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The Agony Component.

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apostate630 said:
A lengthy, intricate, and downright baffling addition to this thread, Aaron.

I shall let it stand, but I don't have any replies to post. And I still think it likely that Octavian murdered Cleopatra, but I really don't think he used a cross. A sword thrust to the gut or cut throat would have been so much more . . . efficient.

Although Jedakk's "Cleopatra's Handmaiden" could be the point source of such a fantasy. Octavian didn't want a public crucifixion, Cleopatra didn't want it known that it's her hanging naked on that cross.

Octavian and Cleopatra had a mutual interest in this matter. And so this "handmaiden" howling and writhing out her last hours of existence on a Roman cross was not, officially, Cleopatra.

Have to disagree with you Apostate.

I think they cut a deal. If Cleo takes herself as like a lady then Octavian doesn't have her publically executed in the most humiliating manner he can in front of the Roman mob.

Works for both of them.

He sows up Egypt (and remember Cleo wasn't Egyptian she descended from the Alexandian general Ptolomy in a family that practiced incest) without making a martyer of their late great leader (and since she had already had her brothers bumped off there was no ruling dynasty left) cleanly without having to leave a big garrison behind.

She gets to go out in a relatively painless manner and creates the myth of her Heroic Honorable death.

What's the line out of "The Lion In Winter": Geoffry - "Why do you care how you fall? Does it matter?" Richard "When the fall is all that's left, it matters."

The fall was all that was left.
What's the line out of "The Lion In Winter": Geoffry - "Why do you care how you fall? Does it matter?" Richard "When the fall is all that's left, it matters."

Excellent, Willow. I've seen two film versions and two stage productions of that play, but I did not remember that line. Thanks.

And I have a mind to post a pic entirely outside the scope of this thread, indeed that of this site. But what the heck.
apostate630 said:
And I have a mind to post a pic entirely outside the scope of this thread, indeed that of this site. But what the heck.

I beleive I once read an article on Cleo where the Greeks had an unflattering nickname (which I can't rememebr) for her related to her oral skills. It was based on a rumor that she sucked 100 men in a single night.

That isn't possible due to the chemical reaction of the various different body fluids but it was a nice story.

And NO, I don't want to conduct a field expirement with 100 of you guys! I've done enough filed testing on my own to KNOW it is true.


apostate630 said:
A lengthy, intricate, and downright baffling addition to this thread, Aaron.

I shall let it stand, but I don't have any replies to post. And I still think it likely that Octavian murdered Cleopatra, but I really don't think he used a cross. A sword thrust to the gut or cut throat would have been so much more . . . efficient.
'Nuff said.
I was really blown away even by the historical background alone regarding Caesar and Cleo -- If you can dig up translations from Latin to English of the Roman historians, it's some really lively reading. Caesar <-> Cleo <-> Antonius was the, uh, ur-example of Sex Scandal in High Places. Writers at the time said that Cleo was physically plain, or even slightly below average in beauty. But they all agreed that she compensated for her shortfall in beauty with her Machiavellian prowess. Suicide, incest and regicide were a way of life in the later empire -- of the hundreds of emperors, only one managed to retire while still alive (that retired emperor raised cabbages and this was alluded to by Lewis Carroll in the famous line about "kings and cabbages.")

Yeah, I agree, Cleo was a real handful. She wasn't going to sleaze her way out of this one and she knew it. Either Octavian looked the other way, or he assisted with a mercy killing. The legend of the asp in the fruit might have been Nixonesque Plausible Deniability to clear Octavian of any laxity in his duties to Rome. Although it was his official duty to deliver Cleo to Rome, the Militia and Senate probably felt that the sooner she was history, the better. Rome hated Cleopatra, more than anyone before or since.
Thnks for posting the Tiny Dancer pdf but my machine is so messed up I can't run any program that's modern. But now yahoo has upgraded to the point that I can't get to my e-mails. Guess I got to figure a way to upgrade. When I do Tiny Dancer will be one of the first things I open.

Apostage630 said: (Jane's) sweat or tear stuck strands

As far as padding this thread. I would be happy if you posted every frame of Jane. That close-up is wonderful even without her screams for I also find great excitement in sweat stuck strands!

But you can't overlook her screams. They seem so real. It's like she's just been told that her shoot contract contains no clause requiring the photographer to let her down from the cross. Just look at the "Ow" shots in this order:
3. I've just told her that she's not
coming down
4. Sit back and watch several hours
of this.
1 & 2. As I say goodnight and promise
to return in the morning.

Apostate630, I've noticed in some of your replies to my ramblings that you have a good and proper concern for the women living today and what I am contenplating doing with them. My reactions to real harm to real women is as intense as yours seems to be. Women are the most wonderful things in creation and must never be harmed. So exactly why we entertain these fantasies I believe has something to do with our inability to express our overwelming admiration for these creatures.
bbear said:
As far as padding this thread. I would be happy if you posted every frame of Jane. That close-up is wonderful even without her screams for I also find great excitement in sweat stuck strands!

