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We Come In Peace

Go to CruxDreams.com
Chapter 3: Dr Little

“We can’t just leave her there!” The image of the crucified Barbara Moore was still on the screen on the Cruxton Abbey’s bridge. Barb was crying with pain, and writhing in a vain attempt to find a position that hurt less than any other position. “I need to help her! Mr Repertor, please!”

“Dr Little.” Repertor tried to look sympathetic. “I want to help her, too. But the fact is, if you go onto Angelus Mortus you, too, will end up crucified.”

“Better that than sitting here doing nothing! Barb! Barb!” Siss looked at Marcella. “Can she hear me?”

Marcella touched her screen. “She can now, and she can see you if you sit in the Captain’s chair.”

Siss hurried over to Wragg’s seat. “Barb! Barb! It’s Siss!”

Barb painfully moved her head round to look at the screen. She struggled up her cross and took a rasping breath.


She collapsed again onto her outstretched arms.

“How can you say that? Barb!”

“We…have granted….. her deepest…desire. We…do not….understand….her desire. It ….. causes….much….pain. It…..is not ours….. to understand. …. We come in….peace.”

“Why do they always speak in the first person plural?” wondered Marcella.

“I think they have a kind of collective consciousness,” said Repertor. “Like ants. Each individual doesn’t have much brain power, but collectively, they can read minds and control other species.”

“Not every other species.” A new voice on the bridge. Repertor looked about, but couldn’t identify the owner of the voice. Suddenly a creature leaped up onto Siss’ lap, making her squeal with shock.

Repertor stared at it. It was a species that he didn’t recognise. The nearest earth species would be a squirrel, but this was larger than a squirrel, and, like the slugs, purple.

“Who are you, and how did you get here?” demanded Repertor.

“I am a Racing Rodent,” said the creature. Suddenly, Repertor realised that the Racing Rodent wasn’t actually communicating verbally, he was just beaming thoughts into their minds. “You have nice food in your store. Delicious!” He nuzzled between Siss’ boobs. “Hmm! These are nice, too. Soft, and warm. What do you call them? I call them ‘perfect.’”

“Oi, get off, you randy little bugger!” But Siss didn’t push him off. She thought he was quite cute.

“What’s ‘quite cute’?” wondered the Racing Rodent.

“Do you come from Wolf 1061d?” asked Repertor.

“No, I come from Wolf 1061d.”

Repertor realised the limitations of conversing with a squirrel using ESP. The squirrel hadn’t recognised the concept of his home as just an odd planet in the galaxy, but his name for his planet had converted in Repertor’s brain to ‘Wolf 1061d’. Repertor let it pass. He had bigger fish to fry.

“What’s fish? What’s fry?” asked the ever curious rodent.

“Never mind that.” Repertor didn’t feel like explaining fish to a creature who had never seen water in large quantities. “You live in the same place as the slugs?”


“So why haven’t they taken over your brains? Tried to satisfy your deepest desire?”

“I didn’t realise I had a deepest desire till I sat here between Siss’ titties.”

“Cheeky devil!” Siss stroked the soft fur between his ears.

“Ooh, that’s nice!”

Marcella interjected. “ The Crux Australis must have been infected by the Missouri. There are reports of mass crucifixions in Australia and in a province of France called ‘Anjou’.”

“Messaline….” groaned Repertor. “Comms officer on the Australis. This is getting out of hand.” A thought struck him. “How did you get onto this ship, anyway? We didn’t go near Wolf 1061d!”

“I came,” said the Rodent, “on the Missouri. But they have stuff called ‘White Castle’ on there. That’s even worse than eating slugs. So I nipped aboard this ship as soon as you docked. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Lovely!”

“How come nobody found you on the planet?” Repertor was puzzled. “They said that the most advanced life form was the slugs. You’re more advanced than the slugs. Well, you are if you’ve discovered the joys of Yorkshire pudding.”

