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Love this!

I once tried rewriting the song lyrics to My Fair Lady to post on CF, but never completed the task. Think of it. “I’m getting crucified in the morning”, “Get me to the hill on time”, “in the gaol where I wait”, “...
Monty has pulled off this feat,
Eliza has to repeat and repeat,
"Alas, the pain,
Comes from the cane."
As she nurses her tender seat.
As he shut off the current, she fell
Out of her cauldron of hell.
She sweated with fear
As the Prof said “my dear,
It appears you are learning quite well!”
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“You’ll spend the night bound to this frame,
Every hour, on the hour, it’s the same.
The timer is set,
Hourly shocks you will get,
And you’ve only yourself to blame!”
Up the stairs, the prof’s footsteps retreated;
She fell back on the frame, quite defeated.
She supposed she’d been bad,
Drove the poor feller mad..
Had she really behaved so conceited?
She heard his key turn in the lock;
Then only the sound of the clock,
Each little tick beckoned
On every second
Towards the next massive shock!
The waiting became so unnerving,
She could not refrain from observing,
How her scorn of her master
Had led to disaster;
This torture, her rightful deserving!
She reflected on this, but her thought
Was suddenly cut very short,
As an agonised wave
Hit the bound, sweating slave,
With a shock of the electrical sort!
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