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“This afternoon we will spend many hours together, little whore… are you happy?” Countess Amparo said and Laya was impaled with her pussy on a huge wedge full of nails, with her arms in the “strappado” position to increase her torment. Then the two torturers positioned themselves on the sides of the tortured girl and with iron clubs, also full of nails, they hit her alternating blows on her tits, on her thighs, then everywhere. The girl was beaten all afternoon without ever a moment’s respite… and even though she tried to explain that she didn’t remember anything from that night years before because she was too young, she wasn’t believed and the massacre continued. When towards evening she fainted for the third time under the blows, the two tired torturers decided to leave her tied like that and left, only to start again the next morning…


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“This afternoon we will spend many hours together, little whore… are you happy?” Countess Amparo said and Laya was impaled with her pussy on a huge wedge full of nails, with her arms in the “strappado” position to increase her torment. Then the two torturers positioned themselves on the sides of the tortured girl and with iron clubs, also full of nails, they hit her alternating blows on her tits, on her thighs, then everywhere. The girl was beaten all afternoon without ever a moment’s respite… and even though she tried to explain that she didn’t remember anything from that night years before because she was too young, she wasn’t believed and the massacre continued. When towards evening she fainted for the third time under the blows, the two tired torturers decided to leave her tied like that and left, only to start again the next morning…
And a good afternoon it is! Thank you Maumau, lovely work and story!

Then, one afternoon like so many others, spent in horrible tortures, the tortured young woman began to speak. She had been made to sit on the Judas Cradle again and was being tormented relentlessly by Rosa with red-hot irons on her tits and by Countess Amparo with a large stick full of nails that was being forced into her pussy. But suddenly Laya said: “I remember… yes I remember that night in the woods…” Father Bernardino was immediately called and sat in a corner, behind the girl. The tortures were not interrupted, however, and Laya told them what they wanted to know from her while she was being made to suffer, sitting on the horrible instrument of pain. Father Bernardino did not miss a whisper, a moan, a word from the witch and wrote down on some paper the account of that night, the night of the Sabba. Finally the secret was revealed… and the Dominican inquisitor felt very important!


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Then, one afternoon like so many others, spent in horrible tortures, the tortured young woman began to speak. She had been made to sit on the Judas Cradle again and was being tormented relentlessly by Rosa with red-hot irons on her tits and by Countess Amparo with a large stick full of nails that was being forced into her pussy. But suddenly Laya said: “I remember… yes I remember that night in the woods…” Father Bernardino was immediately called and sat in a corner, behind the girl. The tortures were not interrupted, however, and Laya told them what they wanted to know from her while she was being made to suffer, sitting on the horrible instrument of pain. Father Bernardino did not miss a whisper, a moan, a word from the witch and wrote down on some paper the account of that night, the night of the Sabba. Finally the secret was revealed… and the Dominican inquisitor felt very important!
One of your best works maumau59. So far my favorites are Laya's story and the previous one by Isabella and Isotta.
I have no words to describe what you make me feel every time I read your stories, topped with your drawings full of lust and eroticism (there is nothing more pleasant than fantasizing about torturing a naked and defenseless woman).
Greetings and thanks for sharing your excellent work.
One of your best works maumau59. So far my favorites are Laya's story and the previous one by Isabella and Isotta.
I have no words to describe what you make me feel every time I read your stories, topped with your drawings full of lust and eroticism (there is nothing more pleasant than fantasizing about torturing a naked and defenseless woman).
Greetings and thanks for sharing your excellent work.
I thank you very much for your appreciation!

Laya remembered and spoke, like a river in flood. And Father Bernardino wrote, quickly and silently, careful to transcribe every word of the young witch’s confession. He alternated the story with heart-rending screams, because never, not even for a single moment, was she granted a break from the terrible tortures that were inflicted on her. She spoke of that night years ago, of the naked or half-naked women dancing in the woods to the sound of drums, of the Pentacle drawn on the ground. And then of the apparition of Him (that’s what the women called the one we were waiting for). His human and bestial features at the same time, the mating with the women who seemed to have gone mad, who were agitated and howling at the full moon. Laya didn’t know how long all this lasted, but she only knew that at a certain point she found herself, a nameless child, at the center of the sacrilegious Pentacle, alone. There was no one left. And it was there that Alaia appeared, the one who was her mother until her capture by the Holy Inquisition. Now Father Bernardino had the proof that the entire Church was looking for, proof of the existence of the Sabba!
Laya could finally be burned at the stake….


