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Crisis at Cruxton Abbey

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No, not at once, we used a lighter one for practice, the other is a little heavier, she kept complaining on and on and on... so we cut up about ten of them of different lengths and weights... by the way, there's a lot of sawdust on the village road over there
If that is all French Premium Wood, and if it is fine enough, the Abbey could sell it for snuff. Consult Loxoru for the economics of it all.
People snort all kinds of things you know. It would be sold as a French High - 1,000 Pounds a snort. :D
Well, I suppose nothing is impossible. Perhaps @messaline can devise some small incentive that might entice the Graf von Kreuzigung to make a slight alteration to the plan?
No problem, this is only the beginning of the show! Roles of the condemned can always be switched, if a reenactor feels better or performs better in another part!:cool:

Hum, perhaps I can propose my intimate favours to satisfy his deepest wishes ...

View attachment 1511704
And I am always open for 'discussing' demands to change roles:rolleyes:
She made such a scene with her ill temper that we had to take her down to the dungeon and lock her in the stocks until she gets over it.
Absolutely no choice, old bean. What?
“And a special shout-out, if I may, to Mp5stab for designing the scandalously revealing outfits and exquisite hair arrangements on display amongst the staff serving girls this evening! A preview perhaps of the costuming magic she has in store for the event.
Good job there's a dictionary in the Abbey library so that those present can look up the meaning of the word 'costuming' ;)

mention of Riesling.
She can hear that word from three counties away... :rolleyes:

In fact, she’s quite naked.
Don't need a dictionary for 'naked'. Just 'costume'.

“Tree has calculated, with the utmost precision, the exact moment beyond which we dare not go, and in the case of the crucified we’ll be using Mp5stab’s polished sterile thin nails!” Drawled Tree.

“Tree? Precision? Exact moment? …. OH BLOODY SHIT! … gimme a break!” Cried Barb, reaching for and draining a yet half-full Riesling bottle.
What's the problem? He's never got it wrong yet!

Has he? :eek:
If that is all French Premium Wood, and if it is fine enough, the Abbey could sell it for snuff. Consult Loxoru for the economics of it all.
People snort all kinds of things you know. It would be sold as a French High - 1,000 Pounds a snort. :D
No, the French Premium is under heavy guard, Gunner picked it up from the pile marked "restroom floors", or was it "old restroom floors"?:nono:


Dear Diary. Well that’s it … the day is done, and the good news is that I’ve survived … barely … and the word “barely” … as used here … can be taken in Moore than one meaning!

I’ve a lot to report. But I’m half drunk on Riesling, sore and hurting quite a lot. So, be advised that this recounting of my day may take me several entries to complete.

Okay, that said, let’s start at the beginning.

The day began very early when I was roused out of bed in my little hovel up here in the Cruxton Abbey staff quarters. It was Briggs who got me out of bed. Said I was to take part in an “unscheduled performance”, as he cryptically called it.

That, as it turned out, meant being tied loosely, spread-eagled and naked, alongside Messaline on a Queen-sized four poster in one of the better appointed guest rooms downstairs while @Darkprincess69 and @messaline ’s lover Judith drove us absolutely wild with their expertly employed fast flicking and deep probing tongues. That wasn’t entirely unwelcome, of course. I rather enjoy, I have to admit, being eaten by another woman, and have to admit that nothing quite compares to being driven to wild orgasm in such a manner by the likes of DP!

But, it was also a weird and slightly off putting experience in that it was performed before an audience … an audience consisting of five somewhat elderly … alright let’s not be kind here … absolutely ancient looking board members from Cruxton Bank. They sat in a row, leaning forward more or less in unison, sweating profusely in their starched Victorian high-necked collars, tailed suits and bowler hats. I thought at the time one or more of them might be in imminent danger of suffering a heart attack! But thankfully that didn’t happen. And we girls were eventually excused.

Then, after a quick breakfast, I along with the rest of the Cruxton staff girls were hustled down to the basement dungeon to be outfitted and coifed, under the able direction of @mp5stab , for our various roles as victims in the afternoons’ torture chamber re-enactments.

I was assigned, along with the Manor’s petite and red-haired scullery maid, @ERIN the Brave to perform, before a crowd of paying customers, laid out on the dungeon’s double torture rack.

The half-hour long performance, which had to be repeated twice more before the afternoon reenactment sessions came to an end, followed a script in which I played a young countess accused by the Count’s corrupt adviser of being unfaithful. Erin, who says she always has my back, was attempting to help me flee in the night when we were caught in the act, forcibly subdued, and dragged off to the torture chamber … for the purpose of extracting a confession of my marital infidelities.

