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Now This Just Isn't Funny

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Burns Nicht Guidwill!​
For our friends in that great land​
where you can go out and buy a gun anytime,​
but you can't buy a haggis –​
'cos haggis is dangerous,​
you might kill someone with it!​
The American's Address to the Haggis
King Kong of puds, I guess the Scot​
Who slew you with a well-aimed shot​
Must've stood rooted to the spot​
With his heart thumpin'.​
And said, "I dunno what I've got,​
But I've got somethin'!"​
"Whether you're bird or fish or stew​
Or maybe somethin' strictly new,​
Whether you ran or swam or flew,​
And how to eatcha'.​
I just don't have a goddam clue,​
But, pleased to meetcha'!"​
Anon (not Eul, but apologies to the Bard!)​
Haggis? ok, somethings are just inheretly WRONG! (I don't undertand why it's illegal though, after all, WHO in their right mind would purchase such a dish?)

I mean, sushi's ok once you cook it!
...which causes the 'silence of the lambs'...


...Shut up, Ulrika, I think I look good...
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