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By the road

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Rosetta’s execution day arrives. She is brought from the cellar dungeon into the courtyard. Besides the rope binding her hands she wears nothing. The guards’ commander says “Free her hands. Not even a senator’s daughter can carry a cross with her hands bound like that.”

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Rosetta’s hands are freed but the relief is short-lived. A cross is placed on her shoulder. Angry, Rosetta asks “What am I to do with this?”

“Carry it up the hill, Rosetta” the commander says. “Without it, we would have you to a tree.”

The options are not good, but a cross has to be better than a tree. Rosetta begins dragging the cross through the crowd that has come to see her nailed to it. They shout vulgar things about how good such a noble woman will look like nailed to the cross. She cannot believe that she was going to be nailed to the cross she carries and mere commoners will be able to watch it happen to her.

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Not having a woman carry the cross she will be crucified on before, Quercus made it a short route to the hill where Rosetta will be crucified. A healthy young woman, Rosetta had little difficulty carrying the cross. The soldiers’ whips kept her motivated even as she dragged the cross she would soon be nailed to and hang naked from until it finished her.

At the hill’s crest the cross was taken from Rosetta’s shoulder. She stood naked before a shoddily dressed man and covered her breasts. She glared at the man and asked “Are you going to nail me to the cross?”

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“No, I’m just a carpenter your father hired to make sure they crucify you the right way” the man replies.

Rosetta does all she can to keep from peeing on herself as she realizes not only will she be crucified, but her father has blessed the action! While this was happening, the soldiers had taken the beam from the cross and stood the stipe in a hole in the ground. She is taken to the beam her arms would be nailed to and her arms were tied to it in a most revealing way. One of the soldiers removes his clothes and kneels between her legs. As he rams his hard cock into her, he says “Let’s see in a senator’s daughter fucks as good as common whore.”

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Rosetta cannot believe she is defiled in such a way before the commoners. He explodes a load of his cum deep in her pussy. As he climbs off her he says “Not bad, Rosetta. Gentlemen, nail this bitch to the cross.”

As horrible as the thought of being crucified was, the reality was beyond Rosetta’s wildest imagination. Three soldiers grabbed her limbs, one on each arm and the third held her ankles. The first spike was pounded through her wrist and into the wood of the cross. Rosetta had never felt such pain before and howled like a wounded animal.

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The carpenter cautioned the soldier on her right wrist “Be careful not to hit her bones. We don’t want her to pass out before she is up on the cross.”

Rosetta’s wrists were nailed to the beam and the crew lifted the beam with her attached to it to mount it on the stipe. The pain from hanging from the spikes overwhelmed Rosetta and a stream of her pee squirted from her pussy.

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The crew dropped the beam onto the stipe, knocking the air from Rosetta. Instead of nailing her feet to the stipe, one of the men lifted her legs as another hammered an animal’s horn into the stipe. Breathlessly Rosetta asked “What are you doing?”

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“Just giving you something to sit on. We wouldn’t want you to die too quickly.”

Rosetta’s feet were then nailed to the cross. Despite the pain, she held herself up and refused to take the horn up her ass.

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Finally the pain was more than she could take and Rosetta impaled herself on the cornu.
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She let loose a horrific scream as she settled on the cornu. No one was sure if it hurt more than the spikes holding her to the face of the cross…
Rosetta’s rapidly ending life was hell. She hung nailed to the cross with a sharp cornu spearing her ass. Eventually she tried to pull the horn from the cross. It took tremendous effort on her part pulling her hips from the cross’ stipe to drag the cornu from the hole it was mounted in. The moves she made thrust her pussy forward and her legs apart. With her arms nailed to the cross, the only way for her to pull out the horn was with her ass. The crowd cheered each of Rosetta’s thrusts. She didn’t care once she felt the cornu drop from her butt and bounce off her legs. She was free of its obscene torment.

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Rosetta’s ordeal with the cross was hardly over. She still was hanging from the face of the cross. The spikes limited her movements. Her head was the only part of her body unconstrained by the nails. She could move up and down on the stipe but the wood, though it looked smooth tore, at her backside. And the crowd below Rosetta had not stopped yelling vulgar jeers at her. Part of her wished they would leave her alone while she still feared being alone nailed to the cross.