The costuming, as devised by our Emily was amazing. I wore an elegant 18th century period gown of the kind … notoriously worn at that time … designed to emphasize the wearer’s barely concealed boobs and guaranteed at the slightest movement to teasingly expose a nipple, or even Moore … a gown so flimsy that it also easily gave totally way as I was forced onto the rack … much to the delight of the audience … while, at the same time, my long brown hair … imaginatively wound and piled by Emily atop my head … fell away to spread across the hard wooden boards of the rack, and there to mix in a snarled tangle with Erin’s flame red tresses as she was thrown onto the rack alongside me.

And, of course, with Tree’s dimwitted pals, Gunner and Bull, manning the ratcheted mechanism that did the rack’s torturous work, Erin and I … stretched to our limits … suffered real pain … pain that had us howling at the top of our lungs … and let me tell you, dear diary, the howling was more than acting on our part!!”

In between the torture rack performances, I was able to catch a few of the other re-enactment acts. I think one of the best … this one staged outdoors in that patch of scrubby forest just behind the Manor house … and as it turned out … a real crowd pleaser … was the staged re-enactment of a Northern Forest “linkie hunt”, in which a captured @Eulalia , wearing nothing more than a Highland kilt is run down, subdued and hauled out into the open … suspended by wrists and ankles from a pole carried over the shoulders by two of the Abbey’s footmen, costumed perfectly by our Emily in red huntsmen’s coats, white jodhpurs and shiny black riding boots. The show ends with Eul bound nude to a tree and tormented in various devilish ways.

Eulalia was, in fact quite a trooper and credit to the shows … being the only staff girl to be cast in two rather than one of the afternoon’s re-enactments. In addition to starring in the linkie hunt, she was also the principal character in a staged scene drawn from the epic CF story, “The Interrogation and Punishment Centre for Girls” … a scene in which she along with several other naked Cruxton staff girls line up and “assume the position” … kneeling, with hands behind their heads and chests thrust forward, quietly awaiting inspection, followed by being forced to endure the infliction of various indignities, punishments and torture.

And so it went, and I can tell you dear diary, that by the time it was over, we staff girls were all exhausted and Moore than ready for a rest.

But that was not to be, for the late afternoon program still called for a whole series of historical “whipped at the post” re-enactments in which we’d all been cast. And of course there was still, yet to come, the evening-long execution re-enactments, which for me meant having to go out there carrying and being crucified naked on a Roman cross.

But my telling all of that will have to await my next entry, as right now I’m feeling quite famished and, given what I’ve been through, in desperate need of drink. So I’m going to go out on the grounds for awhile to mingle with the clean up crews in the hope that there still might be a leftover brat or two in the beer garden before it’s closed … and with any luck perhaps some Riesling too!



Dear Diary. Well that’s it … the day is done, and the good news is that I’ve survived … barely … and the word “barely” … as used here … can be taken in Moore than one meaning!

I’ve a lot to report. But I’m half drunk on Riesling, sore and hurting quite a lot. So, be advised that this recounting of my day may take me several entries to complete.

Okay, that said, let’s start at the beginning.

The day began very early when I was roused out of bed in my little hovel up here in the Cruxton Abbey staff quarters. It was Briggs who got me out of bed. Said I was to take part in an “unscheduled performance”, as he cryptically called it.

That, as it turned out, meant being tied loosely, spread-eagled and naked, alongside Messaline on a Queen-sized four poster in one of the better appointed guest rooms downstairs while @Darkprincess69 and @messaline ’s lover Judith drove us absolutely wild with their expertly employed fast flicking and deep probing tongues. That wasn’t entirely unwelcome, of course. I rather enjoy, I have to admit, being eaten by another woman, and have to admit that nothing quite compares to being driven to wild orgasm in such a manner by the likes of DP!

But, it was also a weird and slightly off putting experience in that it was performed before an audience … an audience consisting of five somewhat elderly … alright let’s not be kind here … absolutely ancient looking board members from Cruxton Bank. They sat in a row, leaning forward more or less in unison, sweating profusely in their starched Victorian high-necked collars, tailed suits and bowler hats. I thought at the time one or more of them might be in imminent danger of suffering a heart attack! But thankfully that didn’t happen. And we girls were eventually excused.

