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Some Sketches

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Passion Play: The Thieves - part 4

Louise swallowed the tears. Breathing deeply as long as she could, she hung there for a while, until suddenly she heard the name of the next station from the loudspeakers: "The Lord Jesus dies on the cross."

God, maybe it's finally over...!

Soldiers approached the actor playing Jesus, pretending to pierce his side with a spear, and, as it was said, "he cried out one last time with a loud voice and gave up the ghost." For the priests and the parishioners, the most important spectacle was over.

But not for her. For although the Messiah was dead and the choir began to sing the elegy, her suffering was far from over: the torment of the thieves would last for many more minutes before this station, and then the next one, ended...!

Upon realizing this, she lost her strength again and began to cry loudly and tremble in despair. She leaned forward even more, as if trying to pry out the nails firmly embedded in her wrists. More abundant streams of blood flowed from the wounds on her arms and shoulders onto her already bloody breasts, hanging almost above the heads of the crowd; blood flowed from both nipples, protruding helplessly downwards, in a stream, like milk from a cow's udders.

Louise looked down and saw how terribly mutilated her body was, and at the sight she groaned in despair. And suddenly her knees buckled violently and the woman fell down with a terrible jerk that almost took her hand off. She opened her mouth to scream in pain, but her body, crushed by muscle spasm and stretched, was unable to utter any sound. Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets, the knees of her bent legs opened wide again, and then with a clap of thighs against thighs, they closed, and again, and again.

The crowd almost burst into laughter looking at the helpless movements and shameless poses of the girl dying in pain, shouting taunts at her, spitting at her and showing her obscene gestures, both women and men, while the youth, above all, recorded her every move, reaching out to her hundreds of cells, amused and pleased with the great spectacle. Two more pebbles - unfortunately only the size of a walnut, because, to the chagrin of the onlookers, no larger ones could be found nearby - hit her in the mouth and groin. She was a convict, and therefore a nobody, a waste, a thrash: no suffering and no humiliation was too cruel for her!

Only when the "Lord Jesus has been taken down from the cross" echoed from the facades of the surrounding buildings, Louiea, gathering all her remaining strength and resistance, forced herself to remain still for a moment, trying to focus her wandering eyes on the figure of the Messiah. She couldn't focus, but she vaguely saw that his cross was already lying on the ground, and then that the soldiers had gone down the "hill" a bit and the cross remained empty; she followed them with her eyes, guessing that they were carrying the body to place it on the lap of the actress playing Virgin Mary.

She expected that it would be over, that the soldiers would soon approach them and somehow end their torment, but she was again terribly disappointed. A young girl with a microphone read a poem, and then the choir started singing again. The song was sadistically long and Louise, pierced by an increasingly stronger, indescribable pain that was growing every second, had to start her terrible dance of death again.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that James was not moving, hanging limply from the cross, and she thought that he had either lost consciousness or had already died. It's probably the heart. Why couldn't she be dead the same!?

Lifting her massacred body up again, she howled like a she-wolf, and after a series of loud breaths, during which her blood-drenched breasts bounced like balls, spraying drops of blood onto the closest onlookers, she fell clumsily down, scraping the pole and this time completely tearing off her skin. from the back and buttocks on the grain and splinters of the cross, sharp as file grooves.

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Passion Play: The Thieves - part 5

The executioners climbed the hill with iron bars in their hands, but first they approached James and looked at him for a moment before one of them struck him in the hip with a steel rebar, apparently without effect. They thought that maybe the fabric had absorbed the impact, so they took off his loincloth, leaving him finally naked, and again they landed symmetrical blows on both his sides, trying to break the heads of his femurs, but it is difficult to say with what effect, because he was unconscious - and probably dead - the condemned man did not react to anything. Finally, after a short discussion, they crushed both of his kneecaps with a pair of equally strong blows, this time undoubtedly breaking his bones and tearing his skin. Two splashes of blood sprayed out, but no streams of blood flowed down from the new wounds, which meant that the condemned man's heart was no longer beating.

This all took an awfully long time. During this time, Luisa managed to raise her body and fall down twice more in a terrible cross dance. A young viewer added another source of shame and pain to her, hitting her pubic mound with a hard, heavy glass bottle, breaking one of her delicate pubic bones. Someone else hit her in the mouth with a stone (this time larger), cutting both lips and knocking out a tooth. Then the parishioners, a part of the audience taking part in the mystery for religious reasons, reluctantly returned to the cathedral following the group of apostles escorting the Master's body carried on a bier, and the others in the square began filming the leg-breaking scene. Louise was already so exhausted by the suffering and shame that she dreamed of a crurifragium as soon as possible, without considering that in reality it would mean another pain, and according to scientific research, it was one of the most terrible pain that a human being can feel. And death after breaking legs didn't have to be immediate either.

