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Crisis at Cruxton Abbey

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WHEW! Bet you were wondering, dear diary, who that was, rapping at my door and why I was gone for so long.

Well, the person doing the rapping turned out to be Briggs the Butler. And when I answered by opening the door, he slipped inside, closed the door, and then in his very stiff and proper butler-ish way, informed me that a few of our houseguests had decided to leave for home in the middle of the night rather than wait until morning, and had come up to say their goodbyes.

“What’s their rush?” I demanded “it’s two in the blooming’ morning!”

“Well, the word tonight is that a number of public decency advocacy organizations are planning a protest demonstration to take place here at Cruxton Abbey tomorrow at 10 am. After getting wind of our ‘Cruxton Abbey Judicial Punishments and Executions through the Ages Live Reenactments Review’ they’ve managed to mobilize a thousand or more protesters and obtain a permit to picket and demonstrate outside the manor gates. It’s said that they plan to demand that His Lordship and Her Ladyship, as well as all event participant players and organizers, be prosecuted on the charge of perpetrating a mockery of public decency as defined under English common law, which they claim specifically prohibits any act of a lewd, obscene or disgusting nature that goes considerably beyond the susceptibilities of, or even to the point of shocking, reasonable people.”

“It does? Oh shit!”


Always a pompous stickler for doing things “properly”, Briggs then announced that he’d taken the liberty of lining my visitors up in the hallway outside my door on the assumption that I’d wish to say my goodbyes to each of them individually as he allowed them in turn to enter “my cramped and scandalously unkempt private living quarters.” That last part was enunciated with obvious distaste.

“Sure, whatever you say, Briggs,” I told him cheerily. “Perhaps I should get dressed first?”

“I wouldn’t bother, I’m sure they’re all quite accustomed to seeing you undressed,” he replied with a dismissive wave of a hand.

“Alright, show the first one in.”

“It’s a pair actually … Tree and his sister Joan.”

I sighed, but indicated with a wave of my hand to allow them to enter.

“Hey kiddo! Just stopping by to say goodbye.”

“I’m not sure, Tree, that calling anyone ‘kiddo’ has been in style for at least half a century.”


“Yeah … soooo … off so soon, are you?”

“Yeah, thought it was time to get outta Dodge before the Catholic Legion of Decency turns up in the morning.”

“I think you’re dating yourself again, Tree. That was decades ago and in the U.S., not here in the UK.”

“Whatever. In any case, Joan and I thought we might invite you to come with us and live at the TreeHouse for a spell. You know, get away from this stuffy place.”

“And live with you, Joan, Bull and Gunner?”

“Sure, why not?”

“Well, I like it here. There’s always plenty of Riesling on hand, and I have good friends on staff here, like Eul, Dp, and Erin. Besides, Lord and Lady Wragg would be lost without me around to break things, take my punishments and decorate the four posters. And frankly I can think of quite a few good reasons why not, including the TreeHouse’s proximity to Arkansas.”

“I’m disappointed.”

“Don’t be. I promise to come for a holiday visit sometime. You can show me around, long as we keep our distance from Arkansas.”

“Well, suit yourself then, Barb. But before we go can I have a quiet word with you?”

“Sure, Tree, what is it?”

“Uh, you know the real reason Joan and I are leaving, don’t you?” He whispered in my ear.

“I do, Tree,” I gasped as I nearly passed out from his alcohol and cigarette smoke laden breath. “But rest assured … I won’t tell a soul, except for my private diary in which I share everything that happens. In fact, I was just about to write up what happened earlier tonight at the event finales when you arrived a few minutes ago.”

“Diary, eh. Should have known you’d keep one. Lots of intimate thoughts in there, right? Wanna give old Tree a peak?

“Absolutely NOT!”

“Right. Thought it was worth a try. I guess we’ll be off then.”

“Okay. Have a good trip! Be sure to take Joan with you. Are Bull and Gunner out there?”

“Yeah, shall I ask old snotty nose over there to let them in?”

“No thanks. There wouldn’t be space enough in here.”

“Right. So long Barb!”

And once they’d left I asked Briggs who else was out there.

“Uh, seems they’ve all left … with the exception of Mr. @Jollyrei , who seems to have that effect on people.”

“They just don’t know how to get to know him, Briggs. He’s really quite sweet. Do send him in now.”

“As you wish.”



WHEW! Bet you were wondering, dear diary, who that was rapping at my door and why I was gone for so long.

Well, the person doing the rapping turned out to be Briggs the Butler. And when I answered by opening the door, he slipped inside, closed the door, and then in his very stiff and proper butler-ish way, informed me that a few of our houseguests had decided to leave for home in the middle of the night rather than wait until morning, and had come up to say their goodbyes.

“What’s their rush?” I demanded “it’s two in the blooming’ morning!”

