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Now This Just Isn't Funny

Go to CruxDreams.com
the British way? with both hands on the wheel? :p

Ooooooh and I thought he meant with the car actually moving.

No one actually drives anywhere in Paris, they all ending up walking to where they are going but being nice people someone will keep your car warm for you so the foreigners don't catch on ;)
the British way? with both hands on the wheel? :p
Ooooooh and I thought he meant with the car actually moving.

No one actually drives anywhere in Paris, they all ending up walking to where they are going but being nice people someone will keep your car warm for you so the foreigners don't catch on ;)
yep and hard toooooooo and................. (no tittle-tattle) and yep right is right and left is left
Tree thinks you should not pass but would volunteer to be the hood orniment...

Is this French driving?


  • tumblr_mguc97k4g11r4wdm0o1_400.gif
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from a sailor's diary:​
They gave me 30 lashes with the cat last night.​
I'm fine, but the cat's right off her milk.​
annis 160e.jpg

I'm home Honey
I'm Home.jpg
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Panther elfgirl

Dock workers​
Dock Workers.jpg
Good start​
Good Start.jpg
spoils of war​
Spoils Of War.jpg
I've been looking at this image forever and I just now realized what that is those guys are cruxing her with!

Artwork by Noble Vulchur
on the front side...
temp 3.jpg
obviously for burning...
on the back...
temp 4.jpg
first a warning about fire danger with a '3 hour fire log'...

... and what the hell does my flatulance and hygiene have a damn thing to do with the use of a fire log???

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