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Go to CruxDreams.com
For the record....
I'm really a 68 year old Grey haired woman,called Doris,who lives alone surrounded by cats.
I find the entire content of this website totally repugnant and my disgust at such perverse thoughts is unparalleled. I am totally pure in thought and deeds. Thank you.
(If I were you...I'd check the calendar)
Crucify her! Or is it him? Nevermind. But without loincloth, that is -- we want it to be a real torture for her/him :-P .
There are still some that want me to leave and will not except my apology , I decided to ask what do the majority of the CF members want me to do ?
Leave or stay?
Your choice.
All right, Kathy. I see your incessant desire to be "liked" and noticed by strangers who are nothing but screen names as a symptom of the sickness of our society at least as much as something to do with you. Pretty soon, most of the members will be AI software, with a human perhaps checking their work every now and then.

I'm glad I'm old...
All right, Kathy. I see your incessant desire to be "liked" and noticed by strangers who are nothing but screen names as a symptom of the sickness of our society at least as much as something to do with you. Pretty soon, most of the members will be AI software, with a human perhaps checking their work every now and then.

I'm glad I'm old...
I’m sorry, as a large language model, I cannot confirm or deny the presence of bots on the internet planning a takeover of humanity.
Quite honestly, being here more than occasionally is not so healthy. Summer is coming and where you live is mostly great outdoors. A hike or kayak adventure will be better for you than 10,000 likes here...say hi to the moose...
That we agree on
I think it is difficult for a submissive masochist to make personal decisions, so my final and serious sentence for Kathy is that she decide for herself what to do!

Kathy, you must decide what is the most healthy way for your personal benefit to interact with the other people here.
I personally keep my secrets mostly to myself. When I write fiction on AO3 I have a decent following and they know me as a straight male. I was born a male and legally am a male. I identify yo my closest friends as transgender. If I had been born after 2000 I would have had sex reassignment done. Still I see myself more as a woman and would be considered bisexual. I hesitate to admit that even here and would never on my non erotic accounts where I write stories that have no snuff erotica or other elements that make up my stories here.
I for the most part identify myself as male, which is the sex I was given at birth, yet I cannot deny that in erotic matters I tend to identify mainly with women, generally as victims of something or as people humiliated by some others' deeds or, why not, by their own choice.

In short, I do not claim to call myself 'transgender' or something, however I generally fantasize from a woman's point of view (or at least, from what FOR ME is a woman's point of view) in all sexually stimulating matters.

If I were a beautiful woman, I like to imagine that I would be a BDSM porn actress, so that everyone can recognize me when I walk down the street, remembering my orgasms, my tears, my pain.

In an even more imaginative scenario, I like to picture myself as a woman marching toward her own painful, humiliating execution: afraid but curious to undergo on my 'female' naked body a unique and, alas, deadly experience, unknown to most.
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