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Manips By Phlebas

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That's only true if Da Vinci had been American. In some places, the problem is he only painted the one finger. ;)
What you say is true. In my job I once attended a training session on database software. The presenter was an Indian woman. On her slides, there was a hand with a finger highlighting key points. She said that in Turkey, somebody jumped up and covered the screen. "And it is worse because you are a woman."

I did read somewhere that the United States, Germany (because of the "tithe" tax), and the UK fund most of the Vatican's budget--I don't know if it's still true. So that should give the US at least some say in which finger means what.
Ever wonder what that cute brown-eyed vixen who always sits in the third pew would look like stripped of her “Sunday Best”?

Oh yes, indeed. This could very much be part of the attraction of such an "authentic" passion. Good for the humiliation humility, too.

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which this brown-eyed vixen’s nailed,
Her sacrifice seems no great loss
As on her cornu, deep impaled,
She writhes in agony divine,
And fights for every painful breath,
She expiates your sins, and mine,
And entertains us with her death.

This is actually quite brilliant. This is where the erotic and the sacramental aspects of crux can come together very nicely.

I'm still ploughing this "nude passion re-enactment" furrow, so apologies if it doesn't float your ark boat.

I imagine that prior to the performance the participants might need a sponging down to be completely presentable, and perhaps to head off that inconvenient male reaction before the congregation arrives.

Audience participation might be encouraged, if suitably reverent.

Imagine if they went the whole way, with nails. They kneel reverently beside the suffering man, ready to share in his passion. The participating man gives everything to his performance.

Or perhaps it is safer to stay away from the question of male potency. This man fulfils the criteria for the role, without that added distraction. The image could be a modern icon of sacrifice and devotion.

Now we move from reverence to fantasy. The central figure of this tableau is joined by a very naughty nun who is eager to partake of the sacrament.

This church has an appreciation of the feminine aspect of the divine, but sorry we move even further into fantasy with not one but two nuns.

That's only true if Da Vinci had been American. In some places, the problem is he only painted the one finger. ;)

Sometimes one finger is enough.
Imagine if they went the whole way, with nails. They kneel reverently beside the suffering man, ready to share in his passion. The participating man gives everything to his performance.

Or perhaps it is safer to stay away from the question of male potency. This man fulfils the criteria for the role, without that added distraction. The image could be a modern icon of sacrifice and devotion.
It is always convenient to discuss such things during the 'dress' rehearsal of the passion play!:D
Ok, the last of the church inspired manips for now.

This church believes strongly in the sacramental nature of the crucifixion re-enactment. The reverend lady pastor is on hand to collect any bodily fluids produced during this man's lengthy passion.

In this church, the crucified man remains on the cross after the congregation has left. Rev Jessica has one last liturgical act to perform before she releases him.
Well, it is her job to guide her flock to heaven

For those who didn't see them elsewhere , these are some manips I did working with Judith Jesus' shared pictures

I like the mix of victims here, her face is obscured but he is looking at her. I wonder what their story is.

In this one, this woman was passing on the road with her husband, but she was drawn to the suffering of the crucified @JudithJesus , standing up on her nails and fighting for breath. She watches, deep in thought, her imagination working overtime.
After my flights of fancy with church passion plays, here is something a little more reverent for Holy Week.

A woman cannot preach! At least, that's what the men said, the men who make the rules, the men who govern our lives. A woman cannot preach, and she certainly cannot preach against the proper order of things. It is an outrage, indecent!

Now she suffers, naked, pierced, she hangs before the people she tried to enlighten. Men dice for her clothes in front of her. Her loved ones gather at the foot of her cross, sharing her suffering, bringing both comfort and humiliation, for to be exposed and helpless like this and to bring such shame on them is an added pain for her.

We watch, and wait.

Now she suffers, naked, pierced, she hangs before the people she tried to enlighten. Men dice for her clothes in front of her. Her loved ones gather at the foot of her cross, sharing her suffering, bringing both comfort and humiliation, for to be exposed and helpless like this and to bring such shame on them is an added pain for her.

We watch, and wait.

View attachment 1156964
Please allow me to post the original photo, taken by Spike Sharp of the Crux Chronicle. Please note the ropes were added later and the women at the base of the cross are admiring how the crucified woman looks...
crux 731.jpg

Excellent art, Phlebas!!!
Lovely photomontage @phlebas ! I assume she’s being crucified for not being a natural blonde? ;) Or perhaps that didn’t become obvious until her loincloth was torn away…:eek:

I can't tell if these two are natural blondes . . . . . or why they are being crucified, I leave it to your imagination though I have my own ideas :)

A tourist? An aide worker? Perhaps the daughter of an opposing militia group's leader? Whoever she is I think she has a very interesting time ahead.

It was important to teach the invaders a lesson, but guard duty was very boring. She passed the time thinking about ways to entertain herself
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