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As for imagination, I think that should be kept to stories and artwork. Be as imaginative as you can be and be whomever you want to be there, but label it as such. When you present as being your true self, then that is what you should be.
This is similar to the theme of the movie "The Matrix". Don't get paranoid about it. The Forum is for fantasy anyway.

Winder, I am referencing the wider meaning of the word "imagination." No one here is the same person as he/she is in RL. And therefore no one here can "label" him/herself as genuine (what you call the "true self"). We all create a different world, a "fantasy," as Frank P refers to it. It is the basis of the site.

Insofar as banning multiple personas/logins from one person, I understand the argument that it clutters the site. But that clutter is minor and really doesn't cause any problems. In fact, it enriches CF. The proof is apparent in Kathy and her alter egos' presence. After finding out about them (and only afterwards), a few may feel deceived by these roles, but aren't we all, in conveying our fetishes and fantasies, acting out equally imaginative roles? And humans have always had fantasies of being different people: the hero who saves the day, the athlete who's admired, the Roman soldier who crucifies the beautiful slave, the beautiful slave who dies on the cross. We do not limit ourselves to dreaming only one fantasy; why should we limit others on CF to only one persona?
For several years I participated in this forum using primarily the name Kathy. I also assumed false identities and told lies. The other names were Debbie , Cruxlover and Nancycross.

I also spoke with some of you by private message and was sometimes dishonest. At times I stopped communicating with someone who thought they'd established a relationship with me without warning or explanation. I posted stories that were not mine and took credit for them.

My actions were selfish. I was looking for attention and affirmation , I wanted your praise and ratings for my stories in order to boost my ego. I wanted you to agree with me or compliment my posts as insightful for the same selfish purpose. I was only thinking of my own needs. I didn't think about the effect my words and actions might have on others. It's possible to be a part of an online community in a constructive way and to have meaningful relationships online. I didn't do this and for that I'm also sorry. I was also jealous of other female members because I believed they were more popular then myself.

I realize this apology cannot change the things I did .
No problems Kathy...
This, what you' ve said above happense to people.
Anyway you are our beloved friend Kathy...
'one member, one account'
I suddenly feel a wicked legal councel waking up inside me. :monoloco:
How would you define 'a member'? :confundio1:
Especially when it is linked to 'an account'.:icon_writing:
You cannot be a member without having an account. Account comes first, and that makes you a member, not the reverse.:roto2nuse:
The rule ought to relate to some condition outside of the forums. But that would be difficult to impose or verify, unless you start wit identity control, but that obviously goes beyond the nature of this forums, because of evident privacy reasons. :icon_tfno:This site does not discuss pastries and cakes:doh: after all.
(of course, we know mods have ways to detec§ irregularities):icon_pc:

Now; let me get serious for a moment.
Here is my question : how do you define a ‘member’? A unique physical person? Or a character? Because here, we are a character. We represent only one part of our personality, of the same physical person, which also has a RL appearance, as a respectable citizen (m/f), I presume. The part of our personality we are here for, is one we rather prefer to keep hidden for the rest of the world, for obvious reasons.

What I have been thinking about is that, suppose one has posted already a few thousand messages on this forums, and then someone would release a wicked algorithm on those posts. This operation would make appear a ‘profile’ of that member, and the question is, how close will that make appear, from behind the fog of fantasy, something that approaches one’s RL profile?

Somehow, that algorithm exists, spread over the collectivity of the other active members. Message by message, one builds up a virtual identity of one’s self here on this forum. Imperceptibly, the other members will form an image, a profile of that member. Gradually this profile will become clearer. Is it possible that a) this imaginary profile narrows in the heads of the different members towards a similar one and b) how much will the narrowing of that perceived profile come close to the RL profile?

Meanwhile, the same member gets more and more conscious about his/her own profile development on the forums. To a point that one starts behaving like in RL: even if this forums is about our ‘hidden’ fantasies, there may be fantasies (a sub-character of our ‘kink’) that we get reluctant to expose, even to this community. But suppose one would like to throw it in, anyway! The most practical ‘firewall’ then would be starting a new account, focusing on exposing that sub-kink, without ‘embarrassing’ one’s main profile. If handled with responsibility, that should not be a problem (the CelticVirgin case was certainly not responsible way, because it transgressed to bring in a fake RL problem, in order to draw attention). So, like happened before becoming member, a split occurs between the member's real-CF-life, and a concealed profile.

I have read above arguments against multiple accounts because of concerns of trust. I understand that too! So what we see here, is a conflict between privacy, even in this rather safe space (member's viewpoint), and the need for trust among the community. some dilemma!
Give Kathy back her thread, OK?
I think we agree, more or less, that multiple accounts should not be allowed, with some exceptions. What they are, and the rationales behind them, may be an interesting debate (count on me for it!), but it exceeds this thread's topic.

Let's start here a proper trial. Kathy has committed a crime. The charges are laid over the table. We all know what the sentence will be; but for it to be legal, we need, at least, a judge, a public prosecutor and an attorney. Don't let them say we are a bloodthirsty community! ;)

Edit: wooho! While I was writing this, Kathy has executed the sentence herself. I think the trial won't be necessary, after all :-( .
The trial and sentence is the choice of CF members , the above photos were just an example of a possiable outcome of the trial
"Possible outcome"? Don't ever dream you can avoid it. It may look like a fair trial, but the sentence is written in stone even before it starts. In CruxForums, nobody serves a prison term or is executed using some lame and easy method, like lethal injection or long drop hanging...
"Possible outcome"? Don't ever dream you can avoid it. It may look like a fair trial, but the sentence is written in stone even before it starts. In CruxForums, nobody serves a prison term or is executed using some lame and easy method, like lethal injection or long drop hanging...
Let's nevertheless give Kathy a reasonable chance, and at least pretend we do not set up a kangaroo court.:angel2:
Kathy has obviously the right to an attorney.:icon_tfno:
Perhaps we could recommend @thehangingtree to defend her!? He has lots of experience in penal cases!:D
Let's nevertheless give Kathy a reasonable chance, and at least pretend we do not set up a kangaroo court.:angel2:
Oh, pretend a fair trial, we surely can do it!

Perhaps we could recommend @thehangingtree to defend her!? He has lots of experience in penal cases!:D
He is showing it as the ruler of Namor. If he agrees, we only need a ("fair") prosecutor and an (also "fair") judge.
Watching a woman hang herself, kicking in the air, looking for support while she slowly chokes to death is a nice spectacle. I'm not going to deny it. But, in this case, it seems to me a very lenient sentence. Why let her go out after just 30 minutes of suffering when we can make her last a whole day with its night? She would end suffocating, of course. The difference is that pulling and pushing on the nails would allow herself to prolong her own suffering.
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