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Evening came and the crowd began to leave. The only lighting on the hill at night would be the guards’ bonfire, more meant to keep them warm than to illuminate Rosette hanging from her cross. The path down the hill was not lit either and after being crucified in the morning, Rosetta was wearing to the tortures the cross had inflicted on her.

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As the sun disappeared under the western horizon, Rosetta looked about the hilltop, now empty except for a pair of guards huddled by their fire. Rosetta slumped against the cross with her weight hanging from the nails through her wrist. She thinks ‘go home, you bastards, and enjoy your beds. No one is going to save me from this damn thing.’

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Quercus had observed that with the few women he had crucified they showed an amazing stamina, lasting longer than most men he had condemned to death on the cross. Rosetta was no different. In the night, she stared up into the dark sky and prayed to the gods to end her suffering.

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Sometime in the night her prayers were answered. By the time the sun rose, the guards awoke from their drunken sleep and saw Rosetta hanging motionless from the cross.

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One of the guards said “I’m glad we don’t have to take her from the cross and bury her…”
Quercus took his governorship seriously. Overtime he expanded what a woman could be crucified, including the failure to bear children. This led to Samantha’s execution nailed to a cross.

Samantha was a beautiful woman who had refused to marry any of the available bachelors of Sicily. It was hardly because she was not pursued by many of them.

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Samantha enjoyed an active sex life. She enjoyed having intercourse with men but had a unique way to avoid becoming pregnant. Samantha would not allow her partners to launch their seed down there. She instead would insist on turning over and have the men cum in her ass.

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Most men did not mind Samantha’s odd habit. The women they had had intercourse with had been adamant about not having their cocks shoved up their asses!

But there was a cleric from nearby Cruxton. Samantha had no use for any type of religion and felt bedding a holy man was a special conquest. The cleric was not hard to convince to have sex with her (the whole celibacy thing was still centuries away). But Samantha was firm about not letting the cleric get her pregnant. She insisted he came in her ass. The cleric did not mind the experience but did ask Samatha how she expected to bear a child as he came in her bowels.

“Listen, I don’t need your child any more than I need to bear a Roman soldier’s” she hissed as he shot his load.

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The cleric, while enjoying screwing Samatha’s ass, felt a need to tell Quercus about her objection to be bearing a child for a Roman soldier. After all, Quercus was the largest donor to his abbey, and it would not be wise to lose that source of income.

Samantha was tried for failure to support the Roman empire and was sentenced to death by crucifixion. She was nailed to a cross and raised to die hanging from the face of it.

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A large crowd turned out for Samatha’s crucifixion. They marveled that a wealthy women would be sentenced to die nailed naked to a cross. They were both shocked and entertained when Samantha peed and a river of her piss ran down her bare legs.

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One of the women watching Samatha’s crucifixion commented “She must be in a lot of pain to leak like that in front of us!”

Another woman looked at her and said “Wait till you bear a child. I almost peed like that when mine came out!”

The crowd thinned out in the heat of the afternoon, leaving Samantha alone on the cross.

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A pair of women, escaping the cool temperatures of Anjou, wandered by the site of Samatha’s crucifixion. Judith looked up at the woman hanging naked from the cross. Aghast she exclaims “Messaline, who could be so cruel to do this to a woman?”

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“She must be in terrible pain!”

Messaline thinks Samatha looks absolutely divine. She walks up to the cross and calls up to Samantha “You look lovely on the cross. Why are you up there?”

Samantha gasps for her breath and moans “They are putting me to death. It is taking forever.”

“Well, I don’t understand all of this but I think you look fantastic” Messaline exclaimed “and don’t let anyone tell you different!”

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“I don’t feel fantastic” Samantha moans. “You should try it to see how you’d look.”

“Oh, I am just visiting here. I don’t think I could arrange to be nailed to the wood like you are.”

Little did Messaline know how wrong she could be.

Samantha endured the tortures of the cross well into the night. By the next morning her body hung limp from the cross.

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The cross had taken another woman to her grave…
Quercus took his governorship seriously. Overtime he expanded what a woman could be crucified, including the failure to bear children. This led to Samantha’s execution nailed to a cross.

Samantha was a beautiful woman who had refused to marry any of the available bachelors of Sicily. It was hardly because she was not pursued by many of them.

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Samantha enjoyed an active sex life. She enjoyed having intercourse with men but had a unique way to avoid becoming pregnant. Samantha would not allow her partners to launch their seed down there. She instead would insist on turning over and have the men cum in her ass.

