. Then Twin 1 pulls open her lips to expose her moist inner flesh and they pierce her with freshly heated needles.

Queen Virginita cannot believe the searing pain as each point enters her most private parts and with masochistic pleasure thinks: “Is there any torture more erotic than this?”

She would soon know that there was . . . .

View attachment 51574
this one is not good but because i answered it is now readable:D
Thanks. I've changed & hope its ok now

Is the subject too extreme for this site?​
The subject's great, Pooper - there are plenty of crueller things on CF, including much that I've written.​
The question of backgrounds remains tricky. You're perfectly free to use Blackend or Default, as we all are.​
I like your use of colours, but you do need to check how your posts look on both backgrounds before you post -​
sorry to trouble you!​

There's a particular problem that - because of the way the system works -​
when you type a post in the ordinary way,​
without selecting any colour from the top bar,​
it appears in pale grey on Blackend and black on Default,​
but you can't get any of the colours on the menu to change like that -​
even if you select black, white, or pale grey, they'll stay the same on both backgrounds​
(so black will be invisible on Blackend, white invisible on Default,​
and pale grey difficult to read on Default, as in your latest post)​
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