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Scandals' Resort

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Thank you all for your comments. In the fourth edition of Great Slave Rebellions (with thanks to Barb who came up with the concept in 2013 only to crash the site for a week when she looked like she was losing) I wanted to do something a bit different to freshen up the story.

There is much intrigue to come, so please stay tuned and I always entertain suggestions... back to sharpening spikes!!!


...they might come in handy...
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Sometimes they were eliminated in mass executions…
…or in smaller groups
Their bodies would be carted off, some still suffering their death throes, and dumped in a stream.
This was not a wise move on the IMF’s part.
Anne Moore, captured by Joan Tree while the notorious Dutch slave trader’s Mercenaries were killing or capturing her guerrilla army, is subjected to many ‘enhanced interrogations’ to attempt to extract a confession that she attacked Scandals Resort in to facilitate a slave rebellion. There was the medieval chair…

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…and when she didn’t break vinegar was added to the mix.

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Still she would not give in so a breast whipping was tried.

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When that didn’t work she was bound in a modified strappado. Anne looked at the frightful pear and hissed “Shit, this is going to hurt!”

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It certainly did. She would howl in pain and beg them to stop but the closest they got to a confession was that she came to rescue her sister but again refused to admit to aiding a slave rebellion.

That evening Sir B. Robert Wragg summons Joan Tree to his modest 10,000 square foot villa and asks what the progress report was on Anne. Joan explains that Anne is amazing tough but she will break eventually. She describes the ‘enhanced interrogations’ that Anne has been subjected to. Sir Wragg huffs “I don’t have time to wait for her to ‘break eventually’. I’ve got high roller guests that are more than annoyed that their slaves have been sequestered and that bastard Admi is demanding money for the mercenaries and we don’t have the cash reserves to pay him (Because he and Despard have been embezzling from the resort since the day it opened –Ed.)! Look, my sources say Anne is avowed lesbian. Have her at the Reparation Farm at 8:00 AM tomorrow! Now go- Ulrika and I have some business to take care of."

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Anne Moore, captured by Joan Tree while the notorious Dutch slave trader’s Mercenaries were killing or capturing her guerrilla army, is subjected to many ‘enhanced interrogations’ to attempt to extract a confession that she attacked Scandals Resort in to facilitate a slave rebellion. There was the medieval chair…

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…and when she didn’t break vinegar was added to the mix.

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Still she would not give in so a breast whipping was tried.

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When that didn’t work she was bound in a modified strappado. Anne looked at the frightful pear and hissed “Shit, this is going to hurt!”

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It certainly did. She would howl in pain and beg them to stop but the closest they got to a confession was that she came to rescue her sister but again refused to admit to aiding a slave rebellion.

That evening Sir B. Robert Wragg summons Joan Tree to his modest 10,000 square foot villa and asks what the progress report was on Anne. Joan explains that Anne is amazing tough but she will break eventually. She describes the ‘enhanced interrogations’ that Anne has been subjected to. Sir Wragg huffs “I don’t have time to wait for her to ‘break eventually’. I’ve got high roller guests that are more than annoyed that their slaves have been sequestered and that bastard Admi is demanding money for the mercenaries and we don’t have the cash reserves to pay him (Because he and Despard have been embezzling from the resort since the day it opened –Ed.)! Look, my sources say Anne is avowed lesbian. Have her at the Reparation Farm at 8:00 AM tomorrow! Now go- Ulrika and I have some business to take care of."

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all i know is this does not sound to good for Ann.
Somewhere deep in the bowels of the Scandals Resort Barb and Anne Moore are chained to moldy stone walls that ooze groundwater. Barb asks “What the hell are you doing here, Anne?”

“I didn’t think you would make nine months” Anne replies.

“So???” Barb asks.

“I came to rescue you” Anne says.

“You call this a rescue?” Barb hisses.

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“So I fucked up… don’t tell mom, OK?”

“Like I might get the chance!!!”


The next morning Anne finds herself bound to a platform surround by eight of the ‘Boys from Detroit’ (the rest are incapacitated having spent the night with Dorothy Brown). Sir Despard Wragg walks into the room and says “My cousin tells me you don’t like men.”

“I like men, I just don’t like having sex with men” Anne screams.

“Be assured you won’t be having sex… you be getting fucked. Gentlemen, she is all yours” Despard says.

“And we get a 10% cut of the video sales, right?” one of them says.

“As we agreed, after expenses, of course”

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“You never mentioned ‘expenses’ before.”

“But that should be understood” Despard protests.

“Listen, white limey boy, what we slapped hands on was 10% and I am Donald ‘Black Sausage’ Trump. We get 10% off the top or we come and do your pale ass when we done with this bitch! You got that white boy?”

“Most certainly… 10% off the top!”

Somewhere deep in the bowels of the Scandals Resort Barb and Anne Moore are chained to moldy stone walls that ooze groundwater. Barb asks “What the hell are you doing here, Anne?”

“I didn’t think you would make nine months” Anne replies.

“So???” Barb asks.

“I came to rescue you” Anne says.

“You call this a rescue?” Barb hisses.

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“So I fucked up… don’t tell mom, OK?”

“Like I might get the chance!!!”


The next morning Anne finds herself bound to a platform surround by eight of the ‘Boys from Detroit’ (the rest are incapacitated having spent the night with Dorothy Brown). Sir Despard Wragg walks into the room and says “My cousin tells me you don’t like men.”

“I like men, I just don’t like having sex with men” Anne screams.

“Be assured you won’t be having sex… you be getting fucked. Gentlemen, she is all yours” Despard says.

“And we get a 10% cut of the video sales, right?” one of them says.

“As we agreed, after expenses, of course”

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“You never mentioned ‘expenses’ before.”

“But that should be understood” Despard protests.

“Listen, white limey boy, what we slapped hands on was 10% and I am Donald ‘Black Sausage’ Trump. We get 10% off the top or we come and do your pale ass when we done with this bitch! You got that white boy?”

“Most certainly… 10% off the top!”

I would help you Barb, but according to M'r Tree I have been sold as a slave...most likely going to end up a sex slave!:eek:
I would help you Barb, but according to M'r Tree I have been sold as a slave...most likely going to end up a sex slave!:eek:
It really seems to depend if you show up in a thread as Connie or Erin, eh? :confused:
Repertor, Old Slave, and I could take you on, if they ever get our other slave out of lock down. We're extremely considerate slave masters. We consider all kinds of things. :devil:
b & a 001.jpg B: "Fine kettle of fish you got us in here Anne!"
A: Well, you started this by crashing the site back in 2013"
B. I did not!
A: You did too, I saw you
B: Shut up my foolish sister, they are recording everything you say!
A: Nonsense, nothing here but cold dank walls
B: Naive little sister
A: Shut up bitch
B: Why do I try :rolleyes:
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