“Thank you, kind sir. Racing Rodents are only seen if we want to be seen! Your people just, kind of…overlooked us.”

“Whoa!” Siss interrupted. “Rewind a bit. Did you say you ate slugs?”

“There’s not much else to eat on Wolf 1061d. It’s that or starve.”


“Oh, you mean, all that ‘please don’t eat me, I’m the loveliest thing on the planet’ malarkey? We just ignore that. We Racing Rodents aren’t particularly sentimental.”

Repertor pondered this. “It’s all just evolution. The slugs learned to put out the mental field for self-preservation, then the rodents learned to ignore it so they didn’t starve. Survival of the fittest. It’s that simple.”

“And we humans have never before encountered mind control, so we’re wide open to them!” Siss followed his train of thought absolutely. “Whether it’s slapping them onto the back of our heads, or taking off our clothes and laying outstretched on crosses, we do exactly what they want! Look!”

They watched on the monitor as Wragg bent down, picked up the slug, and placed it onto the back of his head.

“See what I mean!” exclaimed Siss, triumphantly. “Our noble captain is completely under their influence! Right.” She pointed to the screen. “I want him scanned. Have two robot sentries arrest him and take him straight to the sick bay!”

“And clear the sick bay of all humans!” added Repertor.

“Yes ma’am! Yes sir!” It was good to have a plan, and Marcella started issuing orders with gusto.

Siss stood up, hugging a delighted Rodent to her chest. “As for you, my new friend, you’re coming with me, first to the sick bay, then to Angelus Mortus. It’s your dinner time!”

img-1409042905.jpg Yay!! Help is on the way!!! :p
I'm sure she'd enjoy that, if we can't find a rock to chain her to and a sea monster. :devil:
oh, I'd settle for an intimate encounter with a sea-slug -
which include some of the most gorgeous things in the sea
fine company for Eulalia viridis
Chapter 3: Dr Little

“We can’t just leave her there!” The image of the crucified Barbara Moore was still on the screen on the Cruxton Abbey’s bridge. Barb was crying with pain, and writhing in a vain attempt to find a position that hurt less than any other position. “I need to help her! Mr Repertor, please!”

“Dr Little.” Repertor tried to look sympathetic. “I want to help her, too. But the fact is, if you go onto Angelus Mortus you, too, will end up crucified.”

“Better that than sitting here doing nothing! Barb! Barb!” Siss looked at Marcella. “Can she hear me?”

Marcella touched her screen. “She can now, and she can see you if you sit in the Captain’s chair.”

Siss hurried over to Wragg’s seat. “Barb! Barb! It’s Siss!”

Barb painfully moved her head round to look at the screen. She struggled up her cross and took a rasping breath.


She collapsed again onto her outstretched arms.

“How can you say that? Barb!”

“We…have granted….. her deepest…desire. We…do not….understand….her desire. It ….. causes….much….pain. It…..is not ours….. to understand. …. We come in….peace.”

“Why do they always speak in the first person plural?” wondered Marcella.

“I think they have a kind of collective consciousness,” said Repertor. “Like ants. Each individual doesn’t have much brain power, but collectively, they can read minds and control other species.”

“Not every other species.” A new voice on the bridge. Repertor looked about, but couldn’t identify the owner of the voice. Suddenly a creature leaped up onto Siss’ lap, making her squeal with shock.

Repertor stared at it. It was a species that he didn’t recognise. The nearest earth species would be a squirrel, but this was larger than a squirrel, and, like the slugs, purple.

“Who are you, and how did you get here?” demanded Repertor.

“I am a Racing Rodent,” said the creature. Suddenly, Repertor realised that the Racing Rodent wasn’t actually communicating verbally, he was just beaming thoughts into their minds. “You have nice food in your store. Delicious!” He nuzzled between Siss’ boobs. “Hmm! These are nice, too. Soft, and warm. What do you call them? I call them ‘perfect.’”

“Oi, get off, you randy little bugger!” But Siss didn’t push him off. She thought he was quite cute.

