This is an interesting picture, hammers. The sunset makes for an atmospheric image.
Paint net is rather good ; I used of it for a long time ago, to learn , before to take Corel ......I am trying to test 'Paint.Net',but I am taking my time with it ( at first instance I am not feeling at ease with it)
Hi hammers, in Windows Paint, if you 'Select' from the drop-down menu, the option called, 'Free-form selection', you can use this to manually cut out shapes, and then move the cut-out onto a new background.Many thanks Bobinder. I confirm that I am still using 'Paint' and that sand is painted free hand like everything else.
Nicely done. Somehow having two figures there in that setting and positioned in that way creates a sense of loneliness. The slightly "off" colouring may be inadvertent, but I like it; it adds a surreal element.
Looking good, hammers - you are getting better at this.
Hi hammers, this is looking very good.