“Well, the word tonight is that a number of public decency advocacy organizations are planning a protest demonstration to take place here at Cruxton Abbey tomorrow at 10 am. After getting wind of our ‘Cruxton Abbey Judicial Punishments and Executions through the Ages Live Reenactments Review’ they’ve managed to mobilize a thousand or more protesters and obtain a permit to picket and demonstrate outside the manor gates. It’s said that they plan to demand that His Lordship and Her Ladyship, as well as all event participant players and organizers, be prosecuted on the charge of perpetrating a mockery of public decency as defined under English common law, which they claim specifically prohibits any act of a lewd, obscene or disgusting nature that goes considerably beyond the susceptibilities of, or even shocking, reasonable people.”

“It does? Oh shit!”


Always a pompous stickler for doing things “properly”, Briggs then announced that he’d taken the liberty of lining my visitors up in the hallway outside my door on the assumption that I’d wish to say my goodbyes to each of them individually as he allowed them in turn to enter “my cramped and scandalously unkempt private living quarters.” That last part was enunciated with obvious distaste.

“Sure, whatever you say, Briggs,” I told him cheerily. “Perhaps I should get dressed first?”

“I wouldn’t bother, I’m sure they’re all quite accustomed to seeing you undressed,” he replied with a dismissive wave of a hand.

“Alright, show the first one in.”

“It’s a pair actually … Tree and his sister Joan.”

I sighed, but indicated with a wave of my hand to allow them to enter.

“Hey kiddo! Just stopping by to say goodbye.”

“I’m not sure, Tree, that calling anyone ‘kiddo’ has been in style for at least half a century.”


“Yeah … soooo … off so soon, are you?”

“Yeah, thought it was time to get outta Dodge before the Catholic Legion of Decency turns up in the morning.”

“I think you’re dating yourself again, Tree. That was decades ago and in the U.S., not here in the UK.”

“Whatever. In any case, Joan and I thought we might invite you to come with us and live at the TreeHouse for a spell. You know, get away from this stuffy place.”

“And live with you, Joan, Bull and Gunner?”

“Sure, why not?”

“Well, I like it here. There’s always plenty of Riesling on hand, and I have good friends on staff here, like Eul, Dp, and Erin. Besides, Lord and Lady Wragg would be lost without me around to break things, take my punishments and decorate the four posters. And frankly I can think of quite a few good reasons why not, including the TreeHouse’s proximity to Arkansas.”

“I’m disappointed.”

“Don’t be. I promise to come for a holiday visit sometime. You can show me around, long as we keep our distance from Arkansas.”

“Well, suit yourself then, Barb. But before we go can I have a quiet word with you?”

“Sure, Tree, what is it?”

“Uh, you know the real reason Joan and I are leaving, don’t you?” He whispered in my ear.

“I do, Tree,” I gasped as I nearly passed out from his alcohol and cigarette smoke laden breath. “But rest assured … I won’t tell a soul, except for my private diary in which I share everything that happens. In fact, I was just about to write up what happened earlier tonight at the event finales when you arrived a few minutes ago.”

“Diary, eh. Should have known you’d keep one. Lots of intimate thoughts in there, right? Wanna give old Tree a peak?

“Absolutely NOT!”

“Right. Thought it was worth a try. I guess will be off then.”

“Okay. Have a good trip! Be sure to take Joan with you. Are Bull and Gunner out there?”

“Yeah, shall I ask old snotty nose over there to let them in?”

“No thanks. There wouldn’t be space enough in here.”

“Right. So long Barb!”

And once they’d left I asked him who else was out there.

“Uh, seems they’ve all left … with the exception of Mr. @Jollyrei , who seems to have that effect on people.”

“They just don’t know how to get to know him, Briggs. He’s really quite sweet. Do send him in now.”

“As you wish.”

Good story kiddo
“Well, I like it here. There’s always plenty of Riesling on hand, and I have good friends on staff here, like Eul, Dp, and Erin. Besides, Lord and Lady Wragg would be lost without me around to break things, take my punishments and decorate the four posters. And frankly I can think of quite a few good reasons why not, including the TreeHouse’s proximity to Arkansas.”
And some common sense finally dawns in the mind of Barb, even if it's only to enumerate the details of the lesser of two evils.

“Uh, seems they’ve all left … with the exception of Mr. @Jollyrei , who seems to have that effect on people.”
It does come in handy for getting to the front of a queue. :devil::cool:
“They just don’t know how to get to know him, Briggs. He’s really quite sweet. Do send him in now.”
This is what I keep saying as well. Funny how some people can't get past some things. :rolleyes: :thinking:
'At common law it is an offence to do in public any act of a lewd, obscene or disgusting nature which outrages public decency' so says the Crown Prosecution Service.

