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It's nice to fantasize about it, but sadly we all know it never going to happen.

This is roughly the 5th time I see a thread about "come one guys, let's make it happen", and then the whole thing just vanishes.

It's kind of the order of nature. The organisers never actually put things in motion, because they are not rich, so they cannot afford the risk to book a proper place for such an event, expecting about 20 people, and then nobody shows up. It is a very real risk, because participants also tend to change their minds. Many people turns around from half way or even in the last minute. Everyone wants to experience a crucifixion party in their most erotic fantasies, but 90% is not brave (or fool?) enough to admit it to anyone face to face.

Also, even if it actually happens, there are too many people, who only wants to be in victim role.

Making a compromise by organising a multiple day’s event and take turns is not a solution either. Everyone would promise to stay after their turn and help others experience it, but we know human nature: Most people would just leave immediately after they got what they came for, and the ones, who are scheduled to get crucified on a later day would have to be disappointed, because to few people would stay to crucify them.
yes... but i want
First, at least two people need to get together in real life and show the result of that meeting. Then others can be added. The real meeting community will grow. It’s just not possible to gather 10 people right away. The reasons are explained above by Andras. We have to start small. In general, I’m not sure that there are people here who want a real meeting for crucifixion or bondage...
First, at least two people need to get together in real life and show the result of that meeting. Then others can be added. The real meeting community will grow. It’s just not possible to gather 10 people right away. The reasons are explained above by Andras. We have to start small. In general, I’m not sure that there are people here who want a real meeting for crucifixion or bondage...
i want a real.... but i think i alone) or no have money for trip
i want a real.... but i think i alone) or no have money for trip
I have money for trip, but I haven’t found anything here yet except conversations...
And if there is no one, then the money can be saved for another trip :)
I have money for trip, but I haven’t found anything here yet except conversations...
And if there is no one, then the money can be saved for another trip :)
This summer I have 5 new acquaintances in this thread... 2 near me (in the same country) but... one refused because he doesn't understand why I might need to spend the night somewhere... and the second said that the distance between us is too big (3 hours) so our meeting is "from the realm of fantasy".... the remaining guys are in other countries and too far away.... so I understand you

post scriptum: I'm just too lazy to count the number of acquaintances who only talk and dream)
Something crossed my mind about this topic. People need get to know each other and have trust in each other in order to pull this off. What if someone set up a regular video call, where interested people could get to know each other and start building that trust factor. Maybe after 6 months to a year, you may have a handful of people who know each other a bit, and then you could start to plan out timing, location, and roles.
Something crossed my mind about this topic. People need get to know each other and have trust in each other in order to pull this off. What if someone set up a regular video call, where interested people could get to know each other and start building that trust factor. Maybe after 6 months to a year, you may have a handful of people who know each other a bit, and then you could start to plan out timing, location, and roles.
Lets do it I am in
Something crossed my mind about this topic. People need get to know each other and have trust in each other in order to pull this off. What if someone set up a regular video call, where interested people could get to know each other and start building that trust factor. Maybe after 6 months to a year, you may have a handful of people who know each other a bit, and then you could start to plan out timing, location, and roles.
Nice idea
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