However, one way or another, she was not able to end her inhuman torment yet, because the torturers decided to close the topics one by one and. Instead of approaching Louise, they started removing James' body from his cross.

Their lack of practice meant that they spent almost five minutes trying to extract the heavily stuck nails from the wood and from the wounds, during which Louise was still writhing on her cross, moaning, howling, wheezing and hoarse in pain, shaking her head in all directions and losing her mind, and her whole body was so drenched and spattered with blood that only in a few places could the skin of the dying female be seen beneath the brown, drying and fresh, bright red blood. Meanwhile, the crowd, bored with waiting, found some great fun: someone brought a few bags of lumpy salt from McDonald's and the crowd started having fun throwing lumps of it, aiming between the legs, at the face and at the breasts of the crucified woman. After several hits to the mucous membrane of the labia and eyes, as well as wounds and abrasions, Louise felt like her vagina, face and entire body were on fire. The helplessness and moans of pain of the slowly killed woman only excited the crowd.

It was only at quarter past three, when James' body was finally placed in a bag and loaded onto a car from the mortuary. Then the executioners approached Louise's cross. At that moment, she was hanging on her hands with her legs spread, semi-conscious, and she felt that she was slowly drifting away, and even that she was starting to lose feeling in her arms and legs.

"So what?" one of the "legionaries" asked his "centurion", who was a doctor in disguise.

“Wait a while”, the other stopped him, approaching the very cross, being careful not to step in the pool of blood or be splashed by its drops still dripping from the elbows, chest, lower abdomen and knees of the dying woman. He took a small syringe from his bag and stuck it into the fold of her stomach just above the condemned woman's vulva, almost straight into her clitoris, squeezing out the contents.

"What's that? An analgesic?", asked the soldier wielding a leg-breaking rod.

“On the contrary,” the other hissed through his teeth.
"This whore killed, among others, my niece. I won't let her die so quickly and easily. She is numb, which means her neurons can barely conduct stimuli, and her brain has built pain barriers, and she is already shutting down from exhaustion. This medicine removes these barriers. Get it? If it stimulates the nervous center, it will restore her full consciousness and increase sensitivity to pain for a short time, although, of course, her heart probably won't be able to withstand it for long. But it's going to die later anyway. Let's just wait a few minutes for it to start working."

After a few minutes, the crucified woman's breathing intensified, her moans and howls began to pierce the air again, and her body shuddered and began to rise and then fall again, continuing the dance of death.

“Give me the rod,” the doctor said to his neighbor.

After waiting for the unfortunate woman to rise again on her hands, pressing her knees together, the doctor, taking a swing from behind her back, crushed both her knee joints at once with a powerful blow of a steel square, like a katana slash.

Louise, which was already one great pain - pierced wrists and legs, arms and elbows torn from joints, thighs and calves twisted in spasms, head bursting with an incredible migraine, back and buttocks torn to the flesh, and wounds sprinkled with salt and genitals too - she couldn't bear another wave of terrible pain. She squealed like a slaughtered pig and mumbled something in agony, shuddering as if on a degreasing machine. For a half minute she looked like torn apart with the waves of an unstoppable suffering. And then her body suddenly fell downwards, her ruined knees bent with a hideous creak and clicking of torn bones and tissues, and her wrists, yanked one last time, also couldn't resist and her left hand, half detached from the body, slipped off the nail, so that the hand fell and hung next to the hip, and the crooked torso. She hanged on only one - right - hand, being turned to the side. The left breast rested on the knee and the wide-eyed face fell on the right breast. Streams of urine and blood flowed from the torn artery in her wrist, as well as from the girl's vagina and anus - the last of them. The last of the air squeezed from the condemned woman's lungs left her half-closed mouth with a gasp.

The girl's massacred body shuddered in death convulsions once, twice and three times and finally became still and the blood stopped flowing.

Louise was dead.

Applause and cheers erupted from the crowd. At the request of numerous photographers, the soldiers posed for a souvenir photo, standing on both sides of the girl's massacred body, and then, placing her cross on the ground, tearing out the nails, put the body in a police bag and threw it like a sack of potatoes into the car next to the bag with James' corpse.

The poisoner's earthly way of the cross came to an end and the even more terrible, eternal torment of her condemned soul in hell began.

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Wow, Andyman, your stories are becoming as good as your drawings, no longer a bit of background but full blown experiences in their own right. This one was captivating, and the single pov gave it a very personal feel.
Great story and pictures!
Should we mirror-reflect image 6 (the three of them in a row)?
In all the others she is on the left side from the onlookers point of view.
And here is a streamlined and lightly copyedited version of the text.

