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The Trial of Barbaria1

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Or we could call Sheffield, maybe they could cast us an iron whipping post from the world-famous Sheffield steel in a short time. I wouldn't have an iron cross made though, lest Barb think we're trying to give her a huge medal
Great idea Hein, though you'll find most of Sheffield steel is now owned either by Scandinavia or the Far East - but the South Yorkshire steel Cith could indeed manufacture suitable whipping posts and crucifixes! Moreover, we could specify the build such that nails can be replaced by iron nuts and bolts that can be drilled home through Barb's wrists, palms and ankles.

I am very much in favour of this idea, I must say.
Let's not panic! Any pole can serve as a whipping post. And with some luck, they overlooked the timber trade, where there must be plenty of wood in stock that can be used for crucifixion. Some clothesline poles may well be used as a cross!
Honestly! :doh:

You're all a bunch of ignorant atheists! :rolleyes:

Just nip round to St Eulalia's church:

St Eulalias.jpg

The current occupant will be fine in the crypt while we 'borrow' the cross for a very good cause! ;)
Honestly! :doh:

You're all a bunch of ignorant atheists! :rolleyes:

Just nip round to St Eulalia's church:

View attachment 1131570

The current occupant will be fine in the crypt while we 'borrow' the cross for a very good cause! ;)
I do like his attire !! ;) lol
What if the current occupant takes profit of the situation, resurrects meanwhile and runs away!?.:eusa_doh:
Some say, it happened before!:confused:
And what if Barb takes an exemple form it, and resurrects too? Than we can start the trial all over again?:facepalm::doh:
An atheist asking!?:D
I’ve already perfected the resurrection trick. Think of how many times I’ve already been crucified on CruxForums and you will become a true believer.
What if the current occupant takes profit of the situation, resurrects meanwhile and runs away!?.:eusa_doh:
Some say, it happened before!:confused:
And what if Barb takes an exemple form it, and resurrects too? Than we can start the trial all over again?:facepalm::doh:
An atheist asking!?:D
If anyone is expert at post crucifixion resurrection, it’s got to be @Barbaria1
Shit! These bozos are proving to be far Moore inventive than anticipated. :confused:
I do appreciate that you pretend not to be one of them, but we all know you look forward to a solution. :D
Canonised, yes, but Deified? Perhaps his idea of canonisation involves your kissing the gunner`s daughter.
As I was young, I thought "Canonised" would be this:
Canonised, yes, but Deified? Perhaps his idea of canonisation involves your kissing the gunner`s daughter.

As I was young, I thought "Canonised" would be this:

I meant beatified, not deified !!!! :doh:

I hope that’s not another crucifiable offense.:peep:
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