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Some Sketches

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The last eve of Eve.

Well, it was a long day before the eve to be honest, and Eve was nearly dead with pain and shame far before her knees were crushed by the torturers...
Note: I didn't draw the audience but don't suppose that the circus was empty: all seats were occupied.

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As the citizens sauntered through the rows of crosses atop Traitors Hill, they noticed that were an unusually great number naked women crucified. The reason was that an informant had recently told the authorities of a large sect of Christian women were gathering at a secret location in the town. Gold coins were exchanged and the soldiers raided the large gathering.

All the women were condemned to crucifixion.

There was a great deal of sobbing and wailing as the tortured women dangled from nails in their wrists and bare feet, but there were occasionally shrill screams as the soldiers practiced their whip sills on the women. The soldiers challenged each other as to who best could use their whips to reach up and lash the breasts of the women. It did indeed take some skill to lash across both nipples, getting their aim just right. Those who were endowed with large boobs were obvious targets an d soon every big titted woman display whip welts across her tender mammaries.
The Messiah with her companions: a good thief weeping and despairing and a bad thief mocking the Messiah and cursing her and her own fate.

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I assume “the Messiah” is the wench in the middle adorned with a thorny crown, flanked by the two

thieves. All three women are curvaceous and arousing with luscious boobs and abundant pussy thatch.

Their fleshy charms are well displayed on the cross
The Messiah with her companions: a good thief weeping and despairing and a bad thief mocking the Messiah and cursing her and her own fate.
Great Girl-gotha image. This and Molly's passion play are cropped so the hands and feet are sometimes out of frame. Intentional?
Great Girl-gotha image. This and Molly's passion play are cropped so the hands and feet are sometimes out of frame. Intentional?
I sketched some of them on the smaller and more elongated paper sheets than I used to use, so sometimes it was intentional but sometimes simply I wrong estimated the size... For example, the last three girls were sketched on separate sheets and merged together after scanning down.
Sabrina's Passion Play '2024

When Sabrina signed the contract, she gave the director a blank cheque. In fact, she only set absolutely insurmountable limits of what the "soldiers" should not afford to do to her. Then the director had to negotiate the details with the church and city authorities and do as much as they agreed.

"I want me to be able to experience the whole Passion Play better. That's why I prefer it to be a surprise for myself what exactly they will do to me," she said. "After all, Pilate did not tell Jesus either where or exactly how he would be crucified. The condemned were not warned about such things!"

And when Good Friday came, Sabrina was completely surprised by how much the bishop and mayor had agreed to. She never expected so far-reaching concessions. And they, competing each other, allowed the director to take the actress to the main intersection in downtown, in front of the entrance to the metro station, the biggest shopping mall in the city and McDonald's restaurant, and to nail her there to a cross, completely naked and with her legs spread wide, and leave her for sixty minutes there during the afternoon rush hour, regardless of her painful cries and begging, and they allow media and everyone willing to photograph and record this extraordinary spectacle at will.

And so it was done.

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Sabrina's Passion Play '2024

When Sabrina signed the contract, she gave the director a blank cheque. In fact, she only set absolutely insurmountable limits of what the "soldiers" should not afford to do to her. Then the director had to negotiate the details with the church and city authorities and do as much as they agreed.

"I want me to be able to experience the whole Passion Play better. That's why I prefer it to be a surprise for myself what exactly they will do to me," she said. "After all, Pilate did not tell Jesus either where or exactly how he would be crucified. The condemned were not warned about such things!"

And when Good Friday came, Sabrina was completely surprised by how much the bishop and mayor had agreed to. And they, competing each other, allowed the director to take the actress to the main intersection in downtown, in front of the entrance to the metro station, the biggest shopping mall in the city and McDonald's restaurant, and to nail her there to a cross, completely naked and with her legs spread wide, and leave her for sixty minutes there during the afternoon rush hour, regardless of her painful cries and begging, and they allow media and everyone willing to photograph and record this extraordinary spectacle at will.

And so it was done.

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She is shamelessly displayed herself...a female criminal with no dignity.
Hope you don't mind a streamlining edit of the story:

When Sabrina signed the contract, she basically gave the director carte blanche. There was almost nothing the "soldiers" couldn't do to her. For the director the only remaining hurdle was to negotiate the details with the church and city government.

"I want the full Passion Play experience. That's why I'm letting them surprise me with the specifics," she said. "After all, Pilate didn't tell Jesus how or where he would be crucified. The condemned were not told that!"