Then, after a quick breakfast, I along with the rest of the Cruxton staff girls were hustled down to the basement dungeon to be outfitted and coifed, under the able direction of @mp5stab , for our various roles as victims in the afternoons’ torture chamber re-enactments.

I was assigned, along with the Manor’s petite and red-haired scullery maid, @ERIN the Brave to perform, before a crowd of paying customers, laid out on the dungeon’s double torture rack.

The half-hour long performance, which had to be repeated twice more before the afternoon reenactment sessions came to an end, followed a script in which I played a young countess accused by the Count’s corrupt adviser of being unfaithful. Erin, who says she always has my back, was attempting to help me flee in the night when we were caught in the act, forcibly subdued, and dragged off to the torture chamber … for the purpose of extracting a confession of my marital infidelities.

The costuming, as devised by our Emily was amazing. I wore an elegant 18th century period gown of the kind … notoriously worn at that time … designed to emphasize the wearer’s barely concealed boobs and guaranteed at the slightest movement to teasingly expose a nipple, or even Moore … a gown so flimsy that it also easily gave totally way as I was forced onto the rack … much to the delight of the audience … while, at the same time, my long brown hair … imaginatively wound and piled by Emily atop my head … fell away to spread across the hard wooden boards of the rack, and there to mix in a snarled tangle with Erin’s flame red tresses as she was thrown onto the rack alongside me.

And, of course, with Tree’s dimwitted pals, Gunner and Bull, manning the ratcheted mechanism that did the rack’s torturous work, Erin and I … stretched to our limits … suffered real pain … pain that had us howling at the top of our lungs … and let me tell you, dear diary, the howling was more than acting on our part!!”

In between the torture rack performances, I was able to catch a few of the other re-enactment acts. I think one of the best … this one staged outdoors in that patch of scrubby forest just behind the Manor house … and as it turned out … a real crowd pleaser … was the staged re-enactment of a Northern Forest “linkie hunt”, in which a captured @Eulalia , wearing nothing more than a Highland kilt is run down, subdued and hauled out into the open … suspended by wrists and ankles from a pole carried over the shoulders by two of the Abbey’s footmen, costumed perfectly by our Emily in red huntsmen’s coats, white jodhpurs and shiny black riding boots. The show ends with Eul bound nude to a tree and tormented in various devilish ways.

Eulalia was, in fact quite a trooper and credit to the shows … being the only staff girl to be cast in two rather than one of the afternoon’s re-enactments. In addition to starring in the linkie hunt, she was also the principal character in a staged scene drawn from the epic CF story, “The Interrogation and Punishment Centre for Girls” … a scene in which she along with several other naked Cruxton staff girls line up and “assume the position” … kneeling, with hands behind their heads and chests thrust forward, quietly awaiting inspection, followed by being forced to endure the infliction of various indignities, punishments and torture.

And so it went, and I can tell you dear diary, that by the time it was over, we staff girls were all exhausted and Moore than ready for a rest.

But that was not to be, for the late afternoon program still called for a whole series of historical “whipped at the post” re-enactments in which we’d all been cast. And of course there was still, yet to come, the evening-long execution re-enactments, which for me meant having to go out there carrying and being crucified naked on a Roman cross.

But my telling all of that will have to await my next entry, as right now I’m feeling quite famished and, given what I’ve been through, in desperate need of drink. So I’m going to go out on the grounds for awhile to mingle with the clean up crews in the hope that there still might be a leftover brat or two in the beer garden before it’s closed … and with any luck perhaps some Riesling too!

Thank you sweet Barbara for including me in your story...Kisses!


Dear Diary. Well that’s it … the day is done, and the good news is that I’ve survived … barely … and the word “barely” … as used here … can be taken in Moore than one meaning!

I’ve a lot to report. But I’m half drunk on Riesling, sore and hurting quite a lot. So, be advised that this recounting of my day may take me several entries to complete.

Okay, that said, let’s start at the beginning.

The day began very early when I was roused out of bed in my little hovel up here in the Cruxton Abbey staff quarters. It was Briggs who got me out of bed. Said I was to take part in an “unscheduled performance”, as he cryptically called it.

That, as it turned out, meant being tied loosely, spread-eagled and naked, alongside Messaline on a Queen-sized four poster in one of the better appointed guest rooms downstairs while @Darkprincess69 and @messaline ’s lover Judith drove us absolutely wild with their expertly employed fast flicking and deep probing tongues. That wasn’t entirely unwelcome, of course. I rather enjoy, I have to admit, being eaten by another woman, and have to admit that nothing quite compares to being driven to wild orgasm in such a manner by the likes of DP!

