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By the road

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"This blood is dirtying my body, I'm not in beauty ! Is there somebody to clean me ? ... "

"They prefer to watch me nailed to a cross rather than to make me properly love : I hate all of them !"

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"Dear Messaline, please consider the blood an ornament of your crucifixion" Quercus explains. "Besides, you are a woman condemned to death by crucifixion. Be proud so many have come to see your naked body so well displayed on the cross. If they cannot have you, be satisfied they lust at your nude body nailed to the cross!!!"
Quercus’ mass execution of the women was quite popular with the citizens of Messina. They had not seen so many lovely women crucified at one time.

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Of course, even in Rome when a slave woman was crucified, it was one at a time. The people did not seem at all bothered that a row of women were suffering their horrible executions on their cross- they were foreigners after all.

They did not seem to mind that the one named Barbara shouted curses down at them.

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They all figured she would stop doing so when the cross took her life. They just hoped she would suffer the rigors of the cross for a long time.

There was one thing about crucifying someone to death they understood. No matter how smooth the cross looked it was an unnatural way to spend your final hours. The body is not meant to be stretched the way it was and hanging from spikes driven through one’s wrists does not promote a long life.

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While all watching knew the women were experiencing tortures they could not imagine, no one watching had ever felt the hell the women were going through. The women on the crosses could feel the beam of the stipe dig into their shoulders. Every breath was a labor to live. And though Quercus had the surfaces of the crosses smoothed at a glance, the women crucified felt every imperfection and splinter of wood digging into their bare flesh as if the cross was made rough cut wood.

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The way Quercus had the women nailed to their crosses displayed them prominently to the crowd as they hanged from their cross. Their breasts were thrust out for the crowd and their legs were nicely curved as the spikes held their feet flat against the face of the stipes. The nails through their wrists spread their arms which helped raise and spread their tits.

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Of course, none of this was done for condemned women’s comfort. The women had a most difficult time breathing and the position made joints sore and their muscles ache. No matter how they moved to ease the pain there was no relief. There was a new torment coming to the women’s attention. Though not being fed the morning they were crucified and hunger gnawed at their bellies, what they ate the days prior now demanded to be passed.

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She looks down over her naked body and thinks in horror ‘I cannot relieve myself before them!’ She does not know how wrong she would be.

A few crosses away, Messaline

reflects on the tortures of her crucifixion. Her arms ache in ways they never have before. Her feet are in agony from the spike driven through them. Her legs have cramped, not from holding her body up but from the strange way they are splayed apart. None of these bothers her as much as the slow trickle of her blood running down her arms. She cries out “I can’t stand the blood. Must I bleed while nailed to this thing?”

Emily turns to her and tries to console her. “Messaline, they don’t care if we bleed as we hang. Their perverse goal is to kill us as slowly as they can.”

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“I know that. I understand I will bleed from my wounds, but it makes me look terrible in front of all these people…”
The crucifixion of the women was to punish them for their sexual activities with Quercus’ troops to get free added security for their estate. Quercus could have charged the taxes they owed but they were Roman citizens and he decided to make an example of they and sentence them to death by crucifixion. It was a severe punishment for the women but was wildly popular with the citizens of Messina who came out in droves to see the row of women crucified naked. Even married men’s wives did not mind their husbands going to the hill to lust and harass the women on their crosses.

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The people casually toured the hilltop making comments about the condemned women stretched lewdly on their crosses.

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The crucified women did not understand everything being said to or about them and it was unclear if the Messinians understood whatever they said back. The difference was the people gawking at them would spend that evening in the comfort of their beds while the women- if they survived that long- would go into the night still hanging nailed to their cross.

The actions of the women varied as they hung from their crosses. Eulalia, still under the impression she deserved the punishment inflicted on her, felt obliged to somehow please the people staring at her. She would push out with her feet, exposing her private parts to the crowd. She knew enough Latin to ask “Is that what you want to see?”

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By their applause and cheers, she presumed she had pleased them.

Most of the women were not so submissive to their executioners and the crowd. Quercus’s sister Joan tours the hilltop and comes to Kathrine’s cross. Kathrine groans down to her “How can you let your brother do this to us?”

“Put you to death? You are a convicted criminal” Joan scolds back.

“I mean crucifying us” Kathrine calls down. “In my land, people are put to death by cutting off their heads… the really bad ones are hanged by their necks to kill them!”

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A smile grows on Joan’s face and she explains “But if he did that, you would be dead already. And you still have a lot of suffering before death relieves your pain!”