James and Louisa, who accompanied the volunteer Messiah at this year's Easter Passion Play, weren't volunteers. They did not belong to the parish acting troupe that performed the mystery play of the Passion of the Lord and the outdoor "Good Friday Stations of the Cross" every year. They were criminals, sentenced to death and given no choice. The authorities decided that they would be executed during the Stations of the Cross so that their death would be useful for something, adding color to the mystery of the Passion of the Lord....


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(Time to finish this!)

Marcella is arrested and marched off to the magistrate’s office. Despite trying to defend herself, she is held over for trial the next day and imprisoned. Most unfortunately for her, the man she killed was Quintus Scrotius, the son of Lucius Scrotius, a powerful and wealthy politician in the city. The son, though a ne’er-do-well, basked in his father’s popularity with the people. Lucius Scrotius is damned if he’s going to let some common bitch get away with killing his only son and heir. Sure, the lad has serious shortcomings as a man, and probably did assault the girl, but family honor is at stake. The little cunt will have to pay!

Early the next day, after spending a terrifying night in prison, Marcella is brought to public trial, attended by many citizens. A ten-man jury of upright citizens sat in judgement on her. Various witnesses—all paid off by Lucius—attest to seeing Marcella expose her ample breasts shamefully at crucified men and behaving publicly in a wanton manner. Marcella shamefully admits to exposing her breasts, but denies any other indiscreet behavior. The paid-off witnesses further testify that it was the appealing Marcella who beguiled young Quintus into entering the alley, no doubt with the intent to rob and kill him since she was, in fact, concealing a knife under her dress. Marcella desperately tries to defend herself. Yes, she admits, she had a concealed weapon, but as places where executions are carried out are inherently dangerous for women, she felt compelled to have the means to defend herself. She only used the knife when she believed her life was in danger from Quintus’s malicious assault on her in the alley, to where he had dragged her. When the spectators at the trial shout out that she is a liar, and that Quintus was a decent and upright man, Marcella, in desperation, pulls down the top of her tunic to reveal her bruised and scratched breasts as evidence of Quintus’s assault on her. She blushes crimson as she begs them and the judge to consider this physical evidence. The crowd only howls and cheers at the sight her ample breasts. She did not influence the crowd, the judge, or the jury one bit. Predictably, the jury finds her guilty of the murder of Quintus Scrotius.

Marcella faints upon hearing the sentence from the judge: “Ad crucem!”

There is no appeal. Within an hour Marcella is lying naked on the ground, looking up at the sky as she is nailed to a crossbeam. Writhing in agony she is utterly helpless to the worst assaults on her body. Her legs are spread apart, and her virginity is taken as she is repeatedly raped. She faints as her body is elevated onto the upright part of the cross set into the ground. She revives, screaming, as her feet are nailed.

View attachment 802648 Marcella is crucified for the killing the man who assaulted her in the alley. The crowd watching her beautiful young body twist and strain in awful agony curses and jeers at her.

As she endures the unendurable, Marcella is stunned that she could ever have fantasized about being crucified, or about how erotic a woman’s body could look stretched out and nailed to a cross. She’s suffering horrific agony and humiliation that will last for hours, even a day or more, until she dies. Her reckless fantasizing has brought her to this dreadful end. She howls in despair as well as pain over the pointless end of her young life.

View attachment 802649 After several hours, Marcella sees her parents and sister standing by her cross, looking up at her. Her father looks grim as he stares up at his crucified daughter. His eyes turn away, unable to look upon her nakedness. Her mother, likewise, is horrified and speechless at what has happened to her younger daughter. Only her sister, Thessela tries to speak to her, but Marcella is unable to answer.

As the hours of her crucifixion grind by, Marcella notices that her family is no longer present. They have left her to die among strangers. As the day comes to a close and dusk approaches, the crowd has thinned out.

View attachment 802650It is then that Marcella notices a slender young woman standing in front of her cross. She looks up at Marcella hanging in torment. The young woman’s eyes are fixed on her, as though she cannot look away. She has her hands over her chest and appears to be caressing her own breasts. What is she doing, Marcella wonders? She can see the girl’s nipples poking into the fabric of her tunic top. They are clearly tumescent. The girl appears to be in a state of arousal.

Marcella suddenly understands. The young woman is finding the sight of her hanging on her cross as sexually exciting as Marcella herself did find a crucified woman at one time. But this is so dangerous! Look what it has done to her life. Ruined it! It condemned her to die on a cross. No! No! The young woman must not let herself be enslaved by this fantasy. It is too dangerous! Too reckless!

Marcella feels compelled to warn this girl about such fantasizes. She tries to speak but can barely croak out a warning. Regardless, the young woman is not listening. She seems close to an orgasm as she now has one hand inside her tunic top as she squeezes and caresses her breast. Her other hand has pulled up the hem of her tunic and she appears to be fingering her pussy under the fabric. Suddenly her whole body shudders as she reaches an orgasm. She drops to a knee, her body bent forward, one hand on the ground, as she composes herself. Then she straightens herself up, neatly arranges her clothes, turns and walks away from Marcella’s cross. She gives Marcella one last look over her shoulder as the gloom of the early evening envelopes her.

