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Crisis at Cruxton Abbey

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There may well be important remains to be recorded and left undisturbed - Mr. Jollyrei will no doubt be able to advise if those remains happen to be human.
“As a matter of fact, let’s put Mr @Jollyrei in charge of dealing with the authorities on this matter!”

“Brilliant! Do let him know, Wraggie. I’m sure he’ll relish that.”

“Yes, dear. I’ll inform Briggs to arrange it straight away.”
And with a theatrical flourish he signaled for a drapery to be drawn apart … to reveal a naked and gagged woman, bound hands over head, hanging from an ancient iron cleat on the dungeon ceiling and spinning slowly about, a bed of hot coals glowing fiercely below her, wildly thrashing her feet.
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[a gasp from the throats of most everyone]

“Believe it or not, by her request,” grinned Wragg. “Turns out, she’s one of us! Oh and, by the way, we are receiving quite a number of requests from individuals … like Ms Prudely … eager to offer themselves up as event participants.”
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[enthusiastic applause]
I just LOVE that one of Mrs Prudely!!! :bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart:

“Good Lord, Wraggie! What in heaven’s name is going on out in the garden? Who is doing all that screaming and cursing? Is that our Barbara?”

“I believe it is, love. @thehangingtree informed me early this morning that he needed to check on whether the heavy timber crosses he’d constructed out of @messaline ’s French premium wood could be carried successfully for a distance on the shoulders of a naked girl spurred on by the lash, and wanted permission to try it out using one of our staff girls. Sort of a dry run, you might say, to make certain some adjustments won’t be necessary. So, I told him he was welcome to go ahead and make use of our Barbara since I knew she was free from household duties this morning.”

“Well, that certainly explains the screaming and cursing! Will we know whether the experiment was successful?”

“Appears to be. If you turn about and look out the window just now, I believe you will see Bull and Gunner out there driving poor Barbara up the inclined path to the garden site where the crucifixions will be staged. You’ll see that she’s half-bent over under the weight of that big cross, but seems to be managing reasonably well.”

“Ah, yes. I can see her now … apparently it’s not too heavy to be half-carried/half-dragged along … whoops, check that! … she’s just stumbled and gone down, hasn’t she?”

“Mmmmmmm … yes, so she has, and she seems unable to get back on her feet, even under the bite of repeated lashings.”


“This will never do! I feared this might happen. Now that it has, I think Tree needs to come up with a fallback plan. He may have to settle for having the girls carry just the crossbeam … the patibulum … rather than the entire cross.”

“Yes, dear. That sounds very sensible. Why don’t you go out there and suggest that to Tree before Bull and Gunner half flay the poor girl alive.”

“Yes, I’m on my way.”

“Oh, one more thing before you go.”


“Whatever happened with those people who arrived earlier this morning … from the CBA … the Council for British Archeology?”

“Oh, I had Briggs sit them down in the study with @Jollyrei .”

“Was that wise?”

“Oh, I think so. As it turned out, they left shortly thereafter. Briggs described their faces as “ashen” when he saw them out.”

“Ashen? Like they’d seen a ghost.”


“Well yes, as you can well imagine Jolly tends to have that effect on people. In any case, I think we’re clear. Briggs seems to think they’re unlikely to return.”

“Poor Jolly, I’ll bet he was terribly disappointed.”

“I imagine so. According to Briggs, he’d been looking very much forward to showing them some of the rather macabre artifacts that were turned up in the refurbishing work done on the basement dungeon and torture chambers.”

“Perhaps we should send @Eulalia into the study to console Jolly. She’s very good at smoothing matters over when necessary.”

“Good idea.”

“Uh oh! … returning to the that other matter, you’d best get out to the garden fast, Wraggie. Tree’s on his way over to see why Barbara can’t seem to get up on her feet again. … no! wait! … Tree just fell down himself … and seems unable to get up.”

“Mmmmmm … probably drunk again.”

“It’s only ten in the morning!”

“He starts early.”

“Americans can be so very vulgar!”

“Quite,” agreed Briggs from the doorway to the morning room.

“What is it Briggs,”

“Uh. Ms @mp5stab wishes to see you m,Lady. She’d like to go over some sketches she’s made of potential hairstyles for each of the girls in the upcoming event. She’s quite eager for you to see them being of the opinion that hair and nails are the keys to success.”

“Of course. Please inform her that i couldn’t agree more and do send her right in.”

“Yes, your Ladyship, although I’m not certain that what she means by “nails’ is quite what you imagine it to be.”


“Now, see here, Tree. I think, poor Barb has suffered enough. Time to call off Bull and Gunner!”


