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Wip - Women In Peril

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Why anyone would take US citizenship is beyond me. The tax rules are ridiculous. Wonder Woman probably just got a green card so she wouldn't have to pay tax on foreign earnings. That does make things easier for the US government to explain about why they're leaving her to the Nazis. Actually, there is no moral high ground to this story, is there? :rolleyes::devil:
Why anyone would take US citizenship is beyond me. The tax rules are ridiculous. Wonder Woman probably just got a green card so she wouldn't have to pay tax on foreign earnings. That does make things easier for the US government to explain about why they're leaving her to the Nazis. Actually, there is no moral high ground to this story, is there? :rolleyes::devil:

May just depend on whether she is a Republican or a Democrat :rolleyes:
Why anyone would take US citizenship is beyond me. The tax rules are ridiculous.

Why is that? Is that something to do with taxing you wherever you live? I remember reading about people giving up their citizenship as a result.

Now, not quite the same level of peril, but once that seat's gone I bet she regrets wearing those high heals!

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and she has really nice pubic hair. why the hell do "modern" women shave?

Possibly for the same reasons that woman have historically shaved? They liked the look, their lovers liked the look, it felt fresher, cleaner and more comfortable?

Given the choice some women prefer to shave, some don't fashion has an impact but in most cases women have a say in the matter. It is their pubic hair we are discussing after all ;)
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