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For Hanging And Noose Lovers!

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What goes through her mind in the last moments before she is hanged?
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There will be no pardon from this court. She knows the noose will kill her but she doesn't know how it will feel to be hanged before the crowd waiting to see her execution...
View attachment 1486078i found this picture and I know it was from a series does anybody knows how to find it or the artist
Don't know, but he should be flogged. You go through all the trouble to hang some woman and leave her clothed and put belts around her knees and ankles? Hell, she's wearing a bra and I'll bet she has panties on! A woman convicted of whatever crimes she committed should suffer the disgrace of being brought to the gallows nakad and her legs should be free to kick wildly as she chokes hanging by her neck!!!
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Now that's more like it!!!
View attachment 1486078i found this picture and I know it was from a series does anybody knows how to find it or the artist
27-year-old Florence was sentenced to death by hanging for adultery (she had cheated on her husband for 5 years with several men). Originally, she was to be, like all adulteresses sentenced to death, hanged or stoned naked in a public place, with a sign around her neck reading "I am a whore". As a mercy, she was hanged fully clothed in the prison yard. In her last words before her execution, she expressed regret. her crime, while being grateful that she wouldn't die naked like a whore in public.
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