Soon it is dark. Marcella hangs in tortuous agony throughout the night. As dawn approaches, she knows death is near. Her last thoughts are of the young woman. Marcella desperately hopes the girl’s fantasy life doesn’t lead to her to the disgraceful end that it has for her.

Still, Marcella knows, she knows. The young woman, whoever she is, will likely find out that some fantasies are not always safe to indulge.
Absolutely love this story, very erotic. However i think it was finished off too quick. i was looking forward to some exploration of marcellas feelings and thoughts when she was actually crucified, and thought she might even "enjoy" an orgasm on the cross.
Cannot praise your work highly enough Andyman. Love that your women are realistic, complete with pubic hair and armpit hair. So much more erotic than "babes" with shaved pussies, as seen in so much 3D art and videos nowdays. These seem such a throwback to the 50's when pubic hair was airbrushed out. Also love the little backstories. Particularly like the mixed gender crucifixions where the men also are naked.
Erika's last friday

Well, I must tell you a short story of our parish activist, Erika, who by accident proved a well known saying: "don't do to the others what you don't want to be done to you".

Last year, at the beginning of Lent, a committee met in our parish. Thirty-few people met together to prepare a "living way of the cross". Most of the members agreed to play roles of apostles, soldiers, Jews etc. including the key roles of Pilate and Jesus themselves. Most of them told that they could play any of these roles, but, to be honest, no one decided to play a role of the Messiah, though everyone had his/her own ideas regarding how this role would be played.

Two days before Good Friday, the role was still unfilled. Finally, we had to agree to draw lots, like the soldiers described in the Bible, but not to determine who should keep the robe of the Messiah, but who would play Him crucified!

And when the day of the show came, and all the members collected together in their prop room, the chairman of the committee, John, drew a card with a random name to choose a person obliged to impersonate Jesus. Then the chairman asked his deputy, who was Erika, if she really thought that the actor playing the role of the Messiah should be crucified naked and nailed with real nails.

"Yes, of course, as I told you before. I think it as necessary for the good biblically and historically correct show! You remember what I said? At least half an hour, full naked and hanging on the nails! And if you suppose it's impossible to hang on the nails only, give him a short sedile."

"So let it be. We will do exactly what you have proposed", said John, "so, Erika, get ready, we start in an hour."

"What?", the surprised activist shouted.

"I just drew your name", the chairman said calmly, showing her the card.

Erica panicked but she knew she prepared her fate by her own words and requests. And we knew we couldn't start without a Messiah, so, though surprised too, we weren't willing to let her quit. And Erika knew well that if she wanted to leave with her face held high, she had to play the part that was drawn.

And here you can see few images of Erika, lying in the bed - or rather hanging on the wood - which she unwittingly prepared for herself.
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Erika's last friday

Well, I must tell you a short story of our parish activist, Erika, who by accident proved a well known saying: "don't do to the others what you don't want to be done to you".

Last year, at the beginning of Lent, a committee met in our parish. Thirty-few people met together to prepare a "living way of the cross". Most of the members agreed to play roles of apostles, soldiers, Jews etc. including the key roles of Pilate and Jesus themselves. Most of them told that they could play any of these roles, but, to be honest, no one decided to play a role of the Messiah, though everyone had his/her own ideas regarding how this role would be played.

Two days before Good Friday, the role was still unfilled. Finally, we had to agree to draw lots, like the soldiers described in the Bible, but not to determine who should keep the robe of the Messiah, but who would play Him crucified!

And when the day of the show came, and all the members collected together in their prop room, the chairman of the committee, John, drew a card with a random name to choose a person obliged to impersonate Jesus. Then the chairman asked his deputy, who was Erika, if she really thought that the actor playing the role of the Messiah should be crucified naked and nailed with real nails.

"Yes, of course, as I told you before. I think it as necessary for the good biblically and historically correct show! You remember what I said? At least half an hour, full naked and hanging on the nails! And if you suppose it's impossible to hang on the nails only, give him a short sedile."

"So let it be. We will do exactly what you have proposed", said John, "so, Erika, get ready, we start in an hour."

"What?", the surprised activist shouted.

"I just drew your name", the chairman said calmly, showing her the card.

Erica panicked but she knew she prepared her fate by her own words and requests. And we knew we couldn't start without a Messiah, so, though surprised too, we weren't willing to let her quit. And Erika knew well that if she wanted to leave with her face held high, she had to play the part that was drawn.