When Good Friday came, Sabrina was stunned by what the bishop and mayor, each trying to outdo the other, had agreed to. They permitted the director to take the actress to the main intersection downtown. There, by the metro station, the biggest shopping mall in the city, and McDonald's restaurant, the soldiers nailed her to a cross, completely naked and with her legs spread wide. They left her for sixty minutes during the afternoon rush hour, ignoring her agonized cries and begging, and they allowed media and passers by to photograph and record this extraordinary spectacle.

And so it was done.
She is shamelessly displayed herself...a female criminal with no dignity.

I see you in the crowd, Yupar, watching her with envy, and wondering where you can find such a contract.
I see you in the crowd, Yupar, watching her with envy, and wondering where you can find such a contract.
You made me remember our @Arcimboldo old work..
There was a picture with Caption before..
"which crime I have to commit to be crucified like her " ...by the on looker woman.
My wording may a bit changed as it was too long i have seen. But in similar meaning.
You made me remember our @Arcimboldo old work..
There was a picture with Caption before..
"which crime I have to commit to be crucified like her " ...by the on looker woman.
My wording may a bit changed as it was too long i have seen. But in similar meaning.
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I just checked my hard drive. Yupar has an almost photographic memory. Congratulations! I'm flattered. The exact wording was: What crime do I have to commit to be punished like her...?
I just checked my hard drive. Yupar has an almost photographic memory. Congratulations! I'm flattered. The exact wording was: What crime do I have to commit to be punished like her...?
Reward me by putting on the cross ;)

By the way ..your " displayed or Ecce Homo 2" is in my all the favorite list still :)
Passion Play: The Thieves - part 1

James and Louise, who accompanied the volunteer Messiah at this year's Easter Passion Play, weren't volunteers. They did not belong to the parish acting troupe that performed the mystery play of the Passion of the Lord and the outdoor Good Friday Stations of the Cross every year. They were real criminals, sentenced to death and given no choice. The authorities decided that they would be executed during the Stations of the Cross, so that their death would be useful for something, adding color to the mystery of the Passion of the Lord.

This year, as companions of Barabbas, crucified with Jesus, the two of them were to appear: he, who committed a triple murder on the background of mafia vendettas, and she, who, in a fit of jealousy, deliberately poisoned her fiancé's lover and, in the process, accidentally killed seven other people who ate the same damn salad.

Of course, they were both terrified of being nailed to crosses, but she was more terrified: Jacob acted as if he didn't care, and maybe he really didn't care: he had some sort of heart disease and it's possible that he wouldn't have even made it to the end of the show. Louise, on the other hand, felt a strange ambivalence: the fear of physical pain was mixed with a thrill and excitement. She once dreamed of a career as an action actress or stuntwoman. Now she felt some unhealthy excitement at the thought that, at least before she died, she would play the role of her life and at the same time experience something that no one had experienced for centuries, and which certainly would not be boring. And besides, they both would gain fame, albeit posthumous. At least she would. She was completely sure that all the lenses and microphones in the square would be directed towards both "rogues", and especially her - Louise was a really attractive twenty-year-old - and not towards this, rather mediocre, actor, playing the character of the Master, simulating the Messiah very poorly. Like the world, no television station or photographer had ever had the opportunity to make a documentary film of a real crucifixion - and none of them had any intention of giving it up: behind several rows of "onlookers", hundreds of cameras were set up, almost as at the coronation of British monarchs. And powerful sponsors financed everything without blinking an eye, giving money to those who needed it, and thus enabling the - formally unacceptable - public execution of two convicts under the guise of a "scientific experiment".

A tug on her arm startled Louise from her thoughts. She looked at the square. "Christ" already had the beam of his cross on his shoulders, tied to his shoulders with a rope. Now it was their turn. Her and her companion's hands were untied, the same thick, heavy boards were thrown onto their backs and tied without much finesse. Pushed again, she came to the center, positioning herself at the end, behind "Jesus" and James. "Soldiers" surrounded them. The lector, leading the spectacle combined with the service, read a short prayer and a group of believers and the parish choir sang a piece and moved towards the next station.

Louise looked around. If it weren't for the skyscrapers, shops, cafes and McDonald's surrounding the square, and the crowds of onlookers in contemporary clothes, almost all of them with smartphones or cameras in their hands, she would feel as if she had really traveled by some sort of vehicle to biblical times. But it immediately occurred to her that for them, that is, for the Messiah and the thieves, the houses and people who surrounded them during their suffering were very contemporary! If she were really a condemned woman being led to death by Pilate's legionnaires in armor and with spears in their hands, she would look at them the way today's detainees look at policemen in bulletproof vests with assault rifles ready to fire and onlookers with smartphones in their hands: as something normal and obvious.

