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For Hanging And Noose Lovers!

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Fascinated with the classical hangman's knot as I am, it recently struck me that the coil of rope could be taken to be a metaphore of an erect penis. The parallels in shape and size is one thing, but there is as well a connotation of concentrated power emanating from both. Any thoughts?
Fascinated with the classical hangman's knot as I am, it recently struck me that the coil of rope could be taken to be a metaphore of an erect penis. The parallels in shape and size is one thing, but there is as well a connotation of concentrated power emanating from both. Any thoughts?
Oh, yessss! :bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart:
A metaphor for an erect penis... and a hood? Since you brought it up...
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I am being led into the hanging chamber. My hands have already been tied behind my back. A beautiful woman, dressed in black, welcomes me with a warm smile. "Hey darling, welcome to my hanging room!"

Involuntarily my eyes are drawn to one side. There, at the far end of the chamber, looms the gallows. I'm completely absorbed by the sight of it. It looks so big and impressive!

"Yeah, that's right, that's the gallows from which we are going to hang you, dear. Take a good look at it - isn't it grand?"

"You see, I want my hangings to go nice and smooth so I had it designed especially sturdy and resilient. All solid timber. Able to absorb prolonged swinging and kicking of a strong adult like you."

A short flight of stairs lead up to a podium. Two heavy uprights supporting a massive crossbeam from which a noose hangs ready. A small stool stands ready directly under it.

"And I have prepared a nice big knot for you, dear. It will look really sexy on you plus it will make you struggle long and hard."

She descends the scaffold and approaches me with a confident stride.

"So, what do you think, dear? Looks good, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it looks a bit scary. But I know you need it. And I am determined to give you a good time. I believe together we can make your hanging a really nice and exciting one.

We are standing at the base of the gallows. I look up to the noose, its actual size now even more apparent.

"Hey, I know you badly want to hang and I am going to help you, OK? I will hang you really good, and I know you will do great at the end of the rope. Just imagine yourself dangling from that rope: all tied up and hooded. You will look like a fish at the end of a line, totally helpless. You'll totally love it!".

Her words amplify my appetite. Although still extremely nervous, a sense of determination takes hold of me. Yes, I want it. Badly!

She has sensed it and gets up behind me. All I need is a gentle nudge in the back. And there I go, up the short flight of stairs, like a moth to a flame.
She has sensed it and gets up behind me. All I need is a gentle nudge in the back. And there I go, up the short flight of stairs, like a moth to a flame.
I am led up the gallows' steps. The guard does not seem interested I find the climb difficult.
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On the platform I stand next ti the thick rope the noose is made with. My crimes are read and did I detect a hint of joy when the warden proclaimed I 'will be hanged by your neck until you are dead'?
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An nun stands behind me. I say to her "Just drop me and get this over with."
She calmly explains "You don't understand. It will take a few minutes for you to die. We have to put a hood over your head so no one can see your eyes when they are bulging while you choke to death. Don't worry. You will kick and thrash while the noose strangles you. I wonder if you piss while you are still alive or that waits until you are dead."
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The hood is pulled over my head and the noose is tightened around the cloth. The noon bell rings over the courtyard. When it stops they will hang me. Damn, I have to pee already!
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The bell stops ringing and a lever is pulled to release the trapdoor. I drop a few feet before my head is jerked. I stare into the hood and fight not to pee.
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They can execute my but I will die with whatever dignity I can muster...
I am led up the gallows' steps. The guard does not seem interested I find the climb difficult.
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On the platform I stand next ti the thick rope the noose is made with. My crimes are read and did I detect a hint of joy when the warden proclaimed I 'will be hanged by your neck until you are dead'?
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An nun stands behind me. I say to her "Just drop me and get this over with."
She calmly explains "You don't understand. It will take a few minutes for you to die. We have to put a hood over your head so no one can see your eyes when they are bulging while you choke to death. Don't worry. You will kick and thrash while the noose strangles you. I wonder if you piss while you are still alive or that waits until you are dead."
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The hood is pulled over my head and the noose is tightened around the cloth. The noon bell rings over the courtyard. When it stops they will hang me. Damn, I have to pee already!
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The bell stops ringing and a lever is pulled to release the trapdoor. I drop a few feet before my head is jerked. I stare into the hood and fight not to pee.
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They can execute my but I will die with whatever dignity I can muster...
The sound of creaking rope. Tremendous pressure on my throat! My legs feel strange and heavy. I sense I am being hauled upwards. I am being hanged! I am hanging from a gallows!