“What’s ‘quite cute’?” wondered the Racing Rodent.

“Do you come from Wolf 1061d?” asked Repertor.

“No, I come from Wolf 1061d.”

Repertor realised the limitations of conversing with a squirrel using ESP. The squirrel hadn’t recognised the concept of his home as just an odd planet in the galaxy, but his name for his planet had converted in Repertor’s brain to ‘Wolf 1061d’. Repertor let it pass. He had bigger fish to fry.

“What’s fish? What’s fry?” asked the ever curious rodent.

“Never mind that.” Repertor didn’t feel like explaining fish to a creature who had never seen water in large quantities. “You live in the same place as the slugs?”


“So why haven’t they taken over your brains? Tried to satisfy your deepest desire?”

“I didn’t realise I had a deepest desire till I sat here between Siss’ titties.”

“Cheeky devil!” Siss stroked the soft fur between his ears.

“Ooh, that’s nice!”

Marcella interjected. “ The Crux Australis must have been infected by the Missouri. There are reports of mass crucifixions in Australia and in a province of France called ‘Anjou’.”

“Messaline….” groaned Repertor. “Comms officer on the Australis. This is getting out of hand.” A thought struck him. “How did you get onto this ship, anyway? We didn’t go near Wolf 1061d!”

“I came,” said the Rodent, “on the Missouri. But they have stuff called ‘White Castle’ on there. That’s even worse than eating slugs. So I nipped aboard this ship as soon as you docked. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Lovely!”

“How come nobody found you on the planet?” Repertor was puzzled. “They said that the most advanced life form was the slugs. You’re more advanced than the slugs. Well, you are if you’ve discovered the joys of Yorkshire pudding.”

“Thank you, kind sir. Racing Rodents are only seen if we want to be seen! Your people just, kind of…overlooked us.”

“Whoa!” Siss interrupted. “Rewind a bit. Did you say you ate slugs?”

“There’s not much else to eat on Wolf 1061d. It’s that or starve.”


“Oh, you mean, all that ‘please don’t eat me, I’m the loveliest thing on the planet’ malarkey? We just ignore that. We Racing Rodents aren’t particularly sentimental.”

Repertor pondered this. “It’s all just evolution. The slugs learned to put out the mental field for self-preservation, then the rodents learned to ignore it so they didn’t starve. Survival of the fittest. It’s that simple.”

“And we humans have never before encountered mind control, so we’re wide open to them!” Siss followed his train of thought absolutely. “Whether it’s slapping them onto the back of our heads, or taking off our clothes and laying outstretched on crosses, we do exactly what they want! Look!”

They watched on the monitor as Wragg bent down, picked up the slug, and placed it onto the back of his head.

“See what I mean!” exclaimed Siss, triumphantly. “Our noble captain is completely under their influence! Right.” She pointed to the screen. “I want him scanned. Have two robot sentries arrest him and take him straight to the sick bay!”

“And clear the sick bay of all humans!” added Repertor.

“Yes ma’am! Yes sir!” It was good to have a plan, and Marcella started issuing orders with gusto.

Siss stood up, hugging a delighted Rodent to her chest. “As for you, my new friend, you’re coming with me, first to the sick bay, then to Angelus Mortus. It’s your dinner time!”
Great chapter Sir Wragg.
It did not take the Rodent long to discover the joys of breasts:p
Smart little rodent.
View attachment 373380 Yay!! Help is on the way!!! :p
There are times when this whole website is just too weird for words... :rolleyes: :doh:



Yes. We're all about to be saved by squirrels. I never thought I'd say that. :confused::rolleyes::doh:

Oh, Thessela, where are you? You can't hide forever. I know this ship like the back of of your...well pretty well anyway. We have a nice hammer and nails and we want to make your dreams come true. :):eek::confused:
Yes. We're all about to be saved by squirrels. I never thought I'd say that. :confused::rolleyes::doh:

Oh, Thessela, where are you? You can't hide forever. I know this ship like the back of of your...well pretty well anyway. We have a nice hammer and nails and we want to make your dreams come true. :):eek::confused:

Oh goddess how long can I hide from them!
My poor Jolly, controlled by a slug, eeuuuwwww.
There is one now, how disgusting!
But such a lovely color, lovely, pretty slug . . . . . . . . . . .
President Madiosi, sir, for info, there are seven chapters.