“I say, Barb doesn’t appear able to regain her feet. Time to stop whipping her and give her some rest.”

“Huh … what? … yeah, I’m taking a rest … what of it?”

“Bull! Gunner! STOP! Now!”

[grumble, grumble]

“Barb, dear! Are you alright? Here, let me help you up.”

“I can do it myself, thanks.”

“I’m so sorry about this.”

“Shove it, Wraggie!”

“Hold on now, is that any way to talk to the chap who just rushed ever so gallantly to your rescue.”

“You’ll find my full written letter of grievance on your desk within the hour!”

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“Poor Jolly, I’ll bet he was terribly disappointed.”
“I imagine so. According to Briggs, he’d been looking very much forward to showing them some of the rather macabre artifacts that were turned up in the refurbishing work done on the basement dungeon and torture chambers.”
Perhaps we should send @Eulalia into the study to console Jolly.
Oh yes, I'd be delighted for Jolly to show me his artifacts :devil2: As for what's lurking under the lawn, well Angelus Mortis only knows - but down in the village they do say, some wicked doings outwith the Rules went on in the old abbey, and the curse still haunts the place - when old Mister Two Nines was pottering in the garden, he dug in his spade and heard howling and groans ... (Eul's eyes take on an eerie, far-away yet piercing look, her voice lapses into an arcane idiolect) so be warned, ye dinna ken whit might befall ye gin ye stert hoiking holes in the gerss!
Oh yes, I'd be delighted for Jolly to show me his artifacts :devil2: As for what's lurking under the lawn, well Angelus Mortis only knows - but down in the village they do say, some wicked doings outwith the Rules went on in the old abbey, and the curse still haunts the place - when old Mister Two Nines was pottering in the garden, he dug in his spade and heard howling and groans ... (Eul's eyes take on an eerie, far-away yet piercing look, her voice lapses into an arcane idiolect) so be warned, ye dinna ken whit might befall ye gin ye stert hoiking holes in the gerss!
Some most eerie sounds were made,
When I thrust in my trusty spade.
Eul`s vernacular
Was quite spectacular,
But if she won`t stop, she`ll have to be flayed.
Hold on now, is that any way to talk to the chap who just rushed ever so gallantly to your rescue.
Is it any way to address a Peer of the Realm, come to that? :confused:

Even @Jollyrei shows a chap more respect than that! :)
“OnlyFans, Pornhub, Xtube …” I muttered over and over to myself, reciting the outlet channels for the promo’s, then smiled when I opened Mr B’s pictures. “Oh yes, these will do nicely,” I added to my self-conversation, looking at the high-quality pictures that my colleague had taken to support our promo campaign.

“Will Barb be worried about her brand management post crucifixion?” I pondered, realising that all depended on whether Lord Wragg intended his succulent and nubile victim to survive the entertaining ordeal. I made a mental note to ask his Lordship that very question.

“Ahh well,” I said, returning to solo-dialogue mode, at least the CBA have disappeared, clearly proving that their acronym stands for ‘Can’t Be Arsed!”

I chuckled away at my own joke while feeling my groin stiffen as I looked at the picture of his Lordship reaming Barb’s sweet pussy.

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“Ah, yes. I can see her now … apparently it’s not too heavy to be half-carried/half-dragged along … whoops, check that! … she’s just stumbled and gone down, hasn’t she?”
Madiosi2024-026 cruxton.jpg
“Mmmmmmm … yes, so she has, and she seems unable to get back on her feet, even under the bite of repeated lashings.”
“OnlyFans, Pornhub, Xtube …” I muttered over and over to myself, reciting the outlet channels for the promo’s, then smiled when I opened Mr B’s pictures. “Oh yes, these will do nicely,” I added to my self-conversation, looking at the high-quality pictures that my colleague had taken to support our promo campaign.

“Will Barb be worried about her brand management post crucifixion?” I pondered, realising that all depended on whether Lord Wragg intended his succulent and nubile victim to survive the entertaining ordeal. I made a mental note to ask his Lordship that very question.

“Ahh well,” I said, returning to solo-dialogue mode, at least the CBA have disappeared, clearly proving that their acronym stands for ‘Can’t Be Arsed!”

I chuckled away at my own joke while feeling my groin stiffen as I looked at the picture of his Lordship reaming Barb’s sweet pussy.

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It seems Lord Wragg is a very caring employer, providing aftercare for Barb. No one will ever say Lord Wragg cares only what's on the outside, he likes to know the "ins-and-outs" of his employees as well.
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