I am surrounded by a soft white light, with beautiful glowing colors. A warm yellow sun is shining.

Trapdoor sprung, All good. Head tilted in ideal position. Normal struggling.

"Keep your legs still, honey! And focus on your breathing!"

Warmth envelops me.

"Here, let me make you properly swing..."

Gentle push and the slight swinging of the body reduces the level of struggling, as expected.

I am swimming in a sea of warm oil. It feels exquisite.

She strokes my buttocks. "Yeeees... That's it, darling. That's the proper way to hang."

Very little struggling. Hands relaxed. Regular hissing and puffing sounds from under the hood.
Perfect slow strangulation.

In the distance, an island. I continue swimming through the deliciously warm oily substance.

She firmly slaps my buttocks. "Come, it's time for you to let yourself go. Start kicking!"

Promptly the tied legs start going up and down. Hissing and puffing sounds growing more frequent.

"Yeah, work on that breathing!"

Legs pumping now. Excellent endurance.

"What a show, dear, what a show! I can see how much you are enjoying yourself at the end of your rope!

Oveall struggling increasing. Fists start closing and opening irregularly.
Respiratory activity more strained, but still good puffing.

"You're such a beautiful sight at the end of your rope, dear. So wonderful!"

Struggling now growing irregular. Shaking and trembling movements. Legs stopped pumping. Slowly being drawn up.

Static posture now with knees drawn up to sitting position. Absolutely beautiful posture. Trembling. No struggling. Respiratory activity very weak and strained.
"Come, it's time for you to let yourself go. Start kicking!"

Promptly the tied legs start going up and down. Hissing and puffing sounds growing more frequent.

"Yeah, work on that breathing!"

Legs pumping now. Excellent endurance.

"What a show, dear, what a show! I can see how much you are enjoying yourself at the end of your rope!

Oveall struggling increasing. Fists start closing and opening irregularly.
Respiratory activity more strained, but still good puffing.

"You're such a beautiful sight at the end of your rope, dear. So wonderful!"

Struggling now growing irregular. Shaking and trembling movements. Legs stopped pumping. Slowly being drawn up.
The prisoner was declared legally dead the moment the trapdoor opened. Her confused mind was unaware of her struggles as the noose closed her throat. She thought she hanged motionless. With her ears ringing she could not hear the witnesses cheer as she thrashed as she hanged by her neck. She did not know she pissed down her legs.
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Her last twitches were recorded four minutes after she was hanged...
"Hey, I know you badly want to hang and I am going to help you, OK? I will hang you really good, and I know you will do great at the end of the rope. Just imagine yourself dangling from that rope: all tied up and hooded. You will look like a fish at the end of a line, totally helpless. You'll totally love it!".

Her words amplify my appetite. Although still extremely nervous, a sense of determination takes hold of me. Yes, I want it. Badly!

She has sensed it and gets up behind me. All I need is a gentle nudge in the back. And there I go, up the short flight of stairs, like a moth to a flame.

She takes advantage of my eagerness and when we have arrived at the platform she quickly puts the noose aside to make room for the final preparations. First I need to take place on the stool. Then my arms are secured further with a leather strap.

"Right, now I'm going to tie your legs together, OK darling? She produces a length of rope and starts to make a wrap-and-cinch knot around my ankles. "You see, it's really important your legs stay neatly together while you hang."

While she is working with the rope I feel utterly blissful, standing here on the scaffold and being attended to so well. My heart is racing from the adrenaline. Being prepared to get hanged is just so wonderful. All the attention!

"Now remember, from the first moment you're suspended, your legs will want to kick. It will go automatically, you'll see. However, it's important you try to control them and keep them still as long as you can. It will help you focus your energy on your breathing. Especially during the first few seconds."

She takes a second piece of rope and progresses to wrap-and-cinch my legs further together just above my knees.