And here you can see few images of Erika, lying in the bed - or rather hanging on the wood - which she unwittingly prepared for herself.
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I love the part she decided/ spoke her own fate.. ;)
I'm arousing in that kinda theme.
I used to imagine myself sentence to death as a queen.
Like my younger sister crowned princess tried to assassinate me and failed.
I forgave her but as a country's laws..i have to punish her anyway.
So i passed my crown to her and i substituted her place to be punished for her crime.
Before i paassed to my authority and crown, i have to proclaim her death sentence as a queen( that i will have to take ) .
Your stories made me use to arouse and sparkle my imagination.. :)
Resistance is Futile
(An Easter Play of a Woman with a Black and Swollen Eye)

When Hedwig agreed to accept all the realistic and natural behavior of soldiers during her crucifixion, she did not expect that punching in the face would be so realistic and painful. But the moment later, when nails were driven into her body and she was hanging on them, only then she realised what a real pain is. And for the next three quarters of an hour she intensively learned how to really realistically die from pain and shame...

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At the midday

Hanging on the nails didn't provide Agness with the most comfortable conditions for sunbathing, but at least her moans and cries didn't bother anyone. This day there was a festival in the town and no one soul came to look at her sunbathing.

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At the sunset

The day was really extremely hot and sunny and at the evening Agness could have sworn it was the longest, the most intense and exhausting rest in her whole life.
And just before the sun sank in the desert sand, the fourteen hours of this murderous sunbathing in the open air finally killed the girl. And as she took her last breath, she thought that at least she had never been so beautifully tanned in her life.

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A modern Easter Passion Play, based on the Stations of the Cross.

Image 1: A volunteer mid-aged woman, burdened with a beam, walks to the Golgotha Hill, somewhere between the Station #10 - Jesus is stripped of his garments - and #11 - Jesus is nailed to the Cross.

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Image 2: Twelve minutes later. A volunteer at the Station #12 - Jesus dies on the Cross.
Her moans and the words, shouted in pain "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!?" break through the voice of the parish choir singing the hymn "Stabat Mater dolorosa".
And when the choir ends the song, the crucified woman relaxes muscles: her head falls onto her chest and her knees spread slightly wider and the actress becomes still for a moment, holding her breath, pretending to be dead...

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A modern Easter Passion Play, based on the Stations of the Cross.

Image 1: A volunteer mid-aged woman, burdened with a beam, walks to the Golgotha Hill, somewhere between the Station #10 - Jesus is stripped of his garments - and #11 - Jesus is nailed to the Cross.

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Image 2: Twelve minutes later. A volunteer at the Station #12 - Jesus dies on the Cross.
Her moans and the words, shouted in pain "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!?" break through the voice of the parish choir singing the hymn "Stabat Mater dolorosa".
And when the choir ends the song, the crucified woman relaxes muscles: her head falls onto her chest and her knees spread slightly wider and the actress becomes still for a moment, holding her breath, pretending to be dead...

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During her pretending death, urine are dripping throught her tight.. the daughter of God died without dignity on the cross ;)
At the sunrise

The spring sunrise over the city, promising a beautiful, sunny, cloudless and hot day. A great time for a young Agnes to sunbathe naked all day!

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Beautiful pic and it made me remember my last walk of shame :)
The impudent princess

When a Roman procurator took power in the newly incorporated province after the death of the local king, no one dared to protest, except the daughter of the old ruler. The princess, invited to the welcoming feast, not only did not show joy and gratitude to Caesar's representative, but even dared to spoil the mood with her speech full of reproaches and distrust of the new administrator. Even the local elders and priests, who, having reached an agreement with the Romans about maintaining their spheres of influence, quickly accepted the loss of independence, were outraged by the impertinence of the proud woman.

The procurator swallowed this bitter pill, but did not forget the princess's impudence and, as soon as the opportunity arose after a few weeks, he contact with the priests and elders, and together with them arranged for her to be rewarded with a day long excursion to the nearby hill, providing her with a standard contemporary bathing suit and a blank new crown. And three nails made of the best Phoenician iron.

All inclusive - except the return ticket.

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The procurator swallowed this bitter pill, but did not forget the princess's impudence and, as soon as the opportunity arose after a few weeks, he contact with the priests and elders, and together with them arranged for her to be rewarded with a day long excursion to the nearby hill, providing her with a standard contemporary bathing suit and a blank new crown. And three nails made of the best Phoenician iron.

All inclusive - except the return ticket.

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A couple of stills from few modern Passion Plays.

The organizers and volunteers of the realistic crucifixions in multiple cities and coutries were guided by the idea of bringing Christ's love closer to people by showing them how much he suffered for them. They thought that the best way to do this would be to show them a real, living, suffering person instead of a wooden, painted statue. In many cities, women applied and were chosen before they male counterparts, because for aesthetic or historical reasons it was obviously easier to obtain permission from the city authorities to show female nudity than male nudity outdoors. The volunteers did not know exactly what amount of suffering and humiliation awaited them, but they bravely took on their task. They promised themselves that they would try to accept the cruelty of their suffering and their humiliation in a spirit of humility and thereby make amends to Jesus for their sins. In order to spread their faith and reach not only the parishioners but also the non-believers with the message, the crosses were placed not only in front of churches, but also in the squares and streets of the cities, where the hundreds and thousands could see them.

