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Great Pics Found By Phlebas And Other

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Why are you adding more pain to a girl already crucified ?
but he's not, he's offering her a way to end her suffering - much pain for a short time, or more pain for longer ...
Some for a Tuesday.
It's interesting to see Buffalor's continued foray into AI, and it's hard to stop the march of the artificial pixels! Can you tell whether these are AI or not?
I'd guess 3-5 are. Not sure about 1-2
All are AI. Am I right?

Yeah, all are AI as far as I know. Buffalor5's work is different now but bares a resemblance to the slim figures of his previous simple line drawing style.

I say number 3 and 5 are AI.

But, if #5 is real, then that girl probably got crucified because she has six toes. Down with the six-toed! Clean the gene pool!!
And just one feet.

I've seen a lot of freaks on the cross, doubtless that's why they've been crucified! One day Ill post some of the horrors that my own efforts have produced.
[QUOTE="phlebas, post: 900621, member: 976

I've seen a lot of freaks on the cross, doubtless that's why they've been crucified! One day Ill post some of the horrors that my own efforts have produced.

I was joking and I imagine as it is hard to tame AI.
I confess my full ignorance in this field, but it's unbeliveble the "I" doesn't still understood how fingers or feet human beings have.
[QUOTE="phlebas, post: 900621, member: 976

I've seen a lot of freaks on the cross, doubtless that's why they've been crucified! One day Ill post some of the horrors that my own efforts have produced.

I was joking and I imagine as it is hard to tame AI.
I confess my full ignorance in this field, but it's unbeliveble the "I" doesn't still understood how fingers or feet human beings have.

Some AI models are good at one thing, some at another. At least we can photoshop hands and feet.

Some selections for Friday

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