Now there is a man walking up to the crosses, coming from the village. The officer steps out of the tent and the two are gathering
between the crucified. Daniela keeping her eyes on that man, obviously trying to say something. But the well dressed man
cutting her try off, right away: "You shut up slave. I know what you want, but there will be no mercy. You will die with your
friends on your crosses."
Then speaking to the guard: "So far I'm very pleased with the impression, that the crucifixion has left with my
personell and slaves. But why did you allow the three to leave the loincloth on?"
The guard answering: "Sir, I have to apologize, but it was a good crowd here. It was not easy to keep the mob under control.
If had stripped your slaves prior to the crucifiction of these two criminals, the mob would have screamed for more or even had started a riot.
As soon as that happens, we can't execute the condemned the way we have planned it. So we decided to enhance the
exitment of the whole execution, each time we bring another cross in.
But these are your property. If you want them to die as naked as on the day they were born, that is no problem. You can go ahead and tear the loincloth off yourself, if you may like."
The slave owner speaking, while turning to Daniela: "The slaves at the house are saying, that you had been bitching and agitating here on your cross, too. That tells me that you deserve the punishment, and it suits you well. On your titulus everyone can read who you are, and what you are executed for. Your bodies will stay on the cross, until there is only skeletons left. But your titulus will be hanging with you over your head until the cross is used again. So the people that are passing by can see how I handle rebellious slaves and their friends."
While he is saying that, Daniela is bending her head and body, trying to catch a look at her titulus while her owner continues:"Some of the younger slaves didn't think, that I would have a woman crucified, but it's worth it. When I look at these criminals here, you can be lucky that you haven't been stripped completely and you haven't been nailed."
While saying that he steps in front of Daniela: "But your loincloth is filthy and you are sweating incredibly."
He is reaching out now to loosen the rope around Danielas hips, that rope still holding her loincloth and by tearing it of, he is pulling her body away from the upright and making her boobs swing slightly. Daniela now trying ashamed to move her knees to the side, to eventually hide her sex. Then the landholder going ahead, doing the same with his male slaves.
Directed to me he says: "Aren't my slaves well hung? You are dying there on that cross, monitoring this without a word, I'd be jealous."
While turning to Andrea: "Look at these penises, isn't that great? Just that in the heat, the testicles are even longer than the cocks. But now enough of this, all your screaming and groaning bores me. Guard, you and your men did a good job. Feel invited at the tavern tonight, this seems to be very effective. You can tell me in detailes in the evening, how you finished it."
Saying that, he walks off, looking at us laughing, shaking his head.
The guard immediately disappearing in the shadow of the tent, leaving us screaming crucified alone.
Every once in a while people are passing by now in a little distance, pointing with fingers at the crosses.