I am attaching a new manipulation : the Author of the original titled "Triumph of Faith Christian Martyrs in the time of Nero'" is
the French painter of History Eugene Romain Thirion (1839-1910):
View attachment 676992View attachment 676993
Again, you have modified the background carefully with digital painting, to create your new version of the picture. It makes an exciting scene.
Thanks for your kind comment of my work. I have also appreciated your phrase commenting the title given by the Painter to his artwork(However, as it is certainly known to you too, the Artist referred to a celestial triumph of the Martyrs after suffering and dying for Christ in this life)Not much there for those Christians to feel triumphant about .... nice work!
Your pictures would look good with wood grain on the crosses, which can be reproduced by digital painting, or by using wooden cut-outs.
I am attaching a new manipulation : the Author of the original titled "Triumph of Faith Christian Martyrs in the time of Nero'" is
the French painter of History Eugene Romain Thirion (1839-1910):
View attachment 676992View attachment 676993
C'ést un honneur pour moi ^etre d'inspiration de quelque façon et Je vais garder Votre oeuvre dans mon archive.Or even in choosing some other crucifixions'pics into the madiosi'thread ...
Your pic was inspiring to me this one :
Thanks a lot!!Happy Birthday Hammers!
Very kind of you !! ThanksVery dramatic, she surveys her companions from her cross most vividly!
Oh and Happy birthday, Hammers!
Happy birthday, Hammers!
Happy Birthday Hammers!
Happy Birthday, Hammers!Thanks a lot!!
from Hammers
Like the added whip marksHere are a few manipulations: one image is without the other two are with background,but results on my advise are rather poor. Bye and thanks to all.
View attachment 659895View attachment 659896View attachment 659897
Another background painting, cleverly adapted for this manipulation - well done!
Thank You!!Another background painting, cleverly adapted for this manipulation - well done!