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Some Sketches

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Bianca's half an hour on the cross.

Bianca was not one of the slimmest of the parishioners, but it must be admitted that when she was drawn to play the role of the Messiah, she had lost twelve kilos during Lent through intensive training and fasting, and on Good Friday she looked quite attractive on the cross. More importantly, the nails driven into her wrists and legs easily supported her body weight without the additional support of her crotch, which was initially offered to her. However, Bianca thought it would be a terrible shame if she had to use the sedile. She insisted that she would have to do without it. She was therefore very glad that she would be nailed without a support between her legs. At least until the moment when she was really nailed and hanged on the wounds of her wrists and feet above the heads of the gawkers. In this very moment she immediately regretted her stubbornness when the terrible pain took her breath away and at the same time she saw many more familiar faces in the crowd surrounding the cross than she had expected, including nearly all her students. But at that point it was too late to back out. She had to hold out for at least half an hour - and, although she mentally broke down after few minutes, she, of course, held out until the end, hanging helplessly, vulnerable and exposed to the all possible forms of suffering and debasment. Because how could a helpless woman nailed to a cross escape the inhuman pain, the burning shame and the terrifying despair...?

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Bianca's half an hour on the cross.
She had to hold out for at least half an hour - and, although she mentally broke down after few minutes, she, of course, held out until the end, hanging helplessly, vulnerable and exposed to the all possible forms of suffering and debasment. Because how could a helpless woman nailed to a cross escape the inhuman pain, the burning shame and the terrifying despair...?

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It is only a half hour on the cross, but a lifetime of memories...

Great story and pics, Andyman!
Friday, 3 p.m. The afternoon rush hour. The people heading along the street to their homes, coming closer to the square, they can see from afar that something new has appeared at the intersection.

And, as they get closer, you can hear them, talking to one another:

"Wow! They erected some new monument just in the middle of our street! Let's see it!"

"Wow! Is it a crucifix? I see the wooden cross and the statue on the other side..."

"Wooow! It is not a statue - it moves its limbs! It's a real human! A passion play perhaps? Be quick!"

"What the hell... Is he naked!? Still I can see his back only, and the cross partially spoils the view, but... but yes, he has nothing on his hips!"

"Holy shit! Oh, holy shit! It's a WOMAN! And yes, she IS NAKED! Full naked! And she is hammered with REAL NAILS!"

"Wait a second, isn't it Betty, a courier from the DHL office!? What a beauty she is...!"

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Friday, 3 p.m. The afternoon rush hour. The people heading along the street to their homes, coming closer to the square, they can see from afar that something new has appeared at the intersection.

And, as they get closer, you can hear them, talking to one another:

"Wow! They erected some new monument just in the middle of our street! Let's see it!"

"Wow! Is it a crucifix? I see the wooden cross and the statue on the other side..."

"Wooow! It is not a statue - it moves its limbs! It's a real human! A passion play perhaps? Be quick!"

"What the hell... Is he naked!? Still I can see his back only, and the cross partially spoils the view, but... but yes, he has nothing on his hips!"

"Holy shit! Oh, holy shit! It's a WOMAN! And yes, she IS NAKED! Full naked! And she is hammered with REAL NAILS!"

"Wait a second, isn't it Betty, a courier from the DHL office!? What a beauty she is...!"

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this writing aroused me!!
pic is beautiful.

When on the sunny Hawaiian beach Marika met her friends from the parish drama club, who were already preparing the following year's Good Friday passion play, she had no problem agreeing to their proposal. She had once stepped on a nail during practice - yes, it hurt, but not so much that she couldn't stand it. And the stage outfit she was supposed to wear (nothing save a crown of thorns) was only a few square inches smaller than the one she was wearing during this conversation, because she was only in a thong, which was no more than a few square inches of fabric itself. "They are right!", she thought.

But when she was led out into the city square on a cool April day, full of people dressed to the neck, Marika thought how awful she would feel naked. The square was as crowded as the beach, and full of familiar faces, to boot. A crimson flush of shame flooded her face. And then she saw nails in the soldier's hand, much thicker than the one she had once stepped on, and she realized that not only would her hands and feet be pierced with these crude pieces of iron by the terrible blows of the hammers, but that she would have to hang on them with her entire body weight. And then she began to struggle, scream and cry, and beg for mercy.

To no avail, because those who had signed the contract with her knew how well she could feign terror, play fear and simulate suffering, and everyone knew that this was exactly what was expected of her. So they dragged her, screaming, to the cross by force, tore off her clothes and nailed her naked to the wood, standing the cross upright.