Here's chapter 4:

Chapter 4: Captain Wragg of the Cruxton Abbey

“Dr Siss Little! I must crucify Dr Little!” Captain James Wragg was overwhelmed by the thought of getting Siss naked and nailing her to a cross. To be fair, he'd always been keen on the idea of getting her naked, but nailing her to a cross was a new twist.

Two sentries stood by the gate leading to the Cruxton Abbey. “You two! We’re going to the tool store! We need hammers and we need nails. Plenty of them. Move!”

“Sorry sir, we have orders to arrest you, and escort you to the sick bay.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! I am your captain! Order overruled!”

He found that he couldn’t control their minds, he realised that they were robots. But he needn’t have worried. He was still in his full captain’s uniform. They were programmed to accept his orders over and above Marcella’s.

The sentries saluted, and said “very good, sir!” turned, and marched towards the tool store, with Wragg following along behind.

By the time they reached the tool store and the adjacent workshop, he had at least twenty of his crew, plus the two robots, under his full command. Some fetched timber, some programmed the workshop computer to produce crosses, some fetched large nails, and some fetched nails. Others fetched trollies, and the stands ordinarily used for large Christmas trees. In under ten minutes Wragg had a fully equipped crucifixion squad, ready to roll.

Two minutes later the whole lot of them arrived on the bridge.

Only Marcella and Yupar were there. No sign of Repertor. Worse, no sign of Siss. Never mind. He would look forward to crucifying her later.

Marcella had just started to eat a meal that she’d prepared in the bridge microwave. On seeing Wragg she pushed it aside. She and Yupar stood, and saluted, but they were the colour of ghosts.

“Secure the bridge!” ordered Wragg, “and crucify them!”

“NOOOOO!” screamed Marcella and Yupar, in unison. Marcella said, “you never minded me eating at my workstation before, sir?”

“We come in peace!” said Wragg. “It is your deepest desire!”

“No, it isn’t…” said Marcella, watching, her eyes round with horror, as a large timber cross was laid on the floor near her.

“Yes….” said Wragg, “it is.”

Marcella couldn’t help herself. She found herself taking off her own uniform, until she stood before them all in bra and panties.

“And the rest,” ordered Wragg.

“Yes, sir.” She undid her bra, and pushed her panties down. Stepping out of them, she stood completely nude there on the bridge of the starship Cruxton Abbey.

“Lt Marcella! Status update if you please!” Repertor’s voice, over the communication system.

Wragg glared at her. She reached out and touched the ‘mute’ icon on the screen.

Wragg nodded towards the cross. Marcella did not understand why she was complying with this, but she seemed to have no choice. She stepped over to the cross, and lay down on it, arms outsretched. It felt as alien as the slugs, hard, rough, uncompromising against the soft skin of her back and buttocks. She watched as the two robot sentries approached her. She could see the huge nails, and the heavy mallet. She wanted to get up, to run, to escape this nightmare, but she could not move. Wragg was holding her down onto the cross by sheer mental force, as firmly as though she was already nailed there.

Even when Yupar started shrieking from the other side of the bridge, those screams of agony and horror could not release Marcella from Wragg’s power. With shock, she realised that every single person on that bridge, Yupar and herself included, were totally under his power.

She tried to prepare herself for the nailing, which she now realised was inevitable.

The sentry raised the mallet, and brought it down with mechanical force onto the nail.

The other sentry was about half a second behind.

