No: 137
Pia & Celtic Virgin - Lisa in Aulis
Well, not really in Aulis or even in Avlida, but it’s alright to use a little light poetic license isn’t it? I’ve always sort of wondered what actually happened to Iphigenia. I mean she disappears off stage left and the next we know she’s dead on an altar. But how? Did her dad have her head chopped off or was there some shimmering sacrificial knife that opened her body as her eyes gazed up into the Boeotian sun? How long did her young lips tremble as she suffered her slow, excruciating death? I like to imagine. I suppose you do to.
Pia & Celtic Virgin - Lisa in Aulis
Well, not really in Aulis or even in Avlida, but it’s alright to use a little light poetic license isn’t it? I’ve always sort of wondered what actually happened to Iphigenia. I mean she disappears off stage left and the next we know she’s dead on an altar. But how? Did her dad have her head chopped off or was there some shimmering sacrificial knife that opened her body as her eyes gazed up into the Boeotian sun? How long did her young lips tremble as she suffered her slow, excruciating death? I like to imagine. I suppose you do to.