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The Coffee Shop

  • Thread starter The Fallen Angel
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I knew this music but sung by Irish poeple ...:clapping:
The Mull of Kintyre is the closest point in Scotland to Ireland -
in that photo the mountain on the horizon is across the North Channel,
in County Antrim, and you can just make out Rathlin Island.
Mr. Trump have right, it seems. No global warming in the US, only in Europe.

Science deniers have a ball with unseasonal snows. Such things are completely in line with a warming planet. As the climate changes in response to warming, precipitation increases, and if it’s cold enough, it snows.

Storms also get more intense. Not just like the hurricanes of 2017. How many of you guys remember or even heard of what happened to my ancestral turf in 2016?


Places flooded that had not done so for centuries. The area will be decades recovering, and in that time it could happen again.

That's part of what climate change means.

This concludes my ranting-and-raving seizure.
You're right, apostate and we cant take a local phenomenon like an evidence that the GLOBAL climate is not in a warm period ...
Here , it could induce more precipitations , and there, more aridness ...

I well recognize here the middle american class who want to continue to consume water for their lawn and to maintain their life'level like if nothing was happening , actually and in the future ...
Think a little to our children ! What world could we let for them ?!

Global warming

Climate warming: Record of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere in 2016

Video by FRANCE 24

Text by FRANCE 24 Last modified: 30/10/2017

The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, responsible for global warming, reached a record level in 2016, warned Monday the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which cautions against "a dangerous rise in temperature".
Here is a (very bad) new one that is likely to put the theories and arguments of the climatospectiques in trouble. In 2016, never the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, the gas responsible for global warming, had reached such a élèvé level, warned the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Monday 30 October.

"The last time the Earth experienced a comparable CO2 content, it was 3 to 5 million years ago: The temperature was 2 to 3 °c higher and the sea level was 10 to 20 meters higher than the current level." , due to the melting of the ice sheets, recalled the Onuésienne agency in its annual bulletin on greenhouse gases."
Deniers, for want of a better word, as a group generally accept that the world's climate is changing. It's been changing ever since this planet was formed and will continue to change until it ends. What they object to is the misinformation generated by those who believe that this process can be halted and who, in many respects, are just as bad as the deniers. Both sides need to keep an open mind, be fully aware of ALL the facts and, in particular, how those facts are generated.
With specific reference to carbon emissions perhaps one should read this - https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2018/03/23/global-emissions-up-1-4-in-2017/
Deniers, for want of a better word, as a group generally accept that the world's climate is changing. It's been changing ever since this planet was formed and will continue to change until it ends.

Perhaps (certainly) but it is changing since 100 years of our industrial development quicker than it was changing before ...
It's that which is unquieting !
From this article ...

"... CO2 emissions rose because of a 2.1 percent increase in global energy demand, 70 percent of which was met by fossil fuels, especially natural gas and coal-fired electricity. China’s 6 percent jump in electricity demand was met by coal, IEA reported...."

OK , but can we forbid to other countries to develop their life'level like we're doing ?

" ...
Meanwhile, U.S. emissions continued to fall “mainly because of higher deployment of renewables,” IEA reported on Thursday. U.K. emissions also fell, but European Union emissions grew last year, a no doubt awkward development for European leaders who chastised
President Donald Trump for leaving the Paris accord..."

Where have they found that ?

If the global economy continues to grow, it will need more energy. And renewables are simply not up to the job of providing the cheap, reliable energy that growing economies need.

We will carry on seeing this pattern for many years to come – renewable energy will continue to grow rapidly, but from a tiny starting point. But conventional energy sources will need to provide more and more, if developing countries are to grow their economies... "

Yes, it can be supposed ...

"... Only a global recession will put the brake on emissions of CO2..."

We also can think and act for that renewable energy will continue to grow rapidly !!! ... rather than to exploit the schist'gaz like USA are doing actually ... in provoking true environmental'catastroph where they are doing that ...

Well, alas, if a quick turn is not carried out, I doubt that our planet could be liveable for humans soon ... :(
When I was a freshman in high school (1974-5) the worry was both global cooling and that oil would be depleted within 35 years. We just had our coolest March in many years and April is running well below average.

The first situation did not have the science we do today and with new technology the world's usable oil reserves are far higher than they were in 1975. This is amazing since there are far more cars than there were then and all but the smallest cars weigh more than the average midsize sedan of today. Through science and regulations even the base model of Corvette can equal the fuel mileage of an early '70s VW Beetle even though it weighs more than double what the Beetle did and can generate five times the horsepower.

The second situation (cool months) is really closer to a weather event than a climate scenario.

Someone mentioned flooding in the lower Mississippi valley. As recent as last week an study by a fairly liberal college found that much flooding is caused by upriver flood control efforts such as levies. Since 1973 the Mississippi had several record high floods as it passed St. Louis, Missouri. Almost all scientists and engineers believe none of the floods would have been much of a record if it were not for the extensive use of levies lining the Mississippi and its tributaries.

As for alternate or renewable fuel sources during the past administration federal money was poured into alternative fuel sources. The biggest result was the big guys in charge made large fortunes and most of the businesses went 'belly-up'.

So where does that leave us? I'm not saying toss your hands up and not look for solutions. Let us look at what we've tried, what works, what didn't, and discuss viable options from there....
It's worth recording that the Middle Ages were, in general, about three degrees warmer than today. No doubt this was caused by burning all those heretics.
Correct. They grew wine grapes in England then.
Global cooling started in the 14th century. Black Death, famine, social and economic disruption and ensuing war were the result. Most burnings of heretics took place from then on. People did not understand what was going on and looked for scapegoats.
They grew wine grapes in England then.
They do now -
There are > 500 vineyards, total > 2000 Hectares, in England & Wales.
and they make some pretty good wine!
Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc and Bacchus do well, they compete with similarly priced,
middle-range white wines from NZ, Aus, S Africa etc.
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