Marika remembered little of the whole spectacle, except that it was certainly the most terrifying and horrible twenty minutes she had ever experienced, and when towards the end the soldiers came up to pretend to spear her, she really did faint...

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So they dragged her, screaming, to the cross by force, tore off her clothes and nailed her naked to the wood, standing the cross upright.

Marika remembered little of the whole spectacle, except that it was certainly the most terrifying and horrible twenty minutes she had ever experienced, and when towards the end the soldiers came up to pretend to spear her, she really did faint...

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Always read the fine print...
A blood-curdling sight

After just ten minutes or so of the show the flocks of crows begun to collect around the Lily cross, preparing to devour her corpse as soon as she gave up the ghost, enhancing a spooky feeling of a real execution. Some of the birds even started actually pecking at actress' head and hands to get the feast started faster. The director of the play forbade the soldiers to interrupt them: the ravens unexpectedly helped to deepen the blood-curdling impression of the actual death of the crucified female Messiah.

Lucy's Passion Play

"Where are we going?" Lucy asked the men, dressed as legionnaires, as they stepped out into the church corridor and turned toward the city exit instead of the inner courtyard where the Passion Play had always been performed.

"Well, I myself have only just learned that the president will be visiting our city today and is interested in seeing our show. The bishop will be coming too. Our vicar has told me these news just ten minutes ago. That is why they have moved the cross from the middle of the church courtyard to the middle of Freedom Square and we will be performing there," Matthew replied.

"There will be a lot more people than usual, but it is not the first time you have played the role of the Crucified, so you can do it, right?", he added.

"But this is the first time you were going to nail me with real nails. We have not tested that yet," Lucy muttered glumly, but obediently nodded and allowed herself to be led out into the square, where at least a few thousand gawkers had gathered instead of a hundred or so parishioners like in previous years.

The ceremony began with the greeting of the honorable guests and an introductory religious chant, during which the capture, judgment, and scourging of Jesus were shown, briefly and symbolically, using only pantomime. Only when the chants ended and Lucy, with the cross beam on her shoulders, approached the prepared pole lying on the lawn in the middle of the square, did the actual performance begin.

The patibulum was removed from the condemned woman's shoulders and placed on the pole. Then Michael removed the robe from her shoulders and hips and froze in surprise. Leaning over to the girl, who was covering her lower abdomen with palms, he asked in a whisper:

"Lucy, you... you're not wearing your loincloth!?"

"No... I'm sorry, when we were discussing the color yesterday, the director said it couldn't be white, and I didn't have any other fabric... so in the end I didn't bring the white one. But you were supposed to bring some, Michael? Tie it around my hips."

"I brought the brown one to the costume rehearsal yesterday, remember? But the director said it was too dark colored. He told us he would bring the proper one himself, remember?"

"Yes, he did," Matthew said, disguised as another soldier, when he finished nailing the patibulum to the post.

"Then give me the dark one, we have no choice," Lucy said impatiently.

"But he forbade me... so I didn't take it!"

"Are you kidding me?" Lucy asked, frozen in horror.

Michael looked around.


"He's not here," Lucy said. "The director had called me this morning and told me he wouldn't come because he was sick."

Michael hesitated. Matthew took him by the arm and, pretending to explain some technical details of the crucifixion, said emphatically:

"We can't stand there and wait, everyone is staring, the TV is filming us, the president is watching. We can't go look for a costume now! Do something immediately, or... Maybe we should tear off a piece of that robe?"

"But they just read that text from the Gospel where it says that the soldiers cast lots because they didn't want to tear the robe. What would it look like if I tore off a piece the size of a scarf from it now...?"

"Too bad, we can't wait another second, because everyone will guess that we screwed up," Matthew finished, straightening Lucy's crown of thorns, which had become askew.

"For now, lie down, and we'll try to improvise something," Matthew whispered to her.

"Don't do anything anymore. Let it be like this," Lucy whispered to him and covered her blushing face with her hands, thus revealing her nakedness to the audience and the camera lenses. This bought them half a minute of extra time as everyone in the square stared at Lucy's body, reveling in the sight of her humiliation.

"Deus sic vult," she added. "The God wanted it, obviously. Or at least I have to believe it's true."

"Are you sure you know what you're signing up for?" Robert asked doubtfully from behind, where he was standing, holding hammers and nails. "Can you last half an hour in these conditions and not break down?"