But, it was also a weird and slightly off putting experience in that it was performed before an audience … an audience consisting of five somewhat elderly … alright let’s not be kind here … absolutely ancient looking board members from Cruxton Bank. They sat in a row, leaning forward more or less in unison, sweating profusely in their starched Victorian high-necked collars, tailed suits and bowler hats. I thought at the time one or more of them might be in imminent danger of suffering a heart attack! But thankfully that didn’t happen. And we girls were eventually excused.

Then, after a quick breakfast, I along with the rest of the Cruxton staff girls were hustled down to the basement dungeon to be outfitted and coifed, under the able direction of @mp5stab , for our various roles as victims in the afternoons’ torture chamber re-enactments.

I was assigned, along with the Manor’s petite and red-haired scullery maid, @ERIN the Brave to perform, before a crowd of paying customers, laid out on the dungeon’s double torture rack.

The half-hour long performance, which had to be repeated twice more before the afternoon reenactment sessions came to an end, followed a script in which I played a young countess accused by the Count’s corrupt adviser of being unfaithful. Erin, who says she always has my back, was attempting to help me flee in the night when we were caught in the act, forcibly subdued, and dragged off to the torture chamber … for the purpose of extracting a confession of my marital infidelities.

The costuming, as devised by our Emily was amazing. I wore an elegant 18th century period gown of the kind … notoriously worn at that time … designed to emphasize the wearer’s barely concealed boobs and guaranteed at the slightest movement to teasingly expose a nipple, or even Moore … a gown so flimsy that it also easily gave totally way as I was forced onto the rack … much to the delight of the audience … while, at the same time, my long brown hair … imaginatively wound and piled by Emily atop my head … fell away to spread across the hard wooden boards of the rack, and there to mix in a snarled tangle with Erin’s flame red tresses as she was thrown onto the rack alongside me.

And, of course, with Tree’s dimwitted pals, Gunner and Bull, manning the ratcheted mechanism that did the rack’s torturous work, Erin and I … stretched to our limits … suffered real pain … pain that had us howling at the top of our lungs … and let me tell you, dear diary, the howling was more than acting on our part!!”

In between the torture rack performances, I was able to catch a few of the other re-enactment acts. I think one of the best … this one staged outdoors in that patch of scrubby forest just behind the Manor house … and as it turned out … a real crowd pleaser … was the staged re-enactment of a Northern Forest “linkie hunt”, in which a captured @Eulalia , wearing nothing more than a Highland kilt is run down, subdued and hauled out into the open … suspended by wrists and ankles from a pole carried over the shoulders by two of the Abbey’s footmen, costumed perfectly by our Emily in red huntsmen’s coats, white jodhpurs and shiny black riding boots. The show ends with Eul bound nude to a tree and tormented in various devilish ways.

Eulalia was, in fact quite a trooper and credit to the shows … being the only staff girl to be cast in two rather than one of the afternoon’s re-enactments. In addition to starring in the linkie hunt, she was also the principal character in a staged scene drawn from the epic CF story, “The Interrogation and Punishment Centre for Girls” … a scene in which she along with several other naked Cruxton staff girls line up and “assume the position” … kneeling, with hands behind their heads and chests thrust forward, quietly awaiting inspection, followed by being forced to endure the infliction of various indignities, punishments and torture.

And so it went, and I can tell you dear diary, that by the time it was over, we staff girls were all exhausted and Moore than ready for a rest.

But that was not to be, for the late afternoon program still called for a whole series of historical “whipped at the post” re-enactments in which we’d all been cast. And of course there was still, yet to come, the evening-long execution re-enactments, which for me meant having to go out there carrying and being crucified naked on a Roman cross.

But my telling all of that will have to await my next entry, as right now I’m feeling quite famished and, given what I’ve been through, in desperate need of drink. So I’m going to go out on the grounds for awhile to mingle with the clean up crews in the hope that there still might be a leftover brat or two in the beer garden before it’s closed … and with any luck perhaps some Riesling too!

Brilliant Barb. You are a Marketeer's dream. I'm already having to fight off call after call for interviews, photo-shoots and openings for new Supermarket stores ...
Well, I suppose nothing is impossible. Perhaps @messaline can devise some small incentive that might entice the Graf von Kreuzigung to make a slight alteration to the plan?

Dream on Fossy. This isn’t another one of those Sexpionage episodes. I have my limits, I’ll have you know!
Come on Barb - you know how that bottle is supposed to be used :p
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