They walked around the square with the whole crowd following them, but their path was neither far nor long. The subsequent stations of the cross passed by all too quickly, especially since the two of them had nothing to do but tail behind the picturesque group of soldiers surrounding the "Messiah", still dressed in a purple cloak (again, contrary to the text of the Gospel!). The falls, the meeting with the Mother, Simon of Cyrene, and finally the crying women - everything fit into a good quarter of an hour. But the real Stations of the Cross did not last much longer - the trail from the walls of Jerusalem to Golgotha Hill, which exists to this day, was not even a kilometer long.

Finally, when they had made almost a complete loop around the square and were getting closer to the artificial "Skull Hill", on which solid bases had been prepared to which their crosses were to be attached, Luisa heard the name of the station: "Lord Jesus stripped of his clothes", and she felt her heart suddenly speed up and her face turn red.

Because, of course, not only the Messiah, but every criminal sentenced to a shameful death on the cross had to be "bared" before it. In the past, the word did not necessarily always mean complete nudity, and - despite the particular emphasis on faithfulness to historical details - the Messiah was always left with a loincloth, as depicted by the overwhelming majority of crucifixes in churches around the world, in order to respect His divinity and not offend including the religious feelings of the faithful. But in the case of her and James, there was no question of offending religious feelings, so there remained at least a shadow of fear... And even if they wrapped them around her hips, would they cover her breasts or force her to parade around topless? She had no idea what they were planning because, of course, no one had warned her and James, as the real condemned convicts, how exactly they were to be crucified.

She calmed down only when she saw how the "soldiers", having taken off the tunics of "Jesus" and the "Evil Thief", were tying loincloths around their loins. James too. She sighed deeply once and twice to control her fear of the approaching execution.

Finally, the torturers approached her. Louise closed her eyes and turned her head to the side. She didn't even try to resist. Thanks to this, everything went quickly and smoothly. The torturers took off her sandals and dress. Instinctively, she pressed her thighs together and lowered her head. Still squeezing her eyes and knees shut and blushing with shame, she waited for her loincloth. Why did they delay so much? The men had their loincloths put on them immediately!

However, seconds passed and nothing happened. Touched by sudden anxiety, she opened her eyes.

And then she saw with despair that her captors had already left, taking her clothes and leaving her naked and barefoot in the middle of the street.

They clearly had no intention of coming back and covering her nudity. In a flash of understanding, she realized that the organizers had somehow managed to convince – or perhaps bribe!? – church and city authorities to agree to the most historically correct and at the same time acceptable solution: men will hang on crosses in underwear, both the Messiah and the criminal, but she, as a woman – and only she – completely naked! Just like female convicts died in ancient Rome, most often burned at the stake: the famous and praised by everyone Roman law not only allowed, but even ordered women to be burned naked.

Embarrassed, she looked up and saw that literally everyone was staring at her. And, of course, no one was looking at her face... She struggled, but her hands were tightly tied to the crossbeam resting on her shoulders and she could not in any way shield her private parts from the crowd's gaze.

And the crowd, who had not expected such a turn of events, literally went crazy. Cheers, whistles and applause filled the square for a long time, drowning out even the voice of the loudspeaker and the parish choir.

She felt tears in her eyes. The fact that they decided to crucify her naked between the clothed men was so damn, terribly unfair...! Did they not understand how much more difficult and terrible they were making her death by such public disgrace?

She looked at the bishop, the mayor, and the police chief, who were standing very close, in front of her. They, too, watched and enjoyed her entire nakedness, and in their glances she saw contempt, amusement, and cruelty.

No... they just understood it perfectly...

She wanted to tell them something, but the soldiers pushed her forward again; she felt the blow of a whip on her back and the kick and sting of a spear on her buttocks, and she screamed: this time they took her by surprise. She moved heavily, tense to the limit, on stiff legs. Her heart was pounding. For the first time in her life, she walked through the city center among a crowd of people full naked! She shuddered and got goosebumps, not from cold, but from fear, as she realized that she was walking through this familiar city for the last time...

In the background, the parish choir intoned some passion song to a mournful and gloomy melody that gave her chills.