The crosses were erected a few days earlier, in order to announce that a bloody spectacle would soon take place there. On Good Friday around noon, the volunteers were taken to the execution site, stripped to the loincloths and scourged (men) or stripped full naked without scourging (women), brutally nailed to their crosses and left to themselves (and to the fancy of the crowd) without supervision to give the crowd freedom to express their emotions and to interact with the "victims". They were left for three hours, so that as many people as possible could see them. The biblically correct period was perfect because it covers the rush hours from one to three p.m. This day they were the peak hours before the weekend. And their idea proved to be a splendid one: really they attracted hundreds of thousands of non-believers.

But did the viewers correctly interpret the intentions of the organizers and the volunteers themselves? It is hard to say. They certainly realized what the occasion was for these shows. The sight of the crucified victims attracted many people, and especially enormous crowds gathered where women were hanged on crosses. It seems, however, that the onlookers reacted to the sight of the "convicts" in exactly the same way as the Jews and Romans reacted to the sight of the crucified Jesus and two thieves two thousand years earlier: for most of them it was simply an unexpected attraction - a free striptease and erotic dance in an open space.

However, in accordance with crowd psychology, there was no question of sympathy or religious ecstasy at the sight of naked girls writhing in pain.

As you can see, onlookers treated the actresses with no respect, far from appreciating their courage and readiness to endure pain and humiliation for religious reasons. In particular other women looked at the female volunteers with curiosity, amusement and contempt rather than with understanding and appreciation. And the brave volunteeres, stripped naked and nailed to the wood, could only look helplessly at the indifferent crowds watching them, hardly being able to think logically and speak legibly, exactly like the real Messiah and his companions in misery did. But the Messiah had at least his well-wishing disciples, while among the parish colleagues and crowds of strangers, there is no one to be seen who, looking at the naked bodies writhing in convulsions, would think with sympathy, "Poor girl! And what a brave believer! How terribly she suffers, following her Master!" On the contrary, one could read in their eyes, "What a filthy hooker!! A honest woman would never undertake to play such a role! At least I wouldn't undertake it. Let her shit herself and really die with pain!"

And the onlookers stood watching the crucified and taking pictures and recording videos, which they then shared worldwide on the Internet, with no empathy nor mercy and some even mocked the volunteers, laughed at them and hurled insults at the crucified, who had no strength to defend themselves against this injustice, exhausted by the cruelty of torture, much greater than they expected, and by the contempt of the crowds, as well as by terror, pain, effort, mental shock and loss of blood.

Crushed with pain and debased, and deprived of any moral support, most of them after a quarter or two ardently desired to die here and now to avoid the further suffering and humiliation, bursting into tears and whinning for mercy, but they were fully aware that there is no possibility of shortening their suffering. And the desperate cries and screams of the nude women dying with pain only brought even wider smiles to the faces of the viewers, and to their pleading moans they responded with an obscenely pointed finger: "Serves you right, bitch! Shit yourself!"

And then a hail of curses, small stones, and debris pulled from nearby garbage cans fell on the heads and bodies of the condemned. Women, hung on sufficiently low crosses, were touched by men with their hands and groped lasciviously. In several cases, spectators went so far as to hit the convicts with sticks and fists, and even douse them with feces or insert fingers, sticks or other objects into their vaginas and asses. In one case especially attractive Brazilian samba dancer, nailed to the too low cross in Rio de Janeiro, was really raped by few men one after another. They used a stool to reach her crotch with their penises. She nearly died with blood loss and enormous additional pain in wrists and feet, being constantly pushed and pulled during rape. And after being raped by husbands, she was additionally beaten until she bled by their jelaous wives. Another victim in Warsaw suffered a thick stick inserted deep into her vagina, and then by pushing this stick back and forth the men literally raped the defenseless woman with it for a good while.

So, it turned out that the defenselessness, nudity and terror of the victims triggered the lowest instincts in the viewers, instead of religious ecstasy. And many of the brave volunteered women really pissed and shitted themselves before the cruel show finally ended...

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A couple of stills from few modern Passion Plays.