The sound Marcella made was almost beyond description, a blood curdling, banshee howl of unbelievable agony and utter despair that should have been enough to freeze Wragg’s blood. Should have been, but wasn’t.

Nothing could have prepared Marcella for this. At every level she was in utter torment. The physical agony as the nails were driven through her young flesh. The violence of the hammers striking the nails, the sight of her own blood spraying around the bridge, the feeling of her wrists pinioned to the wood, and the disbelief that she had been turned from a competent communications officer into a naked, helpless, screaming victim in less than five minutes.

She saw Yupar’s cross erected, saw her friend writhing and howling as the cross was fastened upright. This must be some kind of nightmare, surely? But then the sentries, with ruthless competence, nailed Marcella’s feet firmly to the cross. How could one human being be expected to endure so much pain? She heard her own screams echoing around the bridge. Why hadn’t she run? Now it was too late. Far, far, too late.

She knew what was coming next, she’d seen it happen to Yupar. She felt the cross move, but she was completely at the mercy of the crew as her body was thrown around like a rag doll as they fought the cross into the stand, and held it there while the bolts were tightened.

At long, long, last they finished moving her cross around, and Marcella was left to attempt to come to terms with the full, dreadful reality of crucifixion.

Wragg looked up at his crucified communications officer with complete satisfaction. “Your deepest desires have been granted. Lt Marcella. We come in peace.”
President Madiosi, sir, for info, there are seven chapters.

Here's chapter 4:

Chapter 4: Captain Wragg of the Cruxton Abbey

“Dr Siss Little! I must crucify Dr Little!” Captain James Wragg was overwhelmed by the thought of getting Siss naked and nailing her to a cross. To be fair, he'd always been keen on the idea of getting her naked, but nailing her to a cross was a new twist.

Two sentries stood by the gate leading to the Cruxton Abbey. “You two! We’re going to the tool store! We need hammers and we need nails. Plenty of them. Move!”

“Sorry sir, we have orders to arrest you, and escort you to the sick bay.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! I am your captain! Order overruled!”

He found that he couldn’t control their minds, he realised that they were robots. But he needn’t have worried. He was still in his full captain’s uniform. They were programmed to accept his orders over and above Marcella’s.

The sentries saluted, and said “very good, sir!” turned, and marched towards the tool store, with Wragg following along behind.

By the time they reached the tool store and the adjacent workshop, he had at least twenty of his crew, plus the two robots, under his full command. Some fetched timber, some programmed the workshop computer to produce crosses, some fetched large nails, and some fetched nails. Others fetched trollies, and the stands ordinarily used for large Christmas trees. In under ten minutes Wragg had a fully equipped crucifixion squad, ready to roll.

Two minutes later the whole lot of them arrived on the bridge.

Only Marcella and Yupar were there. No sign of Repertor. Worse, no sign of Siss. Never mind. He would look forward to crucifying her later.

Marcella had just started to eat a meal that she’d prepared in the bridge microwave. On seeing Wragg she pushed it aside. She and Yupar stood, and saluted, but they were the colour of ghosts.

“Secure the bridge!” ordered Wragg, “and crucify them!”

“NOOOOO!” screamed Marcella and Yupar, in unison. Marcella said, “you never minded me eating at my workstation before, sir?”

“We come in peace!” said Wragg. “It is your deepest desire!”

“No, it isn’t…” said Marcella, watching, her eyes round with horror, as a large timber cross was laid on the floor near her.

“Yes….” said Wragg, “it is.”

Marcella couldn’t help herself. She found herself taking off her own uniform, until she stood before them all in bra and panties.

“And the rest,” ordered Wragg.

“Yes, sir.” She undid her bra, and pushed her panties down. Stepping out of them, she stood completely nude there on the bridge of the starship Cruxton Abbey.

“Lt Marcella! Status update if you please!” Repertor’s voice, over the communication system.

Wragg glared at her. She reached out and touched the ‘mute’ icon on the screen.

