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Now This Just Isn't Funny

Go to CruxDreams.com

did you hear about the yogi who walked into a burger joint,​
said "Make me one with everything!"​
I am enlightened ! :cool:
A dog walks into a Saloon. He walks up to the bar and asks the bartender for a scotch. The bartender looks at him and walks to the other end of the bar and starts working his way back.
When he gets to the dog, the dog asks for a scotch again and the bartender ignores him and goes to the other end of the bar.
This happens two more times and when the bartender returns on the third, the dog says "Hey do you have any scotch"!!!

The bartender yells back, "we have scotch, rye, whiskey, vodka ... we have very thing, but I ain't serving no dog"!!! "Now get out of here"!!!!!!
And he walks to the other end of the bar. The dog just stands there and waits for the bartender to return and when he does ... he goes crazy and grabs a gun from under the bar and shoots the poor dog in the foot!
The dog runs out of the bar, yelping and whining !

Two years to the day! The dog walks into the bar, dressed in all black with silver studs and twin pearl handled revolvers.
He goes up to the bar and the bartender comes right up and says, "may I help you" and the dog says ...

"Yes! I'm looking for the guy, who shot my PAW !"

Should have saved that for another thread! :p
Here's one I took from the commercial:

I don't crucify that often. But when I do, I prefer Dos Cruxes
it is a N8dream isn't?
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