There were almost a hundred meters left to where the last stations would be played. She walked with her head down, burying her face in her hair and looking at the ground beneath her feet. Only when she had calmed down a bit from her first impression and dared to look up for a moment, she saw, of course, what she had expected: all eyes, cameras and smartphones were directed towards her, not the Messiah. She lowered her face even lower, blushing again. The recent thought of the fame she would gain in this way now seemed completely idiotic to her. All slaves crucified in ancient times gained the same fame: as soon as they finished the show and died, their bodies were thrown into the garbage, into the river or to the open pit to be rotten and eaten by dogs, and if there was no hurry, they were left hanging on crosses to be devoured by vultures. And the day after no one even remembered their names! A fame of a crucified slut... And now exactly the same fate awaits her.

Without looking ahead, she didn't see how close they were to "Golgotha" and when suddenly the soldiers stopped her by grabbing a beam, she almost fell on her back. Loosening the ropes, the torturers removed the patibulum from her and nailed it solidly to the pole lying on the "hill". She felt paralyzing fear. So that's it...? She covered her breasts and womb with her free hands. There was laughter from the crowd. Well, there was no point in covering the embarrassing places of the body: in a moment she would be hanging above their heads, straight and with her arms spread, completely exposed, immobilized and defenseless...

She heard the name of the station: "Lord Jesus nailed to the cross." The priest read or said a short meditation from his head. Then the soldiers took hold of the "Messiah" and placed him on the cross, tying his feet and wrists securely to the tree. Hammers roared and the actor began to simulate painful screams as the "torturers" drove nails next to his hands and feet. Pathetic. Then they smeared red paint on the "wounds", bent down and, on command, raised the cross vertically. It slid almost without a sound into the prepared hole. The latch clicked.

Then they came to James, and he began to scream and struggle, swearing and biting. They beat him on the head and back with whips to calm him down. She couldn't look at it. She lowered her head again and clenched her eyes and teeth. All she could hear was the real painful scream and howl of the man as nails were driven into his body - for real this time. Jacob whimpered and moaned incessantly, and Louise suddenly realized that his voice was coming from somewhere above. And then she heard the same click of the latch and realized that he was already hanging; that now it's her turn, now, immediately!

She felt a panic attack and thought she was going to faint from fear. Her legs gave way beneath her. She didn't have the strength to fight the executioners or run away; She wouldn't have the slightest chance of doing so. She dropped her arms to her sides and swayed, but before she sank to the pavement, men's hands held her upright. Unceremoniously hugging her around the waist, under the buttocks and by the thighs, touching by chance her breasts and crotch, they half-led, half-carried the naked girl, hardly conscious with fear. They turned her to face the audience, standing next to her. Her gaze fell on the mighty hammer and the rough, angular nails with square heads held by the executioner. She screamed desperately and, losing all control over her body, she started chattering her teeth in fear and... urinating. The merciless crowd, seeing her so humiliated, burst into uncontrollable laughter. People probably thought that Luiza was a hired stripper or a whore, at least a shameless woman who only played the role of a terrified convict for money and fame.

Because the crowds were not told that it would be a real execution for the two "rogues"!

Half a minute later, lying on her bottom in a pool of her own urine, stretched out and tied to the beams and the pole, Louise was ready. The crowd fell silent, waiting for the beginning of the best show.

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Passion Play: The Thieves - part 2

The "soldiers" were in a hurry, they had to finish the nailing to the cross because the crowd was standing in the same heat and the spectators and organizers felt uncomfortable because of it. Men drank water from plastic bottles, women fanned themselves with handkerchiefs. Of course, everyone didn't give a damn about what she felt.

Shivering with fear, she watched as the soldiers knelt by both of her arms and legs at the same time, as they placed nails on her body, as they raised hammers. She squeezed her eyes shut as tight as she could, inhaling and holding her breath to withstand the shock and maintain her dignity, at least for a moment longer.

How pathetic and ridiculous she was! The first blow of the hammer made all her dignity disappear forever!

Tortured by a pain she had never experienced before, Louise lifted her buttocks up and raised her thighs high in the air, spreading her legs in agony, exposing her genitals like a model to a photographer from a pornographic magazine. She began to choke on screams, howl and tighten her body in terrible spasms of indescribable pain, raising and lowering her hips as if during intercourse, tossing her breasts and squealing to the rhythm of these funny jumps like a pig being slaughtered. The crowd's whistles, laughter and applause merged with the sounds of her mortal terror and unspeakable suffering. And then she felt the torturers' hands again on her buttocks, hips, breasts and arms, and her cross quivered and began to rotate vertically. And then the pin clicked and Luiza felt like she was suffocating.