The organizers and volunteers of the realistic crucifixions in multiple cities and coutries were guided by the idea of bringing Christ's love closer to people by showing them how much he suffered for them. They thought that the best way to do this would be to show them a real, living, suffering person instead of a wooden, painted statue. In many cities, women applied and were chosen before they male counterparts, because for aesthetic or historical reasons it was obviously easier to obtain permission from the city authorities to show female nudity than male nudity outdoors. The volunteers did not know exactly what amount of suffering and humiliation awaited them, but they bravely took on their task. They promised themselves that they would try to accept the cruelty of their suffering and their humiliation in a spirit of humility and thereby make amends to Jesus for their sins. In order to spread their faith and reach not only the parishioners but also the non-believers with the message, the crosses were placed not only in front of churches, but also in the squares and streets of the cities, where the hundreds and thousands could see them.

The crosses were erected a few days earlier, in order to announce that a bloody spectacle would soon take place there. On Good Friday around noon, the volunteers were taken to the execution site, stripped to the loincloths and scourged (men) or stripped full naked without scourging (women), brutally nailed to their crosses and left left to themselves without supervision to give the crowd freedom to express their emotions and to interact with the "victims". They were left for three hours, so that as many people as possible could see them. The biblically correct period was perfect because it covers the rush hours from one to three p.m. This day they were the peak hours before the weekend. And their idea proved to be a splendid one: really they attracted hundreds of thousands of non-believers.

But did the viewers correctly interpret the intentions of the organizers and the volunteers themselves? It is hard to say. They certainly realized what the occasion was for these shows. The sight of the crucified victims attracted many people, and especially enormous crowds gathered where women were hanged on crosses. It seems, however, that the onlookers reacted to the sight of the "convicts" in exactly the same way as the Jews and Romans reacted to the sight of the crucified Jesus and two thieves two thousand years earlier: for most of them it was simply an unexpected attraction - a free striptease and erotic dance in an open space.

However, in accordance with crowd psychology, there was no question of sympathy or religious ecstasy at the sight of naked girls writhing in pain.

As you can see, onlookers treated the actresses with no respect, far from appreciating their courage and readiness to endure pain and humiliation for religious reasons. In particular other women looked at the female volunteers with curiosity, amusement and contempt rather than with understanding and appreciation. And the brave volunteeres, stripped naked and nailed to the wood, could only look helplessly at the indifferent crowds watching them, hardly being able to think logically and speak legibly, exactly like the real Messiah and his companions in misery did. But the Messiah had at least his well-wishing disciples, while among the parish colleagues and crowds of strangers, there is no one to be seen who, looking at the naked bodies writhing in convulsions, would think with sympathy, "Poor girl! And what a brave believer! How terribly she suffers, following her Master!" On the contrary, one could read in their eyes, "What a filthy hooker!! A honest woman would never undertake to play such a role! At least I wouldn't undertake it. Let her shit herself and really die with pain!"

And the onlookers stood watching the crucified and taking pictures and recording videos, which they then shared worldwide on the Internet, with no empathy nor mercy and some even mocked the volunteers, laughed at them and hurled insults at the crucified, who had no strength to defend themselves against this injustice, exhausted by the cruelty of torture, much greater than they expected, and by the contempt of the crowds, as well as by terror, pain, effort, mental shock and loss of blood.

Crushed with pain and debased, and deprived of any moral support, most of them after a quarter or two ardently desired to die here and now to avoid the further suffering and humiliation, bursting into tears and whinning for mercy, but they were fully aware that there is no possibility of shortening their suffering. And the desperate cries and screams of the nude women dying with pain only brought even wider smiles to the faces of the viewers, and to their pleading moans they responded with an obscenely pointed finger: "Serves you right, bitch! Shit yourself!"

And then a hail of curses, small stones, and debris pulled from nearby garbage cans fell on the heads and bodies of the condemned. Women, hung on sufficiently low crosses, were touched by men with their hands and groped lasciviously. In several cases, spectators went so far as to hit the convicts with sticks and fists, and even douse them with feces or insert fingers, sticks or other objects into their vaginas and asses. In one case especially attractive Brazilian samba dancer, nailed to the too low cross in Rio de Janeiro, was really raped by few men one after another. They used a stool to reach her crotch with their penises. She nearly died with blood loss and enormous additional pain in wrists and feet, being constantly pushed and pulled during rape. And after being raped by husbands, she was additionally beaten until she bled by their jelaous wives. Another victim in Warsaw suffered a thick stick inserted deep into her vagina, and then by pushing this stick back and forth the men literally raped the defenseless woman with it for a good while.

So, it turned out that the defenselessness, nudity and terror of the victims triggered the lowest instincts in the viewers, instead of religious ecstasy. And many of the brave volunteered women really pissed and shitted themselves before the cruel show finally ended...

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Great art, as always, but the story is very well written! How the volunteers' attitudes change when the realities of the cross are inflicted. The modern setting is great!!!
A couple of stills from few modern Passion Plays.

