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Crisis at Cruxton Abbey

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Mr. Bindertocross returns to his room from the photo session with the Lady of the Manor. He gathers up all the developed photos, from his other camera, taken just before the ghost appeared.

He sends a package to Mr. Fossy...containing some of the damsels of the manor and a couple of photos of the Lady to choose from for the promo literature and online advertising.

He includes a note to Mr. Fossy:

"Well Mr. Fossy, I can't wait to see Barb on the cross moaning and writhing and doing the "dance" up there naked for all to see. And also cumming for all she's worth. She will definitely be the star of the show.
I hope we can turn all this hype into reality, this could be an incredibly profitable video for the manor."


“I call to order the first full meeting of the executive committee of “The Cruxton Abbey Judicial Punishments and Executions through the Ages Live Reenactments Review”. Intoned Lord Wragg solemnly. “I see that everyone is present. Thank you all for coming. I do hope you appreciate coming here to what I thought a most appropriate venue for our first official meeting: the newly renovated Cruxton Abbey cellar dungeon and torture chambers!”

[enthusiastic round of applause]

“And, of course, showcasing a few of the latest features as a pleasing backdrop for our deliberations … behind me to my left you’ll find our lovely Barbara stretched taught in all her naked glory … and gagged to stifle any complaints … on our newly refurbished heavy wooden medieval torture rack. We’ll be seeing, over the course of the meeting just how many turns of the drum our Barbara can endure without passing out!”

[enthusiastic applause]

And behind me to my right, our lovely @Eulalia does the dungeon’s venerable old St Andrew’s cross due justice, with a dazzling display of writhing and howling under the lash as delivered by one of our staff’s brawnier footmen. Tree offered up Gunner and Bull for the honors, but we respectfully declined, assigning them instead to turning the torture rack drum.

[enthusiastic applause over the clicking sounds of the drum ratchet and Barb’s muffled cursing]

“And finally, but not least, from French Anjou, @messaline and Judith riding the wooden horse while bound intimately together, face-to-face, their naked bodies slathered and gleaming under the lights in warm and fragrant oils, with @Darkprincess69 providing gentle encouragements with a light whip.


And I’d be remiss, were I to neglect mention of @mp5stab ’s inspired work in arranging strikingly appropriate and appealing hair styles for each of our Cruxgirl’s performances.

[enthusiastic applause]

“So with that for inspiration … these acts being a preview of what our event aspires to offer a paying clientele, let’s get down to business. The Chair calls on Lady Wragg, in her role as project treasurer, to report on the state of our finances.”

“Thank you Wraggie. And Edward, do stop flogging Eulalia so I can be heard as I speak …Thank you …. Much better … now as all here are aware, we began this venture with a cash balance of £315,000 on loan from the bank of Cruxton, which of course must be eventually repaid with interest. Admissions subscriptions to date have reached £95,000, and it’s still early days, so we can expect that figure to balloon substantially once @Fossy ’s promotions gain traction. So, in sum, we’ve had to date more than £400,000 capital to work with.”

[enthusiastic applause, punctuated with some rather loud gasps and cries of pleasure in French from both Messaline and Judith]


But, of course, expenses have been mounting. Bribes … yes, let’s call them that, to the Cruxton Bank Directors and the Council Building Inspector, will effectively nullify six premium admissions that could otherwise be sold. Then there’s the cost of bringing all of you here to Cruxton and providing you with room and board, estimated at roughly, £130,000 to date. Then there’s the bill from Messaline for the provision of Anjou premium wood and hemp to the tune of £28,000 … the refurbishment and expansion of the manor’s medieval dungeon and torture chambers, now completed, and billed to us at £95,000 … and going forward there will be expenses, as yet unknown, of employing heavy earthmoving equipment to level the century’s old landscape garden and dig up the rose garden in order to make way for the staging of outdoor events, erect viewing stands, and for paving a parking lot suitable for accommodating hundreds of cars and tour buses. As one can appreciate, this as yet a rather close run thing financially speaking. So in conclusion, we must all work very hard to imagine ways to expand revenue in the coming days!”

[applause, but noticeably subdued, although augmented to a degree by fresh yelps and cries from Eul, who during the interlude was turned about on the St Andrews to face the lash rather than the cross and wall to which it was set against]

“Thank you, my dear,” said Wragg, applauding much more vigorously than anyone else. “Well done! Well done!”

Smiling, she took her seat, but not before generously calling on staff for a fresh round of Riesling for everyone.

“Now for a bit of heartening breaking news,” declared Wragg, raising his glass, “I’m very pleased to announce that our event has received the endorsement of His Majesty’s Government. Just yesterday, Ms Prudely from the Department for Culture, Media and Sports’ Office of Entertainment and Licensing, on the occasion of paying us a visit here, has given our project her full support and even offered herself up as an eager participant!”

[enthusiastic applause]

And with a theatrical flourish he signaled for a drapery to be drawn apart … to reveal a naked and gagged woman, bound hands over head, hanging from an ancient iron cleat on the dungeon ceiling and spinning slowly about, a bed of hot coals glowing fiercely below her, wildly thrashing her feet.


[a gasp from the throats of most everyone]

“Believe it or not, by her request,” grinned Wragg. “Turns out, she’s one of us! Oh and, by the way, we are receiving quite a number of requests from individuals … like Ms Prudely … eager to offer themselves up as event participants.”


[enthusiastic applause]

“Now, without further ado, let’s all get to work! You all have your assigned responsibilities. Let’s move this project ahead!”

