First eye view series...
Yes, it's me, although I still can't believe that everything what happened today, it happened to me personally...
I was sentenced, crowned with thorns and loaded with a heavy beam and immediately leaded to the hilltop full of people... And I was stripped absolutely naked and barefooted before the crowd of spectators: my few friends and much more numerous foes... and I was groped with contempt and abused before their very eyes... And then I was forced to lie down on the wood of shame and mercilessly hammered to the wood with three crude nails, one by one, when the crowd of people was watching me writhing with pain and they were laughing at me mockingly... And then my cross was lifted up and fixed vertically over their heads, and now every single person in the crowd could see me directly with no obstacles, and I could only hang limply, naked and exposed, with my breasts, my genitals, buttocks and anus visible to everyone, being mocked and cursed by the people... And then the priests and officials came and they stared with curiosity but without the slightest mercy at my nude, debased body, especially at my dangling breasts and my spread legs and open labia with contempt, joy and satisfaction, and they humiliated me and cursed me as well... And then I was left for my torment again... and soon I was so exhausted... that... that.. I can say... nothing more... but I... I... can't... bear... this... horrible... pain... and shame... no more......................!
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