I can't think why our respected attorney is making such a hasty departure - it's perfectly clear that the entertainment provided at Cruxton Abbey in no way infringes that law, firstly because Cruxton Abbey and its grounds are strictly private, not public, and

'The requirement for the behaviour to 'outrage' public decency was said by Lord Simon in Knuller (Publishing, Printing and promotions) Ltd v DPP to: "go considerably beyond the susceptibilities of, or even shocking, reasonable people".'

the guests assembled at Cruxton Abbey are unquestionably reasonable people, and the prosecution would be hard put to provide evidence that they have been shocked, or even found their susceptibilities significantly exceeded.
“Well, the word tonight is that a number of public decency advocacy organizations are planning a protest demonstration to take place here at Cruxton Abbey tomorrow at 10 am. After getting wind of our ‘Cruxton Abbey Judicial Punishments and Executions through the Ages Live Reenactments Review’ they’ve managed to mobilize a thousand or more protesters and obtain a permit to picket and demonstrate outside the manor gates. It’s said that they plan to demand that His Lordship and Her Ladyship, as well as all event participant players and organizers, be prosecuted on the charge of perpetrating a mockery of public decency as defined under English common law, which they claim specifically prohibits any act of a lewd, obscene or disgusting nature that goes considerably beyond the susceptibilities of, or even to the point of shocking, reasonable people.”
Off with their heads!:loco:
'At common law it is an offence to do in public any act of a lewd, obscene or disgusting nature which outrages public decency' so says the Crown Prosecution Service.

I can't think why our respected attorney is making such a hasty departure - it's perfectly clear that the entertainment provided at Cruxton Abbey in no way infringes that law, firstly because Cruxton Abbey and its grounds are strictly private, not public, and

'The requirement for the behaviour to 'outrage' public decency was said by Lord Simon in Knuller (Publishing, Printing and promotions) Ltd v DPP to: "go considerably beyond the susceptibilities of, or even shocking, reasonable people".'

the guests assembled at Cruxton Abbey are unquestionably reasonable people, and the prosecution would be hard put to provide evidence that they have been shocked, or even found their susceptibilities significantly exceeded.
The Wragg’s will be very much relieved to learn this!!!!
“Hey kiddo! Just stopping by to say goodbye.”

“I’m not sure, Tree, that calling anyone ‘kiddo’ has been in style for at least half a century.”


“Yeah … soooo … off so soon, are you?”

“Yeah, thought it was time to get outta Dodge before the Catholic Legion of Decency turns up in the morning.”

“I think you’re dating yourself again, Tree. That was decades ago and in the U.S., not here in the UK.”

“Whatever. In any case, Joan and I thought we might invite you to come with us and live at the TreeHouse for a spell. You know, get away from this stuffy place.”

“And live with you, Joan, Bull and Gunner?”

“Sure, why not?”

“Well, I like it here. There’s always plenty of Riesling on hand, and I have good friends on staff here, like Eul, Dp, and Erin. Besides, Lord and Lady Wragg would be lost without me around to break things, take my punishments and decorate the four posters. And frankly I can think of quite a few good reasons why not, including the TreeHouse’s proximity to Arkansas.”

“I’m disappointed.”

“Don’t be. I promise to come for a holiday visit sometime. You can show me around, long as we keep our distance from Arkansas.”

“Well, suit yourself then, Barb. But before we go can I have a quiet word with you?”

“Sure, Tree, what is it?”

“Uh, you know the real reason Joan and I are leaving, don’t you?” He whispered in my ear.

“I do, Tree,” I gasped as I nearly passed out from his alcohol and cigarette smoke laden breath. “But rest assured … I won’t tell a soul, except for my private diary in which I share everything that happens. In fact, I was just about to write up what happened earlier tonight at the event finales when you arrived a few minutes ago.”

“Diary, eh. Should have known you’d keep one. Lots of intimate thoughts in there, right? Wanna give old Tree a peak?

“Absolutely NOT!”

“Right. Thought it was worth a try. I guess will be off then.”

Nice chapter, Barb!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes::p;)
the guests assembled at Cruxton Abbey are unquestionably reasonable people, and the prosecution would be hard put to provide evidence that they have been shocked, or even found their susceptibilities significantly exceeded.

