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Barb goes BATS

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Of course you would pick the most difficult one. why does that not surprise me? But, I'm up to the challenge. So, do we have a deal? No song until a firm commitment on your part. Getting umlauts right is a real bitch in Norrland.
Swedish is actually not all that difficult. There are a lot of cognitives cognates and they don’t the verb at the end of the sentence put.
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Swedish is actually not all that difficult. There are a lot of cognitives and they don’t the verb at the end of the sentence put.
So, you claim to understand Swedish!?:facepalm:
A language no one understands and no one understands how the people who speak it, understand each other!:confundio1:
Is that the language, witches like you communicate with the devil?:smilie-devil:
One more proof of your guilt!:eek:
So, you claim to understand Swedish!?:facepalm:
A language no one understands and no one understands how the people who speak it, understand each other!:confundio1:
Is that the language, witches like you communicate with the devil?:smilie-devil:
One more proof of your guilt!:eek:
Ask the Danes or the Norskies if Swedish is really a language or just mindless gibber?
There are a lot of cognitives
Merriam Webster -
Definition of cognitive
1: of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering)

What, pray tell, could that have to do with Swedes??
I know of (but wouldn't claim to know much of) cognitive linguistics, and I believe it's quite influential in Swedish university depts of linguistics (e.g. Uppsala), but I must admit I've not come across 'cognitives' as parts of a language, in the way Barb's used the word - I'd love to be enlightened!
Merriam Webster -
Definition of cognitive
1: of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering)

What, pray tell, could that have to do with Swedes??
Okay, so I have a lot of issues with pushing buttons I shouldn’t, and with autocorrect on my iPhone. That was supposed to read “cognates”, not “cognitives”.
I know of (but wouldn't claim to know much of) cognitive linguistics, and I believe it's quite influential in Swedish university depts of linguistics (e.g. Uppsala), but I must admit I've not come across 'cognitives' as parts of a language, in the way Barb's used the word - I'd love to be enlightened!
Perhaps someone was talking of cognates? Can we blame the iPhone spell check again?
I know of (but wouldn't claim to know much of) cognitive linguistics, and I believe it's quite influential in Swedish university depts of linguistics (e.g. Uppsala), but I must admit I've not come across 'cognitives' as parts of a language, in the way Barb's used the word - I'd love to be enlightened!
AUTOCORRECT!!! :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
But cognates of what? English words? Or in other Nordic languages?
English words. There are quite a few English words we have inherited from Scandinavian languages … e.g., knife from kniv, law from lag, etc.
Also from other Nordic languages. With good will Nordics can speak “Scandinavian” and understand one another … sometimes ;)
English words. There are quite a few English words we have inherited from Scandinavian languages … e.g., knife from kniv, law from lag, etc.
Oh yes, that's home territory for me. My only problem is, having some knowledge of Old Norse, when I go to Iceland, I can challenge anyone I meet to a duel, but have to think hard how to ask the way to the bathroom :)
Oh yes, that's home territory for me. My only problem is, having some knowledge of Old Norse, when I go to Iceland, I can challenge anyone I meet to a duel, but have to think hard how to ask the way to the bathroom :)
badrum in Swedish … another cognate. But, ja, those Icelanders can be that way.
All right! All right! Let's keep our eye on the ball here. The real topic is:

1) I agreed to:

Produce an illustrated song from a language passed down from the Vikings and thus comprised mostly of grunts, curses, and screams with a sparse sprinkling of intelligible words.

2) You, on the other hand, would merely have to agree to:

Sit down.
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All right! All right! Let's keep our eye on the ball here. The real topic is:

1) I agreed to:

Produce an illustrated song from a language passed down from the Vikings and thus comprised mostly of grunts, curses, and screams with a sparse sprinkling of intelligible words.

2) You, on the other hand, would merely have to agree to:

Sit down.
Okey dokey :)
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