Wragg nodded towards the cross. Marcella did not understand why she was complying with this, but she seemed to have no choice. She stepped over to the cross, and lay down on it, arms outsretched. It felt as alien as the slugs, hard, rough, uncompromising against the soft skin of her back and buttocks. She watched as the two robot sentries approached her. She could see the huge nails, and the heavy mallet. She wanted to get up, to run, to escape this nightmare, but she could not move. Wragg was holding her down onto the cross by sheer mental force, as firmly as though she was already nailed there.

Even when Yupar started shrieking from the other side of the bridge, those screams of agony and horror could not release Marcella from Wragg’s power. With shock, she realised that every single person on that bridge, Yupar and herself included, were totally under his power.

She tried to prepare herself for the nailing, which she now realised was inevitable.

The sentry raised the mallet, and brought it down with mechanical force onto the nail.

The other sentry was about half a second behind.

The sound Marcella made was almost beyond description, a blood curdling, banshee howl of unbelievable agony and utter despair that should have been enough to freeze Wragg’s blood. Should have been, but wasn’t.

Nothing could have prepared Marcella for this. At every level she was in utter torment. The physical agony as the nails were driven through her young flesh. The violence of the hammers striking the nails, the sight of her own blood spraying around the bridge, the feeling of her wrists pinioned to the wood, and the disbelief that she had been turned from a competent communications officer into a naked, helpless, screaming victim in less than five minutes.

She saw Yupar’s cross erected, saw her friend writhing and howling as the cross was fastened upright. This must be some kind of nightmare, surely? But then the sentries, with ruthless competence, nailed Marcella’s feet firmly to the cross. How could one human being be expected to endure so much pain? She heard her own screams echoing around the bridge. Why hadn’t she run? Now it was too late. Far, far, too late.

She knew what was coming next, she’d seen it happen to Yupar. She felt the cross move, but she was completely at the mercy of the crew as her body was thrown around like a rag doll as they fought the cross into the stand, and held it there while the bolts were tightened.

At long, long, last they finished moving her cross around, and Marcella was left to attempt to come to terms with the full, dreadful reality of crucifixion.

Wragg looked up at his crucified communications officer with complete satisfaction. “Your deepest desires have been granted. Lt Marcella. We come in peace.”
Yikes!!!! :eek::eek::eek: Some peace? :confused:
President Madiosi, sir, for info, there are seven chapters.

Here's chapter 4:

Chapter 4: Captain Wragg of the Cruxton Abbey

“Dr Siss Little! I must crucify Dr Little!” Captain James Wragg was overwhelmed by the thought of getting Siss naked and nailing her to a cross. To be fair, he'd always been keen on the idea of getting her naked, but nailing her to a cross was a new twist.

Two sentries stood by the gate leading to the Cruxton Abbey. “You two! We’re going to the tool store! We need hammers and we need nails. Plenty of them. Move!”

“Sorry sir, we have orders to arrest you, and escort you to the sick bay.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! I am your captain! Order overruled!”

He found that he couldn’t control their minds, he realised that they were robots. But he needn’t have worried. He was still in his full captain’s uniform. They were programmed to accept his orders over and above Marcella’s.

The sentries saluted, and said “very good, sir!” turned, and marched towards the tool store, with Wragg following along behind.

By the time they reached the tool store and the adjacent workshop, he had at least twenty of his crew, plus the two robots, under his full command. Some fetched timber, some programmed the workshop computer to produce crosses, some fetched large nails, and some fetched nails. Others fetched trollies, and the stands ordinarily used for large Christmas trees. In under ten minutes Wragg had a fully equipped crucifixion squad, ready to roll.

Two minutes later the whole lot of them arrived on the bridge.

Only Marcella and Yupar were there. No sign of Repertor. Worse, no sign of Siss. Never mind. He would look forward to crucifying her later.

Marcella had just started to eat a meal that she’d prepared in the bridge microwave. On seeing Wragg she pushed it aside. She and Yupar stood, and saluted, but they were the colour of ghosts.