The crux abbey staff are decent people, most of them anyway
I think the point of law does not particularly care whether anyone at Cruxton Abbey fits a definition of "decent". Barb, as we know from the last chapter is very rarely "decent" (in the way one might knock at a door and call "are you decent?"), and considerable artistic license would be required to assert that any of the rest of us are entirely decent. No, the question remains whether the staff, and indeed anyone else at the Abbey for the weekend, are reasonable. I think that we can probably hit that bar. ;)
the guests assembled at Cruxton Abbey are unquestionably reasonable people, and the prosecution would be hard put to provide evidence that they have been shocked, or even found their susceptibilities significantly exceeded.
The moment, Mr. Jollyrei will appear in court, the prosecutor will become very reasonable, and quickly dismiss the case! :D


“Well, dear diary, I’ll bet you thought I was never coming back! It’s just that Mr @Jollyrei stayed for a long time. Poor fellow is so lonely, I didn’t have the heart to push him out the door. Not that I could actually physically have done that, you understand. If I’d tried I can well imagine my hands would have passed right through him. He has this “apparition” quality to him … if you know what I mean … now you see him, now you don’t, kind of thing. Seems to float about in a way.

He’s a wonderful conversationalist, though. And I have to admit that I enjoyed visiting with him. He had been feeling depressed on account of no one actually dying during the final reenactment events. I tried to cheer him up, reminding him that it was all a show. No fatalities were intended. And he took that in stride more or less, saying he was always hopeful but bore disappointment surprisingly well.

I finally bid him goodnight and he got up and left, walking through the door without even opening it, which gave snooty old Briggs, who was outside in the hallway eavesdropping with his ear to the door, quite a fright.

Anyway … enough of that … let’s get back to my recounting of the evening’s re-enactment events.

Are you ready for this?

You are? Well good! As you may recall the plan was for two simultaneously staged, grand finale events.

One was a gallows scene to be staged in a faithful mock up, loving created by thehangingtree and his crew, of the main square of a typical Arkansas town. It was to feature the public execution, by hanging, of three young women, played by @Darkprincess69 , @messaline and Ms Prudely … you remember her, right?

But here is where the “secret” that Tree spoke to me about in my room a while ago … the secret I promised my exclusive knowledge of to never share with anyone but you, dear diary … comes in.

You see, the gallows reenactment never came off. Due to the fact that the platform, on which the three naked girls were to be noosed and hanged, somehow caught fire before the show was scheduled to get underway. It was a spectacular blaze, consuming the entire scene .. gallows, fake town buildings’ facades, and all.

Tree’s secret, is that much to his everlasting chagrin, the fire was started by a lit cigarette igniting a puddle of spilled Seagrams under the gallows platform … the unhappy result of Tree taking a rest under the gallows and falling asleep. I know what happened because I happened to be nearby when he came staggering out from underneath the gallows just as it was consumed by flames.

You can understand, knowing that, dear diary why he’d rather not have anybody know about it. I expect that I can make good use of my knowledge of our little secret in the future. He doesn’t know it, but if I ever visit him at the TreeHouse, he’ll hand over the keys to his Mustang for me to drive without any resistance!

In any case, some quick thinking was necessary to salvage the evening. It was quickly decided that the mock Roman crucifixion scene, which was to feature @Eulalia , @mp5stab and me reenacting a via crucis under the lash and submitting to a crucifixion at the crest of a hill, nailed side-by-side to three large crosses of French Premium wood, with a an aerial fireworks display touched off behind us as a grand finale.

The salvage plan called for the hasty construction of three additional crosses, transforming the event to accommodate a disappointed Darkprincess, Messaline and Ms Prudely, as well as to forestall any attempt by our paying audience to demand a refund in the wake of the hanging reenactment disaster.

To be honest, I was never very sure that Dp really fancied being hanged or crucified, but it was quite obvious that the prospect of exchanging the noose for the cross was met with delight by both Messa and Ms Prudely.

The only problem was that the fire brigade was quick to put the kibosh on the fireworks plan in the aftermath of the “hanging scene” blaze.

They feared we might burn Cruxton Abbey to the ground should anything go wrong with the pyrotechnics. But all was not lost as the fire engines’ rotating red lights, set against the pall of smoke from the still smoldering gallows disaster hanging over the Manor grounds, had the effect of creating a a suitably dramatic backdrop to the redesigned crucifixion event. And everyone seemed happy.

And so, the final event did get underway as we six girls were stripped naked, forced to shoulder a heavy wooden patibulum, and driven in line along a path that wound its way through the crowd and up the slope leading to the height on which our crucifixions were to be staged.

The crowd, of course, was encouraged to take an active part by verbally taunting and shaming us every step of the way, in addition to being allowed to throw disgusting things at us, like the rotten fruit that could be purchased at vending stands prior to the event getting underway.

And so, we girls struggled to make our way under the weight of our burden, the sting of the lash, and the abuse of the madding crowd … sometimes stumbling, occasionally falling, heads kept down … following the winding path up the steep slope … with Eul in the lead, followed in order by Messa, then me, Emily, Ms Prudely and Darkprincess.

Now, I’ll bet you can’t wait, dear diary, to learn all about what happened next. Sorry but it will have to wait until my next entry, ‘cause I’ve got to go to the loo.

Back soon!

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