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Solitary - story of waiting

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- Long time no see! Did you want to see me after so many days, Reverend? Then look.
- Why are you naked!?
- Naked?! I have trousers. And your friends tore my shirt to beat me. I have nothing to wear and I won't wear rags just for you to look at my tits through a hole, Reverend. Don't you prefer to look at them openly?
- You can ask for clothes!
- What news: you locked me here to fulfill my requests! Thank you very much... but let me go free instead.


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- Stop gloating over your sins right now!
- These are not sins. They're tits. That's what they're called. Let's talk honestly. Let's use words according to their meaning. You don't seem to know how to talk to a woman, Reverend. And I'm trying. I'm kneeling before you! I'm listening to you on my knees, what else do you want? I'm making your dreams come true, so why don't you tell me who you are here in return? Who do I talk to so many times and why?
- I already told you!
- And you didn't tell the truth. What do you want in return? Should I take off my pants?
- Your malice is pure evil!
- And your talk is repeated. Butterish butter made from butter. So tell me: Who are you? What are you doing here?


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- You are a sinner and a rebel!
- And you are a hypocrite, staring at my body while giving sermons on abstinence and the sinfulness of the body. Have you come here to exchange experiences from various professions?
- I came to save your soul!
- You always teach that a woman has no soul or a very defective one... so there is nothing to save. Don't push yourself... or be honest with me.
- I want to help you!
- Then let me out!
- I can't!
- Then give me the soap! Because so far you are offering me things that do not belong to you and that you cannot dispose of. But in return you are asking for everything that I have left... And you don't even want to give me a piece of soap!


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- Reverend? Are you still there? Your friends are already done! I got whipped naked just the way you like it! You can talk to me again if you dare!
- The Lord is my courage and you are a sinner!
- Of course. And I didn't ask about your contacts with the Lord, I just asked: who are you in this hole?! And I don't believe in your fairy tales about saving my soul! Or that you care about me!
- Believe and you will find true freedom! Freedom from sin!
- I'm not a fan of your true freedom. The regular one is enough for me and sin is not my problem. And if you can't give me freedom, then what are you doing here and why did you come here?
- To bring you the Lord's grace
- Are you sure you can carry it all together? You seem too weak for this?
- I am weak but the Lord is strong!
- So if Lord wants, Lord can bring me all His Grace, because I don't think He needs miserable porters like you. And somehow He doesn't bring me anything. Not even fucking piece of soap so I can wash myself a little after all the dirt you've covered me with!


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"Those bastards gave me ten more lashes. With all the ceremony... And I... I'm not scared. Damn... it hurts like hell... like it did back then... but... I'm not scared. I just want to wash myself. Their touch is dirty. And this priest's words are also dirty. I feel... how did he say, this fucking priest? Defiled. I feel defiled by the fact that they touched me... Defiled because I took part in their ceremony... even in such a way... It hurts... oh, holy shit... It's starting to hurt... but I'm not afraid anymore. Is it because of anger? Anger helped me get rid of fear? I guess... I'm drifting away..."


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"Oh, my... I fell. I think I lost consciousness and got a bump on the head. They beat me again for disregarding the priest's lecture. And for general impudence. Beaten with all the ceremony. Twice. They really like it... Maybe I should irritate the priest less... because I they will kill me in the end. But do I really want to survive to the execution in good shape? It would be good to die at the beginning... or before. It will not be shorth execution and fast death. Well, I'll kill myself earlier if I can. For now... I have to sit down or I won't be able to stay vertically. They left me a blouse to replace the torn one. It's almost like a payoff for the show called My Flogging. I saw the Reverend was watching this time. Why is he coming here? What is he looking for? My sympathy or appreciation for whipping? Does he just like watching me get whipped? If so, why is he talking to me? What the fuck does he care about my soul!? Will he not be satisfied with my execution?


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- Stop gloating over your sins right now!
- These are not sins. They're tits. That's what they're called. Let's talk honestly. Let's use words according to their meaning. You don't seem to know how to talk to a woman, Reverend. And I'm trying. I'm kneeling before you! I'm listening to you on my knees, what else do you want? I'm making your dreams come true, so why don't you tell me who you are here in return? Who do I talk to so many times and why?
- I already told you!
- And you didn't tell the truth. What do you want in return? Should I take off my pants?
- Your malice is pure evil!
- And your talk is repeated. Butterish butter made from butter. So tell me: Who are you? What are you doing here?
That's very unique prisoner interrogating personel of prison
I love this story. Just thought you should know. The artwork is fantastic and the text is magnificent. The concept of the conversation with the priest is excellent.
:beer: :thumbup:
Thank you... I was affraid it will be too sophisticated situation. But... Three is a lot of background. Probably I read to mamy books It starter from illegal letters from nazi prison, from death row... That's the story itself - mamy years ago I've seen in TV theatre inscenization basing on illegal letters polish fighter woman sended to a guillotine. Typically Nazi killed people in such situations instantly after interrogation in gestapo - but this time were some differences: she was war spion with specific circumstances so they send her from one prison to another, from one trial to another... And she knew she will be killed, she wait long time and wrote illegal letters in any possibility. It was the book but in polish only. In theater they make really magical monodram: young actress in simply long dress, strong lights on her , empty dark space around... And her words.
I was impressed.
Later there were a lot of books, movies and stories. But when I start making this - it starts drifting into this model: young lone woman in prison, lonely waiting for death, fighting to preserve dignity and sanity.
And I'm always afraid it is too more psychology and unrealistic situation
"Oh, my... I fell. I think I lost consciousness and got a bump on the head. They beat me again for disregarding the priest's lecture. And for general impudence. Beaten with all the ceremony. Twice. They really like it... Maybe I should irritate the priest less... because I they will kill me in the end. But do I really want to survive to the execution in good shape? It would be good to die at the beginning... or before. It will not be shorth execution and fast death. Well, I'll kill myself earlier if I can. For now... I have to sit down or I won't be able to stay vertically. They left me a blouse to replace the torn one. It's almost like a payoff for the show called My Flogging. I saw the Reverend was watching this time. Why is he coming here? What is he looking for? My sympathy or appreciation for whipping? Does he just like watching me get whipped? If so, why is he talking to me? What the fuck does he care about my soul!? Will he not be satisfied with my execution?
love to be in your place to be whipped to blood for my sins and the sins of all the masochist whores men and women
And they punish for being not submissive... so if you want to be whipped there you have to be strongly against them.
I will do anything to get whipped there... I crave for it with no limits... Whipped to blood and after crusified just our Lord. During my imprisonment I will be raped daily by 20 guards and have for food only the cum of them and drink their piss instead of water. Totally humiliated
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I love this story. Just thought you should know. The artwork is fantastic and the text is magnificent. The concept of the conversation with the priest is excellent.
:beer: :thumbup:
Thanks for the tip, @Jollyrei!

This thread started while I was away, but I've now caught up. :)

"Fantastic"; "magnificent".

Well chosen and accurate words, sir!
"I thought about it. However, I should take care of my fitness... I don't know what will happen... I have enough freedom to kill myself when they come for me... and regardless, I may need strength. There are no days and nights here, so I have to create them for myself. Otherwise I'll go crazy just like they want me to."


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