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Other Forms Of Execution

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My fate is written, I will die very slowly, being the instigator of a coup attempt is punishable by torture and the death penalty. Five guards arrive in my cell. they free me, but let me naked and tie my hands tightly behind my back with a coarse rope which hurts my wrists. they gag me with a piece of white cloth, then put a bag over my head and we walk. They keep pushing and hitting me. After long minutes, I feel on my bare skin that we are outside. They put me on my knees, my hands still tied behind my back. I hear the queen's voice begin to speak.

- “My dear friends, today is a serious time, I was the victim of an attempted kidnapping yesterday” an immense hubbub arises from a crowd that I cannot see. -"But don't worry, the culprits have been arrested, and justice will be done!!" my hood is removed, I then discover a crowd of hundreds of people in front of me. Beside me, the two other prisoner girls are also there, in the same situation as me. Gagged, I look down at the impressive crowd, totally defeated.

-"People, observe carefully the three traitors who are there before you, may they serve as an example to all those who think of questioning my authority! Follow the same voice as these miserable whores, and you will end up like them : kneeled naked and humiliated in front of the people. For your involvement in an attack targeting my person, and the entire kingdom, I sentence you to death!"

We scream as one through the gag and struggle, eyes wide. knowing that you have been condemned is one thing, hearing it officially in front of thousands of people is another. I pull with all my strength on the bonds, but they do not give way and my hands remain firmly attached. same thing for the gag which is firmly attached behind my head: impossible to articulate a single word in these conditions. I would like to beg the queen, beg her to let me live, or simply to kill me quickly but nothing helps, all people see is a completely submissive slut, gesticulating, incapable of the slightest gesture or the slightest word, naked, at the feet of a woman who has just condemned him to death without any remorse or pity.“MHHHHHPPHHHFFFF”

“Shut up, you miserable turd” the queen blurted, giving me a violent kick in the breasts, cutting off the laughter of the crowd and our muffled pleas. Finally, the queen turns to me. “Make these three bitches tied at the stake immediately!” we are picked up and tied up on 3 posts next to the scene, then guards hasten to place bundles of wood at our bare feet.

Credit : ShyTimide on DA


  • burn_witch__burn__by_shytimide_dhrgav9-414w-2x.jpg
    155 KB · Views: 786
Oh my gosh, the fast train to London is coming, what are i'm doing now???

This appears to be an example of a pirated picture - the title reads, 'Please' by Redbondage3. But closer inspection reveals the DeviantArt watermark and the signature, 'copyright SINGINGNATURIST.DEVIANTART.COM' across the model's right lower leg. The original title for this picture is, '10_15am__will_decapitate_you_by_singingnaturist'.

Singingnaturist (aka Phil) was an active crux photographer who published his work on DeviantArt, going back several years. He may still be there, although he removed his crux photographs when the purges began.

The model is Lia, who posed in a number of Phil's shoots, although alas, not in any published crux sessions. Phil informed me that he worked with Lia in the Nottingham area of the UK. His camera data reveals that the sequence posed on the railway track was shot at 2.30 pm on 5 June 2008.

Singingnaturist Lia maiden_in_distress_by_singingnaturist-d1gaje0 50pc.jpg
Phil informed me that he worked with Lia in the Nottingham area of the UK. His camera data reveals that the sequence posed on the railway track was shot at 2.30 pm on 5 June 2008.
If it's the 2.30 to Mansfield you're wanting, that's cancelled due to leaves on the line. You'll need to lie her down on the replacement bus service route.
[Insert joke about the unreliability of British railway timetabling here]
This is not only the case with the British railways, the German Federal Railways are no better. An example from my home country: The passenger association Pro Bahn refers to the current statistics, according to which the train only actually ran on ten of the 22 days in July on which it was supposed to run. A failure of the ICE, which reaches Jena at around 9 p.m. in the evening, means that the trip from Jena to Leipzig is cancelled the next morning.
This is not only the case with the British railways, the German Federal Railways are no better. An example from my home country: The passenger association Pro Bahn refers to the current statistics, according to which the train only actually ran on ten of the 22 days in July on which it was supposed to run. A failure of the ICE, which reaches Jena at around 9 p.m. in the evening, means that the trip from Jena to Leipzig is cancelled the next morning.
Train companies here are supposed to report all their cancellations to the government for monitoring. A couple of years ago the companies here in the north of England started using a loophole in that system whereby if they cancelled a service before 10pm the day before travel, it did not count as a cancellation. They were reporting a rate of 5% which was actually between 20-30%.
Nobody in this picture appears to know why they're there, or what they're doing. :D :roto2nuse:

"Is that the queen?"
"I think so."
"What do we do?"
"I think we're meant to guillotine her."
"The queen? Really?"
"Yes, it's a revolution after all. Vive la France and egalite, fraternite, et des autres choses."
"Other stuff, sorry."
"Your majesty..."
"Don't call her "your majesty" - we're a republic now."
"Oh right. Citizeness, do you know what you're doing here?"
"Oh, bloody hell. Why are you asking her?"
"Well, I thought..."
"She's going to die! She's trying to compose herself. She doesn't need to answer your stupid questions!"
"Okay, only that officer-onna-horse looks like he's upset that we haven't, er, you know..."
"Guillotined her yet? Well of course he's upset. Now get on with it!"
"I thought you were the executioner."
"No, I just drive the stupid cart and then get them up the stairs. You are..."
"Not also the executioner. I deliver the baskets that we put the bodies in."
"So, you don't know how this thing works."
"Well, that knifey thing, falls down and cuts off...er..."
"Right, but what makes the knifey thing fall?"
"And to get the gravity to work you have to..."
"No clue. Is it clockwork? Marvellous things they can do with clockwork these days."
"I doubt it's clockwork. Maybe if you pull that rope."
"Why me?"
"That might do the trick."
"And make the knifey thing fall? That thing's sharp. I could hurt myself. You pull it.
"Of course it's dangerous. It's supposed to cut her head off!! Oh! Sorry, your maj...citizeness. Didn't mean to upset you."
"I don't suppose she knows how it works?"
"No, I don't think so."
"That officer is really getting annoyed."
"We're in trouble here."
"Yeah, right."
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