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In a sense, Kathy is all of us. I'm sure no one is completely forthright on this site. I know that anyone who knows me in RL would see shadowy echos of my character and personality here, but would probably dismiss my presence on such a site as this as coincidental. I would have it no other way.

Kathy (and your alter egos), I applaud your honesty. The only sin you may have done is claiming others' stories as your own. But I, for one, hope your many personas continue to appear.

We live here in a world of our imaginations.
In a sense, Kathy is all of us. I'm sure no one is completely forthright on this site. I know that anyone who knows me in RL would see shadowy echos of my character and personality here, but would probably dismiss my presence on such a site as this as coincidental. I would have it no other way.

Kathy (and your alter egos), I applaud your honesty. The only sin you may have done is claiming others' stories as your own. But I, for one, hope your many personas continue to appear.

We live here in a world of our imaginations.
I have to disagree that having multiple identities here is OK. It is not, and Kathy is right to have apologized for having done so. People interact here and exchange rather intimate details, especially in PMs. The only way that is a fair and proper interaction is either if both parties agree they are role playing and nothing said is true or if both parties are being honest. If one party truly thinks the other is who they say and they are not, that can create problems and has done so. If you feel a particular detail about your life could expose you, then you are quite entitled to keep it to yourself.

As for imagination, I think that should be kept to stories and artwork. Be as imaginative as you can be and be whomever you want to be there, but label it as such. When you present as being your true self, then that is what you should be.

As a general question, for the mods and others, I have looked at the rules and they don't speak to the question of multiple identities and whether or not that is forbidden (IMO, it should be and that should be explicitly stated). Obviously, one can have a single identity and it can be totally made up and the site has no way of verifying that (and I'm not proposing that anyone try), but some statement regarding multiple IDs might be appropriate.
I agree , I was wrong to do so , a statement from the mods regarding multiple IDs is appropriate.
What I don’t get about all of this is that you always had a super active account! I can’t imagine posting with that kinda frequency hahaha.
I have to disagree that having multiple identities here is OK. It is not, and Kathy is right to have apologized for having done so. People interact here and exchange rather intimate details, especially in PMs. The only way that is a fair and proper interaction is either if both parties agree they are role playing and nothing said is true or if both parties are being honest. If one party truly thinks the other is who they say and they are not, that can create problems and has done so. If you feel a particular detail about your life could expose you, then you are quite entitled to keep it to yourself.

As for imagination, I think that should be kept to stories and artwork. Be as imaginative as you can be and be whomever you want to be there, but label it as such. When you present as being your true self, then that is what you should be.

As a general question, for the mods and others, I have looked at the rules and they don't speak to the question of multiple identities and whether or not that is forbidden (IMO, it should be and that should be explicitly stated). Obviously, one can have a single identity and it can be totally made up and the site has no way of verifying that (and I'm not proposing that anyone try), but some statement regarding multiple IDs might be appropriate.
Most problematic with multiple accounts is that you can cheat by giving each other likes, but of course, this is not a likes contest. it is difficult to avoid of course.
But roleplaying in a different gender, as some seem to mention, is to my opinion rather difficult. Just writing a story from a female first person viewpoint, like I did for exemple with my 'Queen of Chaos' story, felt rather tricky during writing, to move into a woman's head.

But perhaps, my mind is simply too simple for that.
We do have a policy here that a member should have only one account and one identity at CF. This is normally the case. I, for example, have one account which I share with my alter ego (the one who writes in all caps). This should be the norm (having one account, not necessarily having multiple personalities).

While we, the staff, do not intend to go stomping all over the place with our heavy boots (right, what's all this then? FTANG, FTANG!!), we do ask people to respect the rules and policies. They are there to ensure a friendly and fair forum for everyone.

We do have a policy here that a member should have only one account and one identity at CF. This is normally the case. I, for example, have one account which I share with my alter ego (the one who writes in all caps). This should be the norm (having one account, not necessarily having multiple personalities).

While we, the staff, do not intend to go stomping all over the place with our heavy boots (right, what's all this then? FTANG, FTANG!!), we do ask people to respect the rules and policies. They are there to ensure a friendly and fair forum for everyone.

And what would be the policy regarding one account being used by several people, showing as one? I honestly would feel less comfortable with that, than with one person using different accounts. Just coining the question?
We do have a policy here that a member should have only one account and one identity at CF. This is normally the case. I, for example, have one account which I share with my alter ego (the one who writes in all caps). This should be the norm (having one account, not necessarily having multiple personalities).

While we, the staff, do not intend to go stomping all over the place with our heavy boots (right, what's all this then? FTANG, FTANG!!), we do ask people to respect the rules and policies. They are there to ensure a friendly and fair forum for everyone.