The organizers and volunteers of the realistic crucifixions in multiple cities and coutries were guided by the idea of bringing Christ's love closer to people by showing them how much he suffered for them. They thought that the best way to do this would be to show them a real, living, suffering person instead of a wooden, painted statue. In many cities, women applied and were chosen before they male counterparts, because for aesthetic or historical reasons it was obviously easier to obtain permission from the city authorities to show female nudity than male nudity outdoors. The volunteers did not know exactly what amount of suffering and humiliation awaited them, but they bravely took on their task. They promised themselves that they would try to accept the cruelty of their suffering and their humiliation in a spirit of humility and thereby make amends to Jesus for their sins. In order to spread their faith and reach not only the parishioners but also the non-believers with the message, the crosses were placed not only in front of churches, but also in the squares and streets of the cities, where the hundreds and thousands could see them.

The crosses were erected a few days earlier, in order to announce that a bloody spectacle would soon take place there. On Good Friday around noon, the volunteers were taken to the execution site, stripped to the loincloths and scourged (men) or stripped full naked without scourging (women), brutally nailed to their crosses and left to themselves (and to the fancy of the crowd) without supervision to give the crowd freedom to express their emotions and to interact with the "victims". They were left for three hours, so that as many people as possible could see them. The biblically correct period was perfect because it covers the rush hours from one to three p.m. This day they were the peak hours before the weekend. And their idea proved to be a splendid one: really they attracted hundreds of thousands of non-believers.

But did the viewers correctly interpret the intentions of the organizers and the volunteers themselves? It is hard to say. They certainly realized what the occasion was for these shows. The sight of the crucified victims attracted many people, and especially enormous crowds gathered where women were hanged on crosses. It seems, however, that the onlookers reacted to the sight of the "convicts" in exactly the same way as the Jews and Romans reacted to the sight of the crucified Jesus and two thieves two thousand years earlier: for most of them it was simply an unexpected attraction - a free striptease and erotic dance in an open space.

However, in accordance with crowd psychology, there was no question of sympathy or religious ecstasy at the sight of naked girls writhing in pain.

As you can see, onlookers treated the actresses with no respect, far from appreciating their courage and readiness to endure pain and humiliation for religious reasons. In particular other women looked at the female volunteers with curiosity, amusement and contempt rather than with understanding and appreciation. And the brave volunteeres, stripped naked and nailed to the wood, could only look helplessly at the indifferent crowds watching them, hardly being able to think logically and speak legibly, exactly like the real Messiah and his companions in misery did. But the Messiah had at least his well-wishing disciples, while among the parish colleagues and crowds of strangers, there is no one to be seen who, looking at the naked bodies writhing in convulsions, would think with sympathy, "Poor girl! And what a brave believer! How terribly she suffers, following her Master!" On the contrary, one could read in their eyes, "What a filthy hooker!! A honest woman would never undertake to play such a role! At least I wouldn't undertake it. Let her shit herself and really die with pain!"

And the onlookers stood watching the crucified and taking pictures and recording videos, which they then shared worldwide on the Internet, with no empathy nor mercy and some even mocked the volunteers, laughed at them and hurled insults at the crucified, who had no strength to defend themselves against this injustice, exhausted by the cruelty of torture, much greater than they expected, and by the contempt of the crowds, as well as by terror, pain, effort, mental shock and loss of blood.

Crushed with pain and debased, and deprived of any moral support, most of them after a quarter or two ardently desired to die here and now to avoid the further suffering and humiliation, bursting into tears and whinning for mercy, but they were fully aware that there is no possibility of shortening their suffering. And the desperate cries and screams of the nude women dying with pain only brought even wider smiles to the faces of the viewers, and to their pleading moans they responded with an obscenely pointed finger: "Serves you right, bitch! Shit yourself!"

And then a hail of curses, small stones, and debris pulled from nearby garbage cans fell on the heads and bodies of the condemned. Women, hung on sufficiently low crosses, were touched by men with their hands and groped lasciviously. In several cases, spectators went so far as to hit the convicts with sticks and fists, and even douse them with feces or insert fingers, sticks or other objects into their vaginas and asses. In one case especially attractive Brazilian samba dancer, nailed to the too low cross in Rio de Janeiro, was really raped by few men one after another. They used a stool to reach her crotch with their penises. She nearly died with blood loss and enormous additional pain in wrists and feet, being constantly pushed and pulled during rape. And after being raped by husbands, she was additionally beaten until she bled by their jelaous wives. Another victim in Warsaw suffered a thick stick inserted deep into her vagina, and then by pushing this stick back and forth the men literally raped the defenseless woman with it for a good while.

So, it turned out that the defenselessness, nudity and terror of the victims triggered the lowest instincts in the viewers, instead of religious ecstasy. And many of the brave volunteered women really pissed and shitted themselves before the cruel show finally ended...

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Yes...you represent real world ... I cannot imagine women are more cruel than men when torture and humiliate together to a woman. Real live used to happen like that too.
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