"I don't think I can last. I definitely can't last. I'm definitely going to break down", the girl sighed. "But who cares? After all, when you nail me down, I won't be able to stop the performance anyway. Even if I break down and am no longer able to play Messiah's role, I will still perfectly play the role of the crucified woman who has broken down and is unable to bear so much suffering, because it will not require playing at all. And even if it will last an hour or three instead of few minutes, I still won't descend from the cross, right? I will hang there, whether I am crazy from pain or not, until the very end."

And she dropped her arms to her sides. This bought them half a minute more.

She looked at the VIP box, from which the president, the minister of culture and art, and several secretaries and bodyguards were watching her, and then at the television camera placed on the platform. The image from the camera, displayed on a large billboard, showed a close-up of her body, moving slowly from her face to her breasts to her stomach to her hips to her knees to her feet and back again.

Lucy tried to breathe deeply to control the panic that was taking hold of her. But instead of calming down, with every passing second she became increasingly aware of the terrifying spiritual and physical suffering that awaited her, and she felt that she was getting closer to fainting. With all her strength she refrained from turning around and starting to run screaming from the scene of the terrifying spectacle. Just a few more seconds and strong male hands would grab her and hold her, preventing escape and any resistance, but for those few seconds she still had a chance...

"I know that in a moment I will howl with pain and shame, moan for mercy and tear myself away from despair," she whispered, "so hold me tight and nail me solidly, boys. Humiliate me, debase me, destroy me. Show me absolutely no mercy! Give them the show they expected!"

Matthew and Michael looked at each other and without further discussion they began the show. First Michael stood before the girl, pretending to bow respectfully to her. Michael repeated the same gesture. Then they both straightened up and slapped the condemned woman few times. Michael touched shamelessly her nipples and Matthew kicked her between her legs with his knee, while Robert kicked her in the ass with his iron-shod military sandals. When they finished, Matthew once again slap her in the face and then fixed her slipping crown of thorns.

And then both soldiers took the nails and hammers from Robert, and, grabbing the defenceless woman under the arms, threw her unceremoniously on the cross and began to nail her to the wood, ignoring her cries of pain and the agonizing spasms and cortonsions of her naked, fragile body.

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Lucy's Passion Play

"Where are we going?" Lucy asked the men, dressed as legionnaires, as they stepped out into the church corridor and turned toward the city exit instead of the inner courtyard where the Passion Play had always been performed.

"Well, I myself have only just learned that the president will be visiting our city today and is interested in seeing our show. The bishop will be coming too. Our vicar has told me these news just ten minutes ago. That is why they have moved the cross from the middle of the church courtyard to the middle of Freedom Square and we will be performing there," Matthew replied.

"There will be a lot more people than usual, but it is not the first time you have played the role of the Crucified, so you can do it, right?", he added.

"But this is the first time you were going to nail me with real nails. We have not tested that yet," Lucy muttered glumly, but obediently nodded and allowed herself to be led out into the square, where at least a few thousand gawkers had gathered instead of a hundred or so parishioners like in previous years.

The ceremony began with the greeting of the honorable guests and an introductory religious chant, during which the capture, judgment, and scourging of Jesus were shown, briefly and symbolically, using only pantomime. Only when the chants ended and Lucy, with the cross beam on her shoulders, approached the prepared pole lying on the lawn in the middle of the square, did the actual performance begin.

The patibulum was removed from the condemned woman's shoulders and placed on the pole. Then Michael removed the robe from her shoulders and hips and froze in surprise. Leaning over to the girl, who was covering her lower abdomen with palms, he asked in a whisper:

"Lucy, you... you're not wearing your loincloth!?"

"No... I'm sorry, when we were discussing the color yesterday, the director said it couldn't be white, and I didn't have any other fabric... so in the end I didn't bring the white one. But you were supposed to bring some, Michael? Tie it around my hips."

"I brought the brown one to the costume rehearsal yesterday, remember? But the director said it was too dark colored. He told us he would bring the proper one himself, remember?"

"Yes, he did," Matthew said, disguised as another soldier, when he finished nailing the patibulum to the post.

"Then give me the dark one, we have no choice," Lucy said impatiently.

"But he forbade me... so I didn't take it!"

"Are you kidding me?" Lucy asked, frozen in horror.

Michael looked around.


"He's not here," Lucy said. "The director had called me this morning and told me he wouldn't come because he was sick."

