Father Bernardino, the Grand Inquisitor, had returned to Madrid from Rome on a Saturday evening, in absolute secrecy. He had had a long conversation with the Pope about the witch Laya (whose reputation for being able to endure any kind of torture had reached Rome) and above all about the secret of the Sabba, which that witch was certainly aware of. He had received a message from the Pope to transmit to the King of Spain, the one on whom the Spanish Catholic Inquisition depended. At dawn on Sunday, again in secret, Father Bernardino went to the King of Spain and they spoke for a long time. Then Bernardino withdrew, after having revealed the papal message and obtained the King's approval. No one yet knew that Bernardino had returned to Madrid, except the King. Shortly after eleven, the Dominican friar presented himself to Countess Amparo, who was having breakfast before going to admire the suffering of the poor girl chained in the dungeons. Countess Amparo was surprised, she had not expected the visit of the Grand Inquisitor. Father Bernardino only said a few words to her (Countess Amparo was a true friend of the Church) but they left no room for doubt: “That witch knows what the Sabba is, we are sure of it. And I have the authorization of both the Pope and the King to use any means to obtain the information that Satan does not want us to know. Even if it means tearing her to pieces, she will have to speak, then she will be burned alive, if she is still alive…” Countess Amparo smiled happily at him and said: “Let's go Father Bernardino, the flesh of the little witch Laya is waiting to suffer all kinds of torture… but she will talk, my friend, that little whore, oh yes, she will talk… and tomorrow our friend Rosa will also be back and I think she can't wait to get back to doing her wonderful job... Let’s go, let’s go, Laya is waiting for us!” And the Countess let out a hearty laugh!