But that was just the beginning. Only now did the executioners untie the ropes and pull them off the girl's shoulders and the cross. The unfortunate woman's body hung on the wounds alone, the indescribable pain turned into unbearable pain, and only then did Luiza really begin to suffocate. She arched her body again, sticking out her vulva for the cameras and smartphones' lenses. She began to tremble, wheezing and choking, throwing her head from side to side, until finally, gathering all her strength, she pulled herself up on her nail-pierced wrists as if on a bar and supported herself with the feet of her legs, still slightly bent at the knees, which could not be locked in a straight position, so that she had to support her entire body weight with muscle tension. Now her head was at the height of the nails in her hands. She turned her face this way and that, looking with horror and disbelief at her horribly scarred hands pierced with rough iron, and her lips began to tremble. Tears flowed from her eyes. She was breathing heavily, inhaling and exhaling harshly like someone who had just drowned, fast and deep, making her large breasts bounce. She felt that she was leaking urine again, her thighs were trembling with tension, and the pain in her feet was getting so intense that she couldn't bear it. She screamed in pain and fell, sliding down until her face was at the level where her belly button had just been. A handful of splinters from the rough pole embedded themselves in her buttocks and shoulders as she scraped her back against the wood.

Now she was hanging on only her arms, straight and stretched like strings, spreading her mouth and legs, lowering her head and wheezing heavily. Blood flowed in warm streams from the wrists down the hands: the nails driven by the inexperienced executioners must have damaged some larger blood vessels. Red streams dripped onto her breasts, hips, belly, vulva, buttocks, thighs, drawing red patterns on her pale skin, flowing crosswise, dripping onto the ground. A doctor dressed as one of the soldiers looked at them and shrugged indifferently.
"It doesn't matter: she won't have time to bleed out before we finish her off", he thought.

Coming to her senses for a moment, she looked at James, hanging on the other side of the "Messiah." He, too, rose and fell in terrible suffering; as his stretched body rose upwards, the male penis, stretched as well as the entire body, lifted the edge of his loincloth towards the sky, revealing his testicles and groin. Maybe because he was a man, he somehow endured the pain better, because he didn't scream and moan like she did.

Luiza moved her gaze to the "Messiah" and saw that the actor was also looking at her with an expression that looked like sympathy, but her nudity was irritating to his senses: his penis was also visibly raised, creating a distinct mound under the loincloth.

Before the pain overcame her again, she suddenly remembered the words that the Good Thief she was playing had said to the Messiah and, somewhat unexpectedly for herself, she took a few quick breaths in and out, and after taking in more air, she gasped:

“Jesus... oh Jesus... remember me... when you... when... when you come... to... to... ah... ah... your... your... ah... ah... your... king... God... God it hurts! Aaahhhh!!!”

She howled without finishing her line and, torn by terrible pain that was out of control, she rose up again, spasmodically bending at the waist, turning at the hips and sticking out her buttocks to the left side of the small of her back, asymmetrically, resting her hip on the edge of the pole. Instead of answering (he should say: "Today you will be with me in paradise"), the actor playing the Messiah stared more and more excitedly, unable to take his eyes off her truly attractive buttocks. She hung there for a moment, mostly on her right wrist, and then she lowered herself a little and turned her hips the other way, moving her bottom to the right. Now "Jesus" turned his head after a while, because in this position he saw her vulva and experienced an even more violent erection. But he couldn't afford to ejaculate in front of onlookers!

As she danced her erotic dance, hundreds of cameras followed her every move. Finally, she moved again to approximately the middle of the cross and, exhausted by this, though not very long, series of movements, she hung limply, leaning her head back on her right shoulder, moaning softly. The woman's legs spread on their own, pointing her knees at opposite sides of the square, revealing the shaggy fur on her parted vulva.

"Well, I can't, what a shameless whore. And what a comedian! Look how she pretends to suffer!" she heard the contemptuous voice of a girl, her peer, sipping beer from a bottle and staring at her. Several of the boys with her, recording her agony on their cell phones, laughed...