"Hey, by the way, how are you feeling? Are you excited?"

I nod. Her face draws a radiant smile. "Yeah, it's a great feeling, isn't it, to be standing on the scaffold. All high up for everyone to see. Being prepared for a good hanging."

"I remember my first time. I was so eager. The tying up seemed to last forever and I recall asking my hangwoman to hurry up. That's how badly I wanted to swing from the rope, can you imagine?"

Hey, how is this knot by the way? Not too tight? Or would you like it a bit tighter?"

"A bit tighter, please." The words come out without thinking. Something inside of me just wants my legs being bound nice and tight - or do I just love being attended to here so much?

A final pull on the rope, a good double knot and she is finished tying me up. I am now very immobilized. I wriggle about in my bonds. They feel really nice and are making me feel safe and secure. I feel totally ready!

She takes a step back and scans me from head to toe. "Are your bonds feeling OK darling?"

She walks around me and pulls on my bonds, testing them. Finally she halts in front of me and looks up with a warm smile. "Well, looks like you're all good to go! What do you say darling, do you want to be hanged now?"
''Dear Mother Superior, I'd like to enlist for this week's Ceremony please.

- But sister, you have entered our Order only 5 weeks ago. It's too soon.

I feel ready, Mother Superior. I really do!

--- a brief silence ---

- How many Ceremonies have you witnessed sofar? Two?

No, Mother Superior, I have been present at all five of them since I joined.

- Did you put your name in the log book?

I did, Mother Superior, each time.

- Did you ever hang in private life? Before you joined our Order?

No, Mother Superior, I did not.

- If you were to be hanged this week, how would you like it to be done?

Like with Sister Cordelia last week please, Mother Superior.

- I see........

--- a brief silence ---

- What was it that you so much liked about Sister's Cordelia hanging, dear?

I liked all of it, Mother Superior! It was all soo calm and beautiful. All the tying up before the noose was put in place. And then the slow hoist up. She hang there so calmly. I think she really must have enjoyed it!

- We all enjoy hanging, dear. We all do very much.

Could she be the one to hang me please, Mother Superior? Please?

- Would you like that?

Oh yes, Mother Superior! Can she hang me please?

- During Sister Cordelia's hanging, did you...climax?

Oh yes, Mother Superior! Four times!

- Four? When?

First while she was being tied up, a second time when they put the noose around her neck, and two times while she was suspended.

- I see...I guess you manipulated yourself quite a bit then during the proceedings?

Yes, Mother Superior, I did.

- We approve of extensive self-manipulation and climaxing during a Ceremony. Well done.

So, can I be next please?

--- a brief silence ----

- Allright. We will put you on the list for this week. And Sister Cordelia will be the one to hang you.

Oh, thank you, Mother Superior! Thank you!

- That's OK, darling. I will talk to Sister Cordelia and she will go over the details with you. Enjoy the preparation time, my dear.
She takes a step back and scans me from head to toe. "Are your bonds feeling OK darling?"

She walks around me and pulls on my bonds, testing them. Finally she halts in front of me and looks up with a warm smile. "Well, looks like you're all good to go! What do you say darling, do you want to be hanged now?"
The nun reminds me this will not be like when I was hanged in the convent. This will not be a wild thrill where the noose slowly chokes me then I am let go to to live and remember the horrible but erotic experience. I have seduced the archbishop of the diocese and have been convicted of being a whore. It is with cheer- and maybe envy- when she tells me "You will be hoisted up and as the noose closes around your neck, your legs will kick and your breasts will sway on your chest. But you will not be taken down until you are long dead. See how many of your friends and family are in the crowd? Not one has asked for any mercy for you..."
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The archbishop hanged the young woman when she offered to suck his manhood instead of having to recite fifty 'Hail Marys' for her penance. After all, there are prices to be paid for such debauchery!

Of course when an attractive noble woman had refused his advances, he claimed she tried to seduce him and demanded she pay the ultimate price of being hanged naked in the town square.
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The hangman showed the woman mercy. He put a sack over her head so no one could see her eyes bulge or her mouth gasp for breaths as she was hanged.
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The dear woman still put up a good fight as she hanged by her neck.
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