It is late afternoon and the high cleric Wragg has completed his lunch and returned to the hilltop to say words at each woman’s cross. Barbara yells down from her cross “I don’t need your prayers! I am not of your faith and you are a part of those who have put us here to die!”

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“My dear, I have not come to offer you my blessings. I came here pray the your naked body spends eternity in hell as the evil lord’s whore” Wragg calmly explains before he prays for her damnation in hell.

Things are not going better for Messaline. A gentle hand caresses her naked ass while a familiar voice says “My, you look lovely hanged from that wood.”

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“Judith, you came here to save me” Messaline exclaims.

“No darling, Messaline, I came to see you suffer all of Quercus’ tortures before you die on that horrible thing” Judith says. “You see, I had to explain to Quercus I had no idea you were screwing his soldiers to get extra security at the estate.”

“But Judith, I am going to die up here” Messaline cries.

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“And you look positively divine doings so” Judith coos.

As evening approaches, some of the women of the women have begun to succumb to the tortures of the cross. They hang from the spikes driven through their wrists. They look around at the crowd and realize death will be the only relief from their agony.

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One prays she does not live long enough to see tomorrow’s sunrise…
It is late afternoon and the high cleric Wragg has completed his lunch and returned to the hilltop to say words at each woman’s cross.
Late afternoon? He took his time to lunch! Or did he need an afternoon nap first?:sleep3:

Wragg calmly explains before he prays for her damnation in hell.
Meaning : " @Barbaria1 , you will resurrect, just to end your next life at a cross again. This cycle will repeat for eternity, unless the lives you will serve as a kitchen maid in a place called Cruxton Abbey!"
Meaning : " @Barbaria1 , you will resurrect, just to end your next life at a cross again. This cycle will repeat for eternity, unless the lives you will serve as a kitchen maid in a place called Cruxton Abbey!"
Finally!!! Mystery solved! Why I keep ending up crucified naked time and time again on this crazy website!

I’m getting resurrected.

I must have god-like qualities.

Yeah that must be it!

Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?
She prays she does not live long enough to see tomorrow’s sunrise.

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The women’s crucifixions have taken most of the day, but Quercus made sure their torments from hanging from the cross would last a long time before the comforts of death visited them. He had his finest craftsmen nail their wrists and even tossed some gold coins to Tree, a master carpenter, to nail their feet. The long day on the cross had taken a toll on the crucified women but all had survived the day as they hanged from their cross under the blazing sun.

It may be argued crucifying the women was a cruel method to execute them. There was their march to the hill carrying part of the cross they would be hanged from. The women were all raped before or after their arms were spiked to their crosses. Then the crosses were raised where they hung from the course wood the crosses were made of. Of course to add insult to all this, they were naked during all this, exposed to the horde of Messinians that have come to see their ordeal.

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The cruelty of the women’s execution is they have some motion of their body but the spikes hold their arms and feet securely to the cross. The sweat and blood that trickles down their flesh cannot be wiped. The insects that gnaw at their skin cannot be shooed away. These are additional curses to hanging from the cross in a way their bodies are not meant to be hung.

Quercus comes to the hill in the early evening to inspect the work of his men. He is pleased to see all the women have survived the day. He comes to Emily’s cross and taunts her saying “I could have saved you from this if you would have agreed to be my slave.”

“I would rather die on this cross than have your hands touch me” Emily says.

“Oh, you will die on your cross” he assures her. He reaches up to grab her breasts and says “But my hands can touch any part of you that I wish to and you can do nothing about it.”

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Later, Tree takes a tour of the hill to see how and if the women are holding up. He stops at Messaline’s cross when she asks him “How do I looks?”

Tree can see the rigors her crucifixion has taken on her. He lights a smoke and lies a bit, saying “You look lovely, better than all the others.”

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Eulalia hangs from her cross. Mentally she is quite ready to die and end her suffering, but her body does not comply with her wishes. Tree stands below her cross and asks how she is doing. Eulalia says “I am ready to die, but my body won’t.”

Tree does his best to comfort her and says “Don’t worry, I don’t think you will last the night. Eulalia rolls her eyes.

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In her agony she had forgotten she could still be crucified and alive in the night’s darkness.

The sun nears the horizon but it is hardly dark yet. Barbara turns to Emily and says “I don’t think I’ll live till tomorrow.”

“This isn’t living” Emily says. “We just haven’t died yet.”

“I know” Barbara replies. “Everything hurts and I can’t do a thing about it. I look down and see my breasts and I can’t even touch them.”

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“You are lucky” Emily says. “I wish I was dead when that bastard Quercus reached up and grabbed mine.”

