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Wraggles To The Rescue!

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Wait just a doggone minute. I jumped out of a plane? Now I know this is a fairy tale...
You'd have jumped out of your Spitfire quick enough if it was on fire! :rolleyes:

The Firebird was a fairy tale... this is a.... um....this is a.....errr.:confused:

I have no idea what it is! :doh:
But I am also the only one to recall that the Lysander is designed to land behind enemy lines

View attachment 436588 ;)
Don't tell him that, RR, he'll be expecting a pretty air hostess standing by the door wishing him a pleasant onward trip! :rolleyes:

Can you get a full sized premium French timber cross onto a Lysander, d'you reckon? ;)
Spitfires Wragg? Spitfires? What on earth are these infernal machines? Do they reek of castor oil like the gallant old Camel? Does the pilot feel the wind on his face or does he sit in a bloody glasshouse like the SE?

Bet that damned Wragglesworth can't land one in a rough field as easily as Biggles could land his Camel.
Time marches on ... old boy! :p

The Bigg or the Wragg could pop up anywhere! ;)
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Looking forward or is it back???

To more!

Will we see .................

A fair haired ... again?

Biggles-large-screenshot1.jpg Fan out and be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Pp really does worry that your chances of rescue are fading if these two are your only hope. Perhaps Jolly will manage alone or with some support from your squirrel.
Is that all you think of me? :( :spank::spank:
Well I, for one, have complete faith in the mission. Just make sure that you check your parachutes before jumping.

So not only am I the only one who does not need to worry if someone packed my parachute correctly...
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Oh dear. Well, it looks like another night at Stalag 13 for me then.
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Eric? Surely you mean Bruce Pilus?

Here here well spoken Bruce.

I note that the clip stopped short of the Philosphers Song, a serious deficiency which I will fix here!

byw Thanks Wragg for making me a super efficient Aussie pilot :D
Now it's up to you.
Toodle pip and give Jerry what for old boy!
Here here well spoken Bruce.

I note that the clip stopped short of the Philosphers Song, a serious deficiency which I will fix here!

byw Thanks Wragg for making me a super efficient Aussie pilot :D
Now it's up to you.
Toodle pip and give Jerry what for old boy!
Better check Bruce in the right hand seat. He has become most addicted to fine cask ale and is too often in a similar state to those philosophers. :cool:
Better check Bruce in the right hand seat. He has become most addicted to fine cask ale and is too often in a similar state to those philosophers. :cool:

They said to me that old Pp
Had fine cask ale discovered
Phlebas flew quite straight and true
Although completely lathered
Jollyrei, on this dark day
Had met some German chaps
So Wraggles' crew had nowt to do -
They'd all had too much schnapps!

Thanks to Phlebas’ expertise, the four parachutists landed within yards of one another in a field. Wraggles crouched, listening intently for any sound that their arrival had been noted by the enemy. Silence, apart from the mournful tones of an owl in a nearby copse. Satisfied, he straightened up and gathered his parachute.

“What do we do now?” asked Windar, coming to join him.

“We need to get over to that copse and have a chat with that owl,” replied Wraggles, laconically.

Barb and Slave joined them, and Wraggles led them across the field in the direction of the owl.

“I know a girl, had a fruitful pubescence,” remarked Wraggles.

“I know her too, I love her tumescence,” replied the owl, which resolved itself into human form in the darkness, accompanied by three others.

“You must be the Racing Rodent?”

“Squadron Leader Wragglesworth?”

“Wraggles, please! Allow me to introduce Ginger Windar, Algy Slave, and Barb Worralson.”

“So, this is Repertor, Madiosi, and this is Loxuru.”

There was much shaking of hands, as though they were at a party rather than in enemy territory bristling with homicidal SS troops. So it wasn’t long before Racing Rodent interrupted the socialisation.


He led them, in silence, a distance of about half a mile to a farmhouse. Once inside, behind the blackouts, he lit some candles. “Thessela! Our guests have arrived!”

A young woman emerged from the kitchen and greeted them as though guests arriving at the dead of night were the most natural thing in the world. Soon hunks of bread, vegetable soup, and black coffee were served to all.

Barb was impatient. “Jolly nice nosh, and all that, and please don’t think I’m ungrateful, but we need to get poor Messaline off her cross! It’s frightfully cold out there, you know!” She got up, and headed towards the door.

“Please sit down, Miss.” Loxuru looked alarmed. “If you approach those guards, in the dark, they will shoot you without asking questions.”

“Not me! They wouldn’t dare!”

“No?” Madiosi looked her up and down. “I suppose they might crucify you as well. If you’re lucky.”

For a long moment Wraggles found himself wondering what Barb would look like on a cross.

“Are you listening to me?” Clearly Repertor had asked him something and he’d missed it.

“Sorry, Repertor, my mind was, er, elsewhere!” he replied, embarrassed.

“For God’s sake man, concentrate! I asked you if you spoke German?”

Ein bier, bitte. That’s about it, I’m afraid. “

Neither Slave nor Windar could offer any further linguistic ability, at least in the Teutonic languages.

“Right, well then,” concluded RR, “ you’d better leave the talking to us. Put these on.”

“SS uniforms? Us?” Windar was incredulous.

“Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once.” RR replied, slightly condescendingly. “Miss Messaline has six SS guards. They are due to be relieved at midnight. We will intercept the relief group, dispose of them, and become the group ourselves. As soon as the others have gone, we can rescue Messaline. Simple.”

“Simple?” repeated Wraggles. “What about Jollyrei?”

“And where’s my uniform?” demanded Barb.

“You’re not coming. There are no women in the SS. You stay here with Thessela. And as for Jollyrei,” Loxuru looked blank. “We haven’t quite figured out a plan, yet. But I’m sure we’ll think of something!”

Barb looked as though she was thinking of quite a lot.
Thanks to Phlebas’ expertise, the four parachutists landed within yards of one another in a field.
And there was I expecting to sing as a dirge for at least one of you,
'he landed on the tarmac like a lump of strawberry jam' :devil:
Oh, don't worry about me. Getting Messaline off that cross has to be the job now. I'm used to hardship anyway - played full back for Harrow in the old days.:rolleyes::doh: I might just take up tunnelling with some of the lads here.:attention::peep: One of the Yanks seems a decent cove with a plan. Have to do something. Being a prisoner is a bit of a bore, and the tea here is appalling. :eek:
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