“Secure the bridge!” ordered Wragg, “and crucify them!”

“NOOOOO!” screamed Marcella and Yupar, in unison. Marcella said, “you never minded me eating at my workstation before, sir?”

“We come in peace!” said Wragg. “It is your deepest desire!”

“No, it isn’t…” said Marcella, watching, her eyes round with horror, as a large timber cross was laid on the floor near her.

“Yes….” said Wragg, “it is.”

Marcella couldn’t help herself. She found herself taking off her own uniform, until she stood before them all in bra and panties.

“And the rest,” ordered Wragg.

“Yes, sir.” She undid her bra, and pushed her panties down. Stepping out of them, she stood completely nude there on the bridge of the starship Cruxton Abbey.

“Lt Marcella! Status update if you please!” Repertor’s voice, over the communication system.

Wragg glared at her. She reached out and touched the ‘mute’ icon on the screen.

Wragg nodded towards the cross. Marcella did not understand why she was complying with this, but she seemed to have no choice. She stepped over to the cross, and lay down on it, arms outsretched. It felt as alien as the slugs, hard, rough, uncompromising against the soft skin of her back and buttocks. She watched as the two robot sentries approached her. She could see the huge nails, and the heavy mallet. She wanted to get up, to run, to escape this nightmare, but she could not move. Wragg was holding her down onto the cross by sheer mental force, as firmly as though she was already nailed there.

Even when Yupar started shrieking from the other side of the bridge, those screams of agony and horror could not release Marcella from Wragg’s power. With shock, she realised that every single person on that bridge, Yupar and herself included, were totally under his power.

She tried to prepare herself for the nailing, which she now realised was inevitable.

The sentry raised the mallet, and brought it down with mechanical force onto the nail.

The other sentry was about half a second behind.

The sound Marcella made was almost beyond description, a blood curdling, banshee howl of unbelievable agony and utter despair that should have been enough to freeze Wragg’s blood. Should have been, but wasn’t.

Nothing could have prepared Marcella for this. At every level she was in utter torment. The physical agony as the nails were driven through her young flesh. The violence of the hammers striking the nails, the sight of her own blood spraying around the bridge, the feeling of her wrists pinioned to the wood, and the disbelief that she had been turned from a competent communications officer into a naked, helpless, screaming victim in less than five minutes.

She saw Yupar’s cross erected, saw her friend writhing and howling as the cross was fastened upright. This must be some kind of nightmare, surely? But then the sentries, with ruthless competence, nailed Marcella’s feet firmly to the cross. How could one human being be expected to endure so much pain? She heard her own screams echoing around the bridge. Why hadn’t she run? Now it was too late. Far, far, too late.

She knew what was coming next, she’d seen it happen to Yupar. She felt the cross move, but she was completely at the mercy of the crew as her body was thrown around like a rag doll as they fought the cross into the stand, and held it there while the bolts were tightened.

At long, long, last they finished moving her cross around, and Marcella was left to attempt to come to terms with the full, dreadful reality of crucifixion.

Wragg looked up at his crucified communications officer with complete satisfaction. “Your deepest desires have been granted. Lt Marcella. We come in peace.”
Well, that is two down, and many more to go Captain Wragg:)
I bet Yupar, and Marcella look magnificent on their crosses:rolleyes:.......can't wait for you to get Dr. Siss Little to join them:cool:
Looking forward to chapter 5!
Well, that is two down, and many more to go Captain Wragg:)
I bet Yupar, and Marcella look magnificent on their crosses:rolleyes:.......can't wait for you to get Dr. Siss Little to join them:cool:
Looking forward to chapter 5!

I doubt Dr. Siss Little is looking forward to chapter 5 :rolleyes:
I doubt Dr. Siss Little is looking forward to chapter 5 :rolleyes:

I took an ought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These things have a weakness ........ never mind about me!

FIND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


{sorry if I read ahead}

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