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I am convulsing in moaning soo loud
In my dying moments I embrace my bi sexualaty.
Exposing my sexual awakening as I start to die
I start to ride the cornu
The audience has never a man dying in such horrific, sexual ecstasy
I am screaming and then vomiting blood,
Splashing on my throbbing hard cock
I stare at the crowd as I violently ride the cornu faster and faster.
As I reach my final climax I stare out as I violently convulse.....
I tried this idea over ten years ago, lots of interest but it fizzled out.
Trust is the big problem here. Trust that there are no wierdos who might do something really stupid - one would be completely vulnerable and at the mercy of those present.
Trust for privacy, I would want to keep my identity unknown but with mobile phones that could be compromised so easily.
Trust that one really would be taken down from the cross with a safe phrase shouted when it gets too much, it would be a dangerous joke to keep someone up there if they are in difficulties.
I thought back at the time I was thinking about group crux events that for safety lots of people would need to be there plus the presence of women would be essential, women are generally more sensible and aware of trouble. Yet would women be interested in such a thing? I doubt it.
I would be happy to attend such a thing and even subject myself to being roped naked on a cross till I had had enough if there was a large crowd of people, men and women - anything stupid would be stopped. I would not be happy to do that with a small group of say just three or four blokes, .......possibly stripped and male-raped all filmed and published, no thanks!

It's a great idea but needs to be so carefully organised. Safety, privacy and trust being the most important things to get right.
I tried this idea over ten years ago, lots of interest but it fizzled out.
Trust is the big problem here. Trust that there are no wierdos who might do something really stupid - one would be completely vulnerable and at the mercy of those present.
Trust for privacy, I would want to keep my identity unknown but with mobile phones that could be compromised so easily.
Trust that one really would be taken down from the cross with a safe phrase shouted when it gets too much, it would be a dangerous joke to keep someone up there if they are in difficulties.
I thought back at the time I was thinking about group crux events that for safety lots of people would need to be there plus the presence of women would be essential, women are generally more sensible and aware of trouble. Yet would women be interested in such a thing? I doubt it.
I would be happy to attend such a thing and even subject myself to being roped naked on a cross till I had had enough if there was a large crowd of people, men and women - anything stupid would be stopped. I would not be happy to do that with a small group of say just three or four blokes, .......possibly stripped and male-raped all filmed and published, no thanks!

It's a great idea but needs to be so carefully organised. Safety, privacy and trust being the most important things to get right.
I completely agree with everything you have just said. Security is very important. I would certainly with the right security conditions also offer my body to be tied to a cross in front of a crowd.
If you arranging for the such a kind of event, you have to understand, that people which is joining is also interested to anonimous. But anyhow you already cannot have your privacy when doing this.
But you have to deside, what is more important: privacy and anonimous, or safety?
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