[moore enthusiastic applause]

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gagged to stifle any complaints …
Or else how could we consider having a meeting? Nobody would hear what the chairman might say! :eek:

And I’d be remiss, were I to neglect mention of @mp5stab ’s inspired work in arranging strikingly appropriate and appealing hair styles for each of our Cruxgirl’s performances.
Not to mention the nails ;)

do stop flogging Eulalia so I can be heard as I speak …Thank you ….
What was the point of gagging Barb while flogging Eul? :confused:

Not that I ever listen to much of what her Ladyship says... :rolleyes:

Just yesterday, Ms Prudely from the Department for Culture, Media and Sports’ Office of Entertainment and Licensing, on the occasion of paying us a visit here, has given our project her full support and even offered herself up as an eager participant!”
You'd have thought she'd get cold feet, but now they definitely aren't cold! :devil:
employing heavy earthmoving equipment to level the century’s old landscape garden and dig up the rose garden
from my premium position on the X cross, where I'm naturally revelling in the proceedings (well, the lively laldie I'm receiving) I have to enquire whether the requisite archaeological investigations have been arranged, prior to demolishing these historic features? There may well be important remains to be recorded and left undisturbed - Mr. Jollyrei will no doubt be able to advise if those remains happen to be human.
from my premium position on the X cross, where I'm naturally revelling in the proceedings (well, the lively laldie I'm receiving) I have to enquire whether the requisite archaeological investigations have been arranged, prior to demolishing these historic features? There may well be important remains to be recorded and left undisturbed - Mr. Jollyrei will no doubt be able to advise if those remains happen to be human.
We might recover some female skeletons. Maybe even some partially fused nails? Imagine the historical significance
from my premium position on the X cross, where I'm naturally revelling in the proceedings (well, the lively laldie I'm receiving) I have to enquire whether the requisite archaeological investigations have been arranged, prior to demolishing these historic features? There may well be important remains to be recorded and left undisturbed - Mr. Jollyrei will no doubt be able to advise if those remains happen to be human.
Ooops! I sense trouble here. :doh:

Briggs will likely find some kind of officialdom in charge of such matters on the doorstep tomorrow demanding to see Wragg IMMEDIATELY! :confused:

It’ll have to be dealt with somehow in Chapter 12. :rolleyes:
I happened to discover something in an old warehouse that might be useful.
skeleton-in-chains-jail-ireland-C34MHG.jpg 1000_F_467577878_6pZj70Wcpr9UcVyMF20UelX85Zw1dQOP.jpg esqueleto-dentro-de-una-jaula-del-metal-26638806.jpg
from my premium position on the X cross, where I'm naturally revelling in the proceedings (well, the lively laldie I'm receiving) I have to enquire whether the requisite archaeological investigations have been arranged, prior to demolishing these historic features? There may well be important remains to be recorded and left undisturbed - Mr. Jollyrei will no doubt be able to advise if those remains happen to be human.
With the heavy machinery employed
Lord Wragg is not overjoyed.
The work of Capability Brown
Casually torn down,
Damaged beyond repair and destroyed.
Mr F to Mr B (muttering): We need Fork handles

Mr B to Mr F: Fork handles?

Mr F to Mr B: Yes, Fork handles

Mr B to Mr F: Really Fork handles? Why? (He says picking out 4 Fork handles from the Cruxton Abbey supplies store).

Mr F to Mr B: Nooooo, not Fork handles, FOUR CANDLES, to drip wax over each of our willing participants for the teaser primo advert! May I leave that with you to sort out Mr B?

Mr B to Mr F: Ahhhhh, Four candles? Why didn't you just say so!



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And with a theatrical flourish he signaled for a drapery to be drawn apart … to reveal a naked and gagged woman, bound hands over head, hanging from an ancient iron cleat on the dungeon ceiling and spinning slowly about, a bed of hot coals glowing fiercely below her, wildly thrashing her feet.
Madiosi2024-022a cruxton.jpg
[a gasp from the throats of most everyone]

“Believe it or not, by her request,” grinned Wragg. “Turns out, she’s one of us! Oh and, by the way, we are receiving quite a number of requests from individuals … like Ms Prudely … eager to offer themselves up as event participants.”
Madiosi2024-023 cruxton.jpg
[enthusiastic applause]
“And finally, but not least, from French Anjou, @messaline and Judith riding the wooden horse while bound intimately together, face-to-face, their naked bodies slathered and gleaming under the lights in warm and fragrant oils, with @Darkprincess69 providing gentle encouragements with a light whip.
Madiosi2024-024a cruxton.jpg Madiosi2024-024b cruxton.jpg
And I’d be remiss, were I to neglect mention of @mp5stab ’s inspired work in arranging strikingly appropriate and appealing hair styles for each of our Cruxgirl’s performances.
Mr F to Mr B (muttering): We need Fork handles

Mr B to Mr F: Fork handles?

Mr F to Mr B: Yes, Fork handles

Mr B to Mr F: Really Fork handles? Why? (He says picking out 4 Fork handles from the Cruxton Abbey supplies store).

Mr F to Mr B: Nooooo, not Fork handles, FOUR CANDLES, to drip wax over each of our willing participants for the teaser primo advert! May I leave that with you to sort out Mr B?

Mr B to Mr F: Ahhhhh, Four candles? Why didn't you just say so!

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View attachment 1509939
Mr. Bindertocross in his room wondering where is traveling companion may be, as she is late. He waits for his photos to develop in his dark room (bathroom), he's going old school.

He peruses the cruxforums site admiring the great AI generated works, admiring the patience and workarounds those artists go through as they create their amazing works of art.

"Oh, they are finally ready", he sends a package to Mr. Fossy

Barb wax1.jpgEulalia wax.jpgJudith wax.jpgmessaline wax.jpgover the coals.jpg
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