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Most men did not mind Samantha’s odd habit. The women they had had intercourse with had been adamant about not having their cocks shoved up their asses!

But there was a cleric from nearby Cruxton. Samantha had no use for any type of religion and felt bedding a holy man was a special conquest. The cleric was not hard to convince to have sex with her (the whole celibacy thing was still centuries away). But Samantha was firm about not letting the cleric get her pregnant. She insisted he came in her ass. The cleric did not mind the experience but did ask Samatha how she expected to bear a child as he came in her bowels.

“Listen, I don’t need your child any more than I need to bear a Roman soldier’s” she hissed as he shot his load.

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The cleric, while enjoying screwing Samatha’s ass, felt a need to tell Quercus about her objection to be bearing a child for a Roman soldier. After all, Quercus was the largest donor to his abbey, and it would not be wise to lose that source of income.

Samantha was tried for failure to support the Roman empire and was sentenced to death by crucifixion. She was nailed to a cross and raised to die hanging from the face of it.

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A large crowd turned out for Samatha’s crucifixion. They marveled that a wealthy women would be sentenced to die nailed naked to a cross. They were both shocked and entertained when Samantha peed and a river of her piss ran down her bare legs.

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One of the women watching Samatha’s crucifixion commented “She must be in a lot of pain to leak like that in front of us!”

Another woman looked at her and said “Wait till you bear a child. I almost peed like that when mine came out!”

The crowd thinned out in the heat of the afternoon, leaving Samantha alone on the cross.

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A pair of women, escaping the cool temperatures of Anjou, wandered by the site of Samatha’s crucifixion. Judith looked up at the woman hanging naked from the cross. Aghast she exclaims “Messaline, who could be so cruel to do this to a woman?”

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“She must be in terrible pain!”

Messaline thinks Samatha looks absolutely divine. She walks up to the cross and calls up to Samantha “You look lovely on the cross. Why are you up there?”

Samantha gasps for her breath and moans “They are putting me to death. It is taking forever.”

“Well, I don’t understand all of this but I think you look fantastic” Messaline exclaimed “and don’t let anyone tell you different!”

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“I don’t feel fantastic” Samantha moans. “You should try it to see how you’d look.”

“Oh, I am just visiting here. I don’t think I could arrange to be nailed to the wood like you are.”

Little did Messaline know how wrong she could be.

Samantha endured the tortures of the cross well into the night. By the next morning her body hung limp from the cross.

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The cross had taken another woman to her grave…
Well, they are learning quickly all about the brutal eroticism of crucifying women. Wonder if there will be any penalties for hair crimes? :p
Messaline thinks Samatha looks absolutely divine. She walks up to the cross and calls up to Samantha “You look lovely on the cross. Why are you up there?”

Samantha gasps for her breath and moans “They are putting me to death. It is taking forever.”

“Well, I don’t understand all of this but I think you look fantastic” Messaline exclaimed “and don’t let anyone tell you different!”

I love this little exchange.
To me it is worth 10 000 words.
Je dis bravo!
Tree admits this has been the longest introduction to any of his stories. Now onto the meat of tale…

A group of women had acquired some land in southern Sicily. They were all from lands north of the island, which was most of Europe. They bought an estate that had all the ‘modern’ amenities, even a bath with running water and a sauna they enjoyed sharing.

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In current times they would have been labeled as bi-sexual. In fact, they were just sexual, loving women or men that could give them the pleasures they desired. They certainly enjoyed the arousal they gave each other.

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They of course had their favorite companions. Judith and Messaline who came from France were particularly fond of each other.

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Still they all got along as a unique ‘family’.

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The women wanted extra security at their estate and visited with the governor. Quercus was more than willing to provide guards- at a price. The women were not thrilled at his offer and approached his soldiers individually. They made them offers they could not refuse. You see, in those times such things as marriage were not important to the women. They had something the soldiers wanted and were willing to trade that for the security they wanted.

There was a saying back then that men thought with their peckers and the soldiers certainly did. Some of the soldiers were quite skilled with their cocks and were quite enjoyable to be with.

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Some were quite adventurous in their ways, which some of the women found quite exciting.

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Emily particularly enjoyed Archer who treated her like a whore but always satisfied her darkest desires.

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Some were lacking in finesse and wanted sex in unusual ways. Messaline took those soldiers on saying their odd desires were no different from the men’s back in Anjou.