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Barbara looked down at her breasts slowly heaving with each breath she took. She sighed “I can’t even feel mine. I wish I could touch them one more time.”

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The two women became silent as the sun sank towards the horizon.

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Neither said it but they both prayed they wouldn’t see it rise in the morning…
The sun nears the horizon but it is hardly dark yet. Barbara turns to Emily and says “I don’t think I’ll live till tomorrow.”

“This isn’t living” Emily says. “We just haven’t died yet.”

“I know” Barbara replies. “Everything hurts and I can’t do a thing about it. I look down and see my breasts and I can’t even touch them.”

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Emily ( @mp5stab ) and I always have the most interesting conversations whenever we find ourselves nailed to crosses, side by side, along some road or another. So much to talk about! ;):p
There is a flurry of activity as the sun starts to set. A mother and daughter take a last look at the crucified women, not expecting any of them to survive till the morning. The daughter looks at a pair of the women and says “What a terrible way to be put to death.”

Her mother agrees buts adds “They were all foreigners. They bribed some soldiers to secure their estate.”

“So Roman women cannot be crucified” the daughter asks.

“Yes, they could even crucify you” her mother explains. If one of Quercus’ soldiers tells you to do something, it would be wise for you to so!”

The daughter mischievously asks “Does that include having sex with them?”

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Her mother wisely does not answer.

The sun dips towards the horizon. The women are alone on their crosses except for a few soldiers that were assigned to clear the hilltop of spectators and those that will be standing guard over them during the night. The women look at the setting sun wondering what the night will be like.

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They had never imagined the day they just experienced but feared the night would only be worse- if they even survived it.

Quercus’ sister Joan is on the hill with her lover friend. They tour the crucified women making comments about their naked bodies displayed above them. They get to Emily’s cross and make lewd comments about how tempting she looks even after a day on the cross. Emily growls at Joan “It was your brother that put us here.”

Joan laughs and says “Your crimes put you there. My brother just passed sentence on what you did.”

Joan’s friend says “She is a feisty bitch for being crucified as long as she has been.”

Joan confidently says “She may be now but I’ll bet she is dead on the cross when we wake up tomorrow.”

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The soldiers take a last tour of the hilltop to make sure all the Messinians had left. They make comments about each woman as they pass each cross. They get to Kathrine’s cross, and she gasps down to them “Don’t make me spend the night up here. I cannot take anymore.”

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The soldiers laugh and one says “You have been condemned to die on the cross. Quercus would be pissed at us if one of our swords killed you before your cross did.”

Nights get a bit cool in Messina and up on the hill where the women are crucified it can get downright chilly, even for the guards in their uniforms. One of the soldiers builds a fire while the other tours the hilltop, checking on the women on their crosses. He gets to Eulalia and see she is shivering along with all the other tortures she has endured.

“You look cold up there” he casually says.

“I am freezing and hurt all over. Couldn’t he have built the fire closer” she asks.

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“Would be fair to the others” he says. “Plus if your are lucky, the cold might kill you quicker…”
“Yes, they could even crucify you” her mother explains. If one of Quercus’ soldiers tells you to do something, it would be wise for you to so!”

The daughter mischievously asks “Does that include having sex with them?”

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Her mother wisely does not answer.
The women have been crucified for having had sex with Quercus' soldiers... :eek:
Now it looks like, a woman can be crucified for NOT having sex with Quercus' soldiers! :confused:
Life sucks for women on Sicily! :roto2palm:
The following morning, Tree is summoned to Governor Quercus’ estate. Not knowing what Quercus could want he arrives as requested. ‘Who knows’ he thinks ‘there may be some new women needing to be crucified.’

He arrives at Quercus’ home and is brought to the upstairs balcony where he is greeted by Quercus and his sister Joan. Pleasantries are exchanged before Quercus directs Tree’s attention to the hill overlooking the city where there is a magnificent view of the women that were crucified yesterday. Tree is rather pleased most of them appear to still be suffering the torments of their crucifixions alive while some may have passed during the night, but he is too far away to be sure.

Tree proudly says “We did a good job. Most seem to have made it.”

Joan says “We want you to take them down.”

Tree indignantly says “I put them up. Get your laborers to take them down. Besides, some are still alive. I thought you wanted them to die from being crucified.”

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Quercus says “I have the means to make sure they die on the cross.”

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“Will you take them down then” Quercus asks.

“I am not a sanitation worker” Tree says.

“I will pay you well” Quercus replies.

“How well” Tree asks…

The end…
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