That lazy git, @Wragg , currently 'indisposed' due to having sent @Barbaria1 down to the Cruxton Abbey wine cellars about fourteen times today, has given me permission to reply...

Well, at least, I think it was permission... he said, 'Schpike, Old Boy, get down to the Fuxcrorums and tell them about pultimul.... miltupul... tell them about you an me, will ya?' :confused:

First of all, as @Jollyrei says, the rules do now state 'one member, one account' - see https://www.cruxforums.com/xf/threads/rules-of-crux-forums.9896/post-724571 (although the link at bottom right hasn't been updated yet.)

In my case, old Wragg invented me a few years ago (before he was a mod) to act as a reporter on the Crux Chronicle, then regretted it when I revealed that he's a lazy bastard who never did an honest day's work in his life....

But as a bit of fun, or to act as a foil in stories it's okay, if anyone thinks I'm anyone other than Wragg then I apologise!

Those who have been around the forums for a while may recall a member who took on the identity of a girl just turned 18, and who played the long game, forming multiple friendships on the forums before announcing that 'she' had incurable cancer. Many members were truly upset by this and then furious when 'she' was unmasked as a fake. That was plain, nasty, deception.

More recently, the moderators have been trying to consult each other before hitting the ban button, and will only issue an instant ban in serious cases, such as child pornography. Deception such as the example above resulted in a ban then, and would now. But sometimes it is appropriate to engage a member in a conversation, and, so we (@Barbaria1, actually - when Wragg gave her some time off) did inform Kathy by pm that it is not acceptable to use these multiple IDs in this way.

The result you see here. Kathy has apologised unreservedly, and I for one am happy to accept that apology.
I revealed that he's a lazy bastard who never did an honest day's work in his life....
How long is it since you last produced an edition of the Crux Chronicle? :rolleyes:

(The bit about 14 trips to the wine cellar is true. She kept bringing me Cabernet Sauvignons when I had specifically and clearly requested a Pinot Noir... :facepalm: )
How long is it since you last produced an edition of the Crux Chronicle? :rolleyes:

(The bit about 14 trips to the wine cellar is true. She kept bringing me Cabernet Sauvignons when I had specifically and clearly requested a Pinot Noir... :facepalm: )
How long is it since you last produced an edition of the Crux Chronicle? :rolleyes:

(The bit about 14 trips to the wine cellar is true. She kept bringing me Cabernet Sauvignons when I had specifically and clearly requested a Pinot Noir... :facepalm: )
I have to admit, I miss the Chronicle...
I don't really think you have much to apologize for. None of us are entirely who or what we say we are. I am not really an anime character. Racing Rodent is not really a squirrel (At least, I don't think so). Jollyrei is not really may not really be the Grim Reaper.
One of the joys of sites like this is that we get to hide behind a mask at the other end of the server and be whoever we want.
And, let's be honest, we all enjoy looking at our notifications and see all those likes. We're humans, after all (well, most of us) and humans have a need for the approval of others even though some of us say we don't.
And, at least you are being somewhat honest. Using multiple accounts was wrong of you and you may have been rude to people, but I'm sure there have been much ruder people here.
Those of use who have been here a while may recall that there was once a "young woman" who was very active on the site. "She" seemed very genuine and gave many details about "herself", include details of "her" health struggles. But, there were clues in some of those details. It was eventually learned that "she" was an older man of a different nationality and "her" entire story was fictional. I still haven't figured out what her/his motive was. They never asked for money. I think they were just enjoying fooling people and being someone the weren't.
Anyway, it's all cool. You be you, Kathy. Or whoever you are.
IMHO, it is not a matter of being who you are. It's more a matter of honesty. Nobody expects anybody else to publish here their full name, address and real picture, so to speak. It's similar to the "storyteller contract": I'm going to tell you a lie, and you are going to believe it, even if you know it isn't true. For it to work, the lie must be convincing. Here it is the same. We are maintaining an apparent lie, yes; but at the same time we are showing a part of ourselves so true that we won't show it outside. That "lie" involves, paradoxically, the trust of other users.

In other words. "Luises" isn't my real name, of course, but it is my persona here, and you can trust on it. If I ran several accounts with different names, I would break that trust. I think that's the problem with multiple accounts and with the "Kathy case".

Maybe there could be some exceptions, like Wragg's alternate account. I think we all can agree that he has not tried to deceive anybody (or at least that's my feeling). And, to me, that makes the difference. But as a general rule, I agree that having several accounts should not be allowed.

As for the opposite case (several people using the same account), I think it is less clear. Maybe it could be right for a couple who share our fantasies, specially if they make it clear (once again, honesty). I can't come with any other reasonable scenarios, so I can not make a judgment about them.
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