Well, you can call me a greedy bastard, but I do hope that Mr.Apostate will not post "every frame of Jane". Otherwise we will not be able to invite Jane again. She is working for money, strange, eh?
Stay in touch,
Mkr said:
bbear said:
As far as padding this thread. I would be happy if you posted every frame of Jane. That close-up is wonderful even without her screams for I also find great excitement in sweat stuck strands!

Well, you can call me a greedy bastard, but I do hope that Mr.Apostate will not post "every frame of Jane". Otherwise we will not be able to invite Jane again. She is working for money, strange, eh?
Stay in touch,

Exactly, Makar. And it's in my interest that www.cruxdreams.com endures and prospers. You and Image Maker are the only guys on the 'net who cater precisely to my personal perversion. ;-)
Anyone know where i can get a video of a woman being literally nailed to the cross ??
I have a video of myself tied to the cross by rope. Im curious to know what its like to be nailed. My lady friend wants to see a video so she can perform it..Any suggestions ?
rob said:
Anyone know where i can get a video of a woman being literally nailed to the cross ??
I have a video of myself tied to the cross by rope. Im curious to know what its like to be nailed. My lady friend wants to see a video so she can perform it..Any suggestions ?

Uh, no.

There turn out to be medical consequences that are, well, lethal.

I urge you to confine your fantasies to rope, Lots.
apostate630 said:
rob said:
Anyone know where i can get a video of a woman being literally nailed to the cross ??
I have a video of myself tied to the cross by rope. Im curious to know what its like to be nailed. My lady friend wants to see a video so she can perform it..Any suggestions ?

Uh, no.

There turn out to be medical consequences that are, well, lethal.

I urge you to confine your fantasies to rope, Lots.

I agree with apostate
ropes is the safe way to go.

please do not try nails. and when it come to videos, well, join Makar site, (I just did and it is worth it) you will see enough videos of crucified people to satisfy your fantasies.
rob! This is what I was talking about a few repleys ago. Women are wonderful. Great to play with. So lets keep the real nails in the first century. Write stories, fantasize about nailing a babe to wood and leaving her for the wild animals. Sigh... Sorry, lost in thought. But lets protect the real thing. You can treat them with respect even when there naked and tied to a cross. A bit of whipping to add texture is always nice. But it's really the woman that is in control. When she says stop, we stop. OK be disapointed but alway keep your emotions in check.

O, maker. I also respect yours and Jane's desire to profit from our bent minds. Good work is worth it's price. Thank you for letting Apostate post what he does. Also pass on my respect for Jane and the others. And the fact that if I talk about chaining her in my basement for the rest of her life, it's all said in augh of her beauty and will only come true in my stories and mind.
Jedakk's rules regarding the qualities of a really good crux model:

* She is a toothsome wench
* She is breathing
* She is naked
* She is affixed by her wrists and feet only, with no other means of support and no footrest, to a cross or at least in a cruciform position to a framework that simulates a cross, and in position that allows her freedom of movement within the range of her restraints.
* She has a clue that she is on a cross, and not pole dancing
* She understands that she is role-playing the part of a victim who is being executed in a very painful way, even if she is not actually in pain herself.
* The default position is hanging by her wrists - she needs to pretend that any raised position requires an effort and would be more painful than hanging etc.

Nadia follows the rules. ;-)
Makar's latest Jane update.

This took an unholy time to post. My ISP was down for most of the afternoon and evening, then . . .

No matter.

Jane is once again overlit, but she is emblematic of this thread.

Crucifixion is supposed to hurt.

All of you with a sadist resident in your souls, enjoy.
I've always thought Koshka's looks and hairstyle lend themselves to a "What really happened to Cleopatra" fantasy.

From Makar's latest update. Enjoy.
Some more Jane screencaps from Makar's latest update.

They're not as high resolution as I'd like, but they will have to do.
apostate630 said:
Some more Jane screencaps from Makar's latest update.

They're not as high resolution as I'd like, but they will have to do.

Jane is incredible. here movements and her facial expression she truly give crux addicts a good show.

thanks for shearing apostate and makar thanks for you great work.
Here is an emulation (in poser) of an old ArtWizard drawing done by an artist named Leremite for the Dark Spot Forum. I have obtained his permission to post it here. Although some improvement might be necessary regarding the nailing (he does mostly hangings) I think the agonied expression, pose and details are quite impressive. The comlete series contains of five different views/closeups. I can post those as well if desired.
Oh, wow.

I do remember that Artwizard drawing, Lovecraft, and it fits this thread with laser-guided munitions precision. Feel free to post whatever you've got.
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