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Passion Play: The Thieves - part 3

Louise was unable to position her legs differently, when she tried to put her knees together in this position the pain in her feet became excruciating. She felt pain between her legs: the sun was burning her naked skin, especially the nipples of her breasts, lower abdomen and mucous membranes of her private parts, completely unhardened and never before exposed to such intense radiation. And nobody bothered to put any protective cream on the body of a woman sentenced to death of course. Just like no one bothered to add painkillers to the "bitter herbs" she was ordered to drink just before being placed on the cross. She was going to die in agony. The only consolation was that she knew they did not have time to torture her like this for longer than a few, maybe a dozen or so minutes.

Stunned and torn by inhuman suffering, of which the onlookers were not aware at all (except for those who stood the closest and saw the nails stuck in the wounds and the blood flowing from under them, pooling at the foot of the cross - although even they thought she was a masochist volunteer, not knowing that she was really going to die on that cross), she did not react in any way, even to their applause, mockery and laughter. She didn't have the strength to fight the pain in her feet that forced her to spread her knees so much, even though her face turned purple again with terrible shame, and at the same time with the effort and lack of air: in this position she was quickly beginning to suffocate. She let out an inarticulate plea for mercy, which was completely unnecessary. She clenched and unclenched her fists several times, preparing for another effort to lift herself up.

She completely lost track of time: it seemed like twenty or maybe thirty minutes had passed. For a moment, she thought that maybe they had left her here for a long torment on purpose!?

But at the same moment she heard three gong strikes from the town hall tower and realized that this terrible torment that had exhausted her so much had not lasted even five minutes...!!!

As she flexed her thigh and calf muscles, she felt painful spasms grip her in the trembling muscles of her legs. She screamed in pain through gritted teeth as her feet rotated on the nail, positioning themselves more vertically to support the weight of the lower half of her body. A stream of blood flowed from the wounds on her feet, dripping straight into the large, red puddle that had already gathered under the small of her back. She pulled herself up on her hands and raised herself upwards again, as if she wanted to break free from the tree of shame towards heaven, although, according to Roman beliefs, the only way from the cross was to hell. Luisa was a non-believer and knew nothing about the afterlife or hell. At this moment, she only dreamed of a quick death. But she couldn't count on that.

Only at this moment the parish priest, taking over the microphone for a moment, informed the crowd that Louise and James were real murderers and their execution, unlike the crucifixion of the "Messiah", was really taking place. After a short silence, this caused an even louder storm of applause and joy: paradoxically, the information that she deserved to die and the priest's approval of the punishment meted out to her caused the few who had previously felt pity for her to stop feeling pity, and those who felt only lust and satisfaction (mainly men) or contempt and hatred (mainly their wives) to feel justified... At the announcer's voice of encouragement, at that moment, cores, garbage and small stones flew from the crowd, hitting the condemned. She felt painful stone hits on her right knee and hip, twice on the groin, on the stomach and on the nipple of the left breast. Some rotten fruit splattered above the navel, two cores hit her face and a hard metal projectile, perhapa an iron nut, hit the other breast.

Louise moaned several times and leaned forward, feeling how her arm muscles suddenly weakened. However, her legs remained straight, so she only bent her upper body, bending at the waist, as if bowing to the gathered people who had come to watch her dying. The breasts hung down, swinging left and right for a moment, to the delight of the crowd. Stones flew towards her again, hitting her breasts as if they were a moving target in an amusement park. She raised her head, looking directly into the eyes of the viewers for the first time, but quickly lowered her eyes again, seeing no sympathy in them, only lust and contempt in the eyes of men, amusement and cruelty in the eyes of young girls, mockery and satisfaction - of mature women, and hatred and disgust – the old ones. It was written on all their faces: "good for you!" and "may you die in pain!" Two stones and a half empty beer can hit her vulva and thighs, respectively. Tears ran down her cheeks.

Then she noticed the same group of officials at the front, including a bishop and a secretary. They were responsible for giving her permission for her cruel death. But maybe they would have mercy on her?

She gathered her strength and, barely intelligible, called out to them:

"I beg you! Mercy! Plea...se...kill...me...quick..."

But the officials just laughed. Only the bishop raised his hand. She thought that maybe out of pity he would make a gesture of blessing over the dying woman's head, but he just waved her hand impudently, as if he was sending her holiday greetings. The mayor and councilors looked at her with contempt, the council president gave her an obscene middle finger and the treasurer spat ostentatiously at her. Luiza suddenly felt in her heart like a little, wronged girl and burst into tears, but in response she only heard even happier laughter and cruel words from the amused president:

"Don't disturb yourself, you stupid cunt! Have a fun!"

In this very moment she lost the last hope.

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