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For a while, things went well. The women got the extra security they wanted with no monetary outlay and the soldiers provided security for a little bit of pussy. But such an arrangement did not escape the attention of Quercus Conferta. He was missing out on revenues with his soldiers providing ‘free’ security.

He took umbrage to the women ‘entertaining’ his soldiers in unspeakable ways of sexual activities while the women did not pay him the taxes they owed him. He decided to arrest the group of women for treason against the empire. He did not trust his soldiers to handle taking the women into custody so her sent out his crack group of constables, a horde of mercenaries he hired from across the Mediterranean, to arrest the women. Quercus knew he could trust them as he paid them what seemed an obscene amount (it was pittance for the governor but generous for what they made in their homeland) and his constables considered women somewhat less valuable than livestock.

The constables raided the women’s estate and took them into custody. The women had their hands bound and they were led in a coffle back to Messina. Some were quite annoyed at being arrested but Messina looked at the men escorting them to Messina. She mentally undressed the men and thought how delectable they would be in the sack.

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Little did any of them know the men were acting on the devious desires of Quercus Conferta!
The women are brought back to Messina where they will be condemned to be crucified to death they will be tried as traitors to the Roman empire. A group of them stand trial together. By the way they were brought into court, they should have known things were not looking good for them. After a shame of a trial- and not being Roman citizens they were lucky to get that- the women were sentenced to be nailed to crosses that would be raised for them to hang from until the crosses killed them- no matter how long that took.

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Not all the women were condemned together. The French woman Messaline was tried separately. When she was arrested her lover Judith could not be found.

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Governor Quercus ordered her to be tried separately, not only as a traitor to the empire but as a spy for the land of Anjou. She was brought to court bound and blindfolded by Quercus’ sister Joan.

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Joan was little comfort to Messaline as she casually commented how good Messaline’s French tits would look as they heaved on her chest while she struggled to breathe while she was crucified.

The court, wanting to avoid an international uprising, even provided Messaline with state-supplied barrister named Tree to defend her. He was a safe bet as his win record was 0 to hundreds of losses. Tree gave Messaline his best effort stating how innocent she looked. It did no good.

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Like the women already tried, Messaline was sentenced to death to be crucified naked next to her friends. Messaline had visions of Samantha on the cross and hoped she would look at least as good as she did.

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There was a third trial, this for a British woman named Barbara. As like the other women she was brought to court naked as she was born. Sitting as judge was the cleric Wragg who was quite despondent with her. He said he had wanted to build a summer castle in Briton but her relatives from the moors had prevented a Roman takeover of the island nation.

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With great pomp he declared Barbara must be put to death, crucified with her friends, for the crimes her relatives had committed while keeping the Romans from ‘annexing’ her homeland.

All the women of the estate had condemned to be crucified. There would be a slight delay in putting them to death as riders had to be dispatched to notify the people of Rome of Quercus’ largest mass crucifixion.

This is not to say the women condemned to the cross had a leisurely time waiting for their crucifixions. Quercus’ sister Joan had great fun presenting to women to the Roman ladies who lived in Sicily or had come from the mainland to enjoy the crucifixions of the ‘foreign’ women. It was known Quercus had crucified Roman women after convicting them and stripping them of their citizenship, but it was also known, though never discussed in public, that a crucified Roman lady was just that- a lady.

Joan enjoyed parading the condemned women out on display. Roman women would pose next to the woman prisoner and make fun of her naked body as she stood nude before them. Joan’s favorite to present was Messaline, the French woman who would be crucified with the others.

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Joan would mock Messaline before the people, saying how magnificent Messaline’s ‘udders’ would look as they were lifted and spread as she hung naked on the cross. Messaline did not understand most of what Joan was saying about her, but she could tell by the tone of Joan’s voice it was nothing kind that would be happening to her.

In the bowels of Messina’s dungeon the guards had their way with the women not being displayed. The one named ‘Bull’ was fucking one of the trussed women. Barbara gasped “You are all animals! We would never do this to a prisoner back where I come from!”

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Bull smirks and says “You will look back at this fondly while you hang naked nailed to you cross…”
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With great pomp he declared Barbara must be put to death, crucified with her friends, for the crimes her relatives had committed while keeping the Romans from ‘annexing’ her homeland.
Unfair, I say! Totally unfair! Romans go home!
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