Michael hesitated. Matthew took him by the arm and, pretending to explain some technical details of the crucifixion, said emphatically:

"We can't stand there and wait, everyone is staring, the TV is filming us, the president is watching. We can't go look for a costume now! Do something immediately, or... Maybe we should tear off a piece of that robe?"

"But they just read that text from the Gospel where it says that the soldiers cast lots because they didn't want to tear the robe. What would it look like if I tore off a piece the size of a scarf from it now...?"

"Too bad, we can't wait another second, because everyone will guess that we screwed up," Matthew finished, straightening Lucy's crown of thorns, which had become askew.

"For now, lie down, and we'll try to improvise something," Matthew whispered to her.

"Don't do anything anymore. Let it be like this," Lucy whispered to him and covered her blushing face with her hands, thus revealing her nakedness to the audience and the camera lenses. This bought them half a minute of extra time as everyone in the square stared at Lucy's body, reveling in the sight of her humiliation.

"Deus sic vult," she added. "The God wanted it, obviously. Or at least I have to believe it's true."

"Are you sure you know what you're signing up for?" Robert asked doubtfully from behind, where he was standing, holding hammers and nails. "Can you last half an hour in these conditions and not break down?"

"I don't think I can last. I definitely can't last. I'm definitely going to break down", the girl sighed. "But who cares? After all, when you nail me down, I won't be able to stop the performance anyway. Even if I break down and am no longer able to play Messiah's role, I will still perfectly play the role of the crucified woman who has broken down and is unable to bear so much suffering, because it will not require playing at all. And even if it will last an hour or three instead of few minutes, I still won't descend from the cross, right? I will hang there, whether I am crazy from pain or not, until the very end."

And she dropped her arms to her sides. This bought them half a minute more.

She looked at the VIP box, from which the president, the minister of culture and art, and several secretaries and bodyguards were watching her, and then at the television camera placed on the platform. The image from the camera, displayed on a large billboard, showed a close-up of her body, moving slowly from her face to her breasts to her stomach to her hips to her knees to her feet and back again.

Lucy tried to breathe deeply to control the panic that was taking hold of her. But instead of calming down, with every passing second she became increasingly aware of the terrifying spiritual and physical suffering that awaited her, and she felt that she was getting closer to fainting. With all her strength she refrained from turning around and starting to run screaming from the scene of the terrifying spectacle. Just a few more seconds and strong male hands would grab her and hold her, preventing escape and any resistance, but for those few seconds she still had a chance...

"I know that in a moment I will howl with pain and shame, moan for mercy and tear myself away from despair," she whispered, "so hold me tight and nail me solidly, boys. Humiliate me, debase me, destroy me. Show me absolutely no mercy! Give them the show they expected!"

Matthew and Michael looked at each other and without further discussion they began the show. First Michael stood before the girl, pretending to bow respectfully to her. Michael repeated the same gesture. Then they both straightened up and slapped the condemned woman few times. Michael touched shamelessly her nipples and Matthew kicked her between her legs with his knee, while Robert kicked her in the ass with his iron-shod military sandals. When they finished, Matthew once again slap her in the face and then fixed her slipping crown of thorns.

And then both soldiers took the nails and hammers from Robert, and, grabbing the defenceless woman under the arms, threw her unceremoniously on the cross and began to nail her to the wood, ignoring her cries of pain and the agonizing spasms and cortonsions of her naked, fragile body.

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I love her firm decision and courage..
I will do the same as her if i m in her place.
Sabrina's Passion Play '2024

When Sabrina signed the contract, she gave the director a blank cheque. In fact, she only set absolutely insurmountable limits of what the "soldiers" should not afford to do to her. Then the director had to negotiate the details with the church and city authorities and do as much as they agreed.

"I want me to be able to experience the whole Passion Play better. That's why I prefer it to be a surprise for myself what exactly they will do to me," she said. "After all, Pilate did not tell Jesus either where or exactly how he would be crucified. The condemned were not warned about such things!"

And when Good Friday came, Sabrina was completely surprised by how much the bishop and mayor had agreed to. She never expected so far-reaching concessions. And they, competing each other, allowed the director to take the actress to the main intersection in downtown, in front of the entrance to the metro station, the biggest shopping mall in the city and McDonald's restaurant, and to nail her there to a cross, completely naked and with her legs spread wide, and leave her for sixty minutes there during the afternoon rush hour, regardless of her painful cries and begging, and they allow media and everyone willing to photograph and record this extraordinary spectacle at will.

And so it was done.

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The fact my wife's name is also Sabrina and her body is exactly like this.
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