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Excerpt from Missing Members - any news?

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I will never leave the forum, by the way. If I do, I was banned, and that means there are moderators here who care more about their stupid power trip than allowing y'all to see my fantastic art.
I think it is fair to say there are currently no moderators like that on these forums. Play safe, kids.
I think it is fair to say there are currently no moderators like that on these forums. Play safe, kids.
I'm not your kid, and you have no authority or standing to act condescending right now. If you want to make light of the situation, you can go ahead and put the rest of the clown costume on. Everyone involved in this situation is acting like a clown, might as well look the part.
Look - Monty corresponded in a private PM with one of my colleagues. My understanding is that it was a friendly conversation, but sadly he had made up his mind to leave. He didn't want his reasons to be made public, and I honestly don't know the details. But I was reassured that he said he had no personal quarrel with any of us staff. I think I speak for all of us in saying that we're very sorry to have lost a good friend.
A quite active moderator just happens to dissapear ?
A highly respected artist just leaves without a word?

Is this the fall-out of the multiple account affair somehow?
WTF is going on?
Look - Monty corresponded in a private PM with one of my colleagues. My understanding is that it was a friendly conversation, but sadly he had made up his mind to leave. He didn't want his reasons to be made public, and I honestly don't know the details. But I was reassured that he said he had no personal quarrel with any of us staff. I think I speak for all of us in saying that we're very sorry to have lost a good friend.
That strikes me as bullshit. He may have left a nice message before he left, but he did not leave on good terms. He left because he was disgusted. At who or what is what need to be said. You guys can't be running around with dumb secrets spread across ten group chats.

Also lol at "one of my colleagues", what kind of colleague, in the prestigious position of internet hall-monitor?
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To be serious, I'm now a member of Pixels in peril where also he's ; he didn't tell me why he was exactelly getting out off CF , but I think that this site isn't very interesting for me : they refuse that we can post any manipulation ... what I do in fact ...
It's a little site ( 500 members) but I dont think that they'll be much developping : it's rather for artists who are exclusively working with Daz, Genesis or all these kinds of creation ; their slogan is :
to create something from nothing ; it's assuming that you can purchase all what you do and it's too much expensive for me !
To be serious, I'm now a member of Pixels in peril where also he's ; he didn't tell me why he was exactelly getting out off CF , but I think that this site isn't very interesting for me : they refuse that we can post any manipulation ... what I do in fact ...
It's a little site ( 500 members) but I dont think that they'll be much developping : it's rather for artists who are exclusively working with Daz, Genesis or all these kinds of creation ; their slogan is :
to create something from nothing ; it's assuming that you can purchase all what you do and it's too much expensive for me !
There's a section for 2d art as well, but the fact that it is called "2d art" should tell you the perspective of the site admin, who is here, btw, as @Nyghtfall3D Great guy. But it is a replacement for VoD which he kinda torpedoed on his own with only a short warning, so I'm still wary of the place.
Those are some boomer-ass unsolved mysteries

Look - Monty corresponded in a private PM with one of my colleagues. My understanding is that it was a friendly conversation, but sadly he had made up his mind to leave. He didn't want his reasons to be made public, and I honestly don't know the details. But I was reassured that he said he had no personal quarrel with any of us staff. I think I speak for all of us in saying that we're very sorry to have lost a good friend.
Remove my account , i started all this figthing and I hate it
I think it is fair to say there are currently no moderators like that on these forums. Play safe, kids.
You are also in danger of losing one of your better writers (no false modesty) and right in the middle of a pretty darn good story, "Tokyo Trouble". It may be too late to get Monty and Mel back, but I am still here for now. Act quickly, this is a limited time offer. Choose the real writer or the fake one...
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You are also in danger of losing one of your better writers (no false modesty) and right in the middle of a pretty darn good story, "Tokyo Trouble". It may be too late to get Monty and Mel back, but I am still here for now. ACt quickly, this is a limited time offer. Choose the real writer or the fake one...
What an ego and swelled head you have , mr perfect
There's a section for 2d art as well, but the fact that it is called "2d art" should tell you the perspective of the site admin, who is here, btw, as @Nyghtfall3D Great guy. But it is a replacement for VoD which he kinda torpedoed on his own with only a short warning, so I'm still wary of the place.
Dont come, tnere is nothing to do ; for me, the problem is simple, I only work with manipulations , then, no problem ! ...
Dont come, tnere is nothing to do ; for me, the problem is simple, I only work with manipulations , then, no problem ! ...
Honestly I wish this place gave more play to paintings, sketches, and inks over photomanipulation. I don't think it's been a good place to attract artists too for a while. :/
That strikes me as bullshit. He may have left a nice message before he left, but he did not leave on good terms. He left because he was disgusted. At who or what is what need to be said. You guys can't be running around with dumb secrets spread across ten group chats.

Also lol at "one of my colleagues", what kind of colleague, in the prestigious position of internet hall-monitor?
I'm saying 'one of my colleagues' as he's not on-site at present, I don't he'll mind identifying himself.
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