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It is to be hoped that the witch will be publicly tortured before being slowly burned at the stake. Slow burning with less wood, which is replenished with new wood from time to time... Tearing of the breasts, thighs and buttocks with red-hot tongs was quite common at the time... and of course, at the end, the red-hot rod in the vagina and anus...
It is to be hoped that the witch will be publicly tortured before being slowly burned at the stake. Slow burning with less wood, which is replenished with new wood from time to time... Tearing of the breasts, thighs and buttocks with red-hot tongs was quite common at the time... and of course, at the end, the red-hot rod in the vagina and anus...
Oh yes, certainly a noteworthy show, especially for the public... but it is not said that the story ends like this, this is what the Church orders (the burning of the witch), then we will see what will happen...
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Since Laya had made a full confession with a considerable number of details about the Sabba, no trial was necessary and the penalty was naturally to burn her alive in public. For this purpose, after the torture had stopped, the witch was chained in the dungeons of the Palace, and was visited by Pablo, Rosa's husband, who was the official executioner in charge of capital punishment. It was customary for the executioner to go and see the victim, to calculate how much wood he would have to use to burn the heretic or - as in this case - the witch. Laya, exhausted by weeks of torture, then saw that fat, half-naked man, decidedly smelly, who entered the cell and began to touch her brutally with those big hands. Neither of them spoke, but Laya knew well that this ritual preceded her execution. Pablo for his part could not help but notice the beauty of the chained girl, but above all that she apparently had no signs of the torture she had suffered. She was definitely a witch... and he would burn her as she deserved...


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Since Laya was considered not only a witch but also a demonic creature, it was decided to continue the torture so that the mere sight of her at the moment of execution would be an example for the public. Pablo branded her with a red-hot cross on her chest, in the area between her breasts, which had been held wide open by hooks stuck in her nipples. The scream that the poor girl let out resounded for a long time between the walls of the dungeons. Then Pablo used other red-hot irons on the most intimate and delicate parts of the young witch…


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An important stage in the preparation of the witch condemned to death was the cutting of her hair. It was a symbolic way to humiliate her femininity and show her without hair to the public, who could thus mock and offend her, it was a further form of torture. Rosa with a long knife sharp as a razor took care of shaving Laya. Without the use of water or lubricants but only with the skill of the tormentor’s hands. He tied Laya in the painful strappado position and told her not to move or in addition to the hair he would cut her flesh (and so it was in a couple of places on the skull, which bled). Laya cried softly when she saw the locks of her black hair fall at her feet. Rosa was very skilled and in the end only a weak down remained on the young woman's head. Rosa could not help but appreciate her work and also the large cross branded by her husband Pablo on Laya’s chest (that brand was there, large and clearly visible, red and blackish between the white breasts, it had not healed). Now Laya the witch was ready for her final punishment...


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The day of the execution arrived, the evening of San Lorenzo of that year, a witch was to be burned. Burned alive at the stake. The pile of wood and the stake had been carefully prepared by Pablo and Rosa. The square was packed with people who had been waiting for hours to see the witch. They shouted "to the stake! to the stake!" and when she finally appeared, surrounded by several soldiers, the square exploded in inhuman screams. Laya was half naked, without her beautiful raven hair and on her chest was visible the brand of the cross, symbolizing that she was a witch. The women of the people vied to spit on her, barely held back by the soldiers. Then Laya was taken to the center of the circle built for her execution and was tied to the wooden stake. The witch did not speak, did not scream, did not cry. She was silent and seemed to be in a trance. Perhaps she was immobilized by terror…Pablo looked at her and thought she was very beautiful. Then he lit the torch and brought the flame close to the wood on which the girl’s feet rested...


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As always lovely work! For me the moment before the torturing or - also in your story - burning is one of the most interesting. It's probably the fear of the victim which makes this specific moment so attractive.
I completely agree with you. The moment before, the last moment before the infinite pain of torture, or capital execution, or violence, or humiliation, is the most difficult moment to capture in the eyes of the predestined victim girl, but for this very reason the most real and exhilarating. The real horror is always the one feared, imagined, perceived as inevitable and imminent... because the victim girls have understood that they will not be able to escape their horrible fate. This is the real terror, even before the pain that will come. If I have managed to convey this feeling a little, I have achieved my goal! Thanks as always Pino, we travel on the same wavelength...:devil-king:
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