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The Trial of Barbaria1

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“I fear this Queen business is going to her head already and will make her insufferable from now on,” observes @phlebas drily.

“Isn’t she that already?” quips @Loinclothslave .
I didn't want to say...

A few Cruxers, as follows, are assigned special palace duties: RacingRodent as official scribe and court jester, Wragg as master of the court’s 4-poster beds and dungeon cellar at Cruxton Abbey, @mp5stab as mistress of nails and hair, @Jackie1111 as chief performer and choreographer of courtly erotic dancing, @Darkprincess69 is in charge of that thing she does best, @LittleSiss is in charge of snark, @Kathy is in charge of Terra Nova, @Eulalia is in charge of the annual CF linkie hunt and of feeding the sea monsters, Thehangingtree is in charge of the official CruxForums campaign to stamp out cigarette smoking and binge drinking, Gibbs505 is in charge of the annual CF summer nude boating regatta, @messaline is in charge of French premium wood procurement, Fossy is CF special liaison to Mi6, Madiosi is keeper of the CF archive, Loinvlothslave is in charge of loincloths, Jollyrei is grand master of graves registration, Okd slave is Duke of Yorkshire, Bobinder is in charge of artistic excellence, and last but least, Montycrusto and Twonines are in charge of painting over all the limerick graffiti they’ve left sullying the walls of CF.
Well, this looks like it's all just a lot of work. Graves registraion? What happened to the fine tradition of unmarked graves?
Well, this looks like it's all just a lot of work. Graves registraion? What happened to the fine tradition of unmarked graves?
It's not that much work. Bit of paint on some scrap hardboard. Clone 1, Clone 2, Clone 3 and Barb. Simples!
Oh my Queen! I just heard the news and rushed here as soon as I could.

Queen Barbara1, I kneel before you this evening to let you know that I submit myself completely to you! I am, as of this moment, devoting my life to your happiness and pleasure.

And I am deeply honored that you named me chief performer and choreographer for erotic dancing in your court. I am already looking forward to the first time I dance for you! It will be my pleasure to entertain and entrance you.

May I show you the sort of shoes I tend to wear? And do you approve?


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  • shoes.JPG
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Oh my Queen! I just heard the news and rushed here as soon as I could.

Queen Barbara1, I kneel before you this evening to let you know that I submit myself completely to you! I am, as of this moment, devoting my life to your happiness and pleasure.

And I am deeply honored that you named me chief performer and choreographer for erotic dancing in your court. I am already looking forward to the first time I dance for you! It will be my pleasure to entertain and entrance you.

May I show you the sort of shoes I tend to wear? And do you approve?
❤️❤️❤️❤️ for the slave and ❤️❤️❤️❤️ for the shoes!
Wow, that was way over-the-top;
Over the top? Orff put the Medieval poetry on music, Ponnelle staged Orff's music, visualising the content of the original texts. One critics stated that it is like walking into a Bosch painting, a clash between Christianism and erotics. When the movie was released, many scenes were considered as blasphemous, and it was threatened with censorship.
Oh my Queen! I just heard the news and rushed here as soon as I could.

Queen Barbara1, I kneel before you this evening to let you know that I submit myself completely to you! I am, as of this moment, devoting my life to your happiness and pleasure.

And I am deeply honored that you named me chief performer and choreographer for erotic dancing in your court. I am already looking forward to the first time I dance for you! It will be my pleasure to entertain and entrance you.

May I show you the sort of shoes I tend to wear? And do you approve?
Very nice photos your queen will surely be seduced

Intoxicated with her newfound autocratic powers, and increasingly aware of growing disgruntlement among the native populace, Queen Barbaria1 issues a series of Royal executive orders and proclamations. Duly recorded by @RacingRodent as the good Queen reclines in her bath (he is required to look the other way and to keep his tail out of the bath water), they read as follows.

1. Let it hereby be known that henceforth the Queen shall be formally addressed as: Her Majesty and Right Honorable and Infallible Ruler of CruxForums and all its Dominions, with the exception of Arkansas, Queen Barbaria I.

2. Rhyming of any kind is hereby forbidden and should @montycrusto and @twonines have the foolish audacity to persist in sullying the site with any more of such aforementioned garbage, they shall be relegated to the role of scullery maids at Cruxton Abbey.

3. The phrases, exclamations and words, “tight little,” “Oh shit!” Geeze!” “fine print,” “tumescent,” and “demerits,” shall hereby be enshrined in the CruxForums Lexicon Hall of Fame and any unauthorized use of same shall incur a fine determined and collected by @thehangingtree esq., whom Queen Barbara I has appointed as her official legal counsel and Chancellor of the Exchequer.

4. Hijacking of threads is hereby forbidden unless done by Queen Barbaria1. No exceptions.

5. @Jollyrei is hereby ordered to put on some weight, wear some colorful clothing, and stop behaving so ghoulishly, or he will soon find himself joining Monty and Twonines in the Cruxton Abbey scullery.

6. @Wragg is herby ordered to triple the size of the Cruxton Abbey scullery immediately so as to accommodate an incoming flood of new scullery maids.

7. @phlebas is hereby instructed to speed up the weekly presentations of his prodigious collection of crux art so as to bring it to the present by yesterday or be banished to the Cruxton Abbey scullery, Australian branch.

8. @Loinclothslave is hereby ordered to cover up or join Phlebas in the scullery.

9. @wulf is hereby ordered to turn over all of his model planes to the CruxForums Armory so that they can be used as prototypes for the new CruxForums Blue Avengers air arm the Queen is forming to smite her foes from above with aerial demerit bombs.

Madiosi-2022-091-Queens Bath.jpg
And at that point, with her bath water turning tepid and tiring for the moment of issuing proclamations, Queen Barbaria orders @Harsh Martinet , @Loxuru , and @Heineudo to dry her off …. while wearing blindfolds, while @Madiosi stands ready nearby, to cover her nudity with ermine robe.

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Intoxicated with her newfound autocratic powers, and increasingly aware of growing disgruntlement among the native populace, Queen Barbaria1 issues a series of Royal executive orders and proclamations. Duly recorded by @RacingRodent as the good Queen reclines in her bath (he is required to look the other way and to keep his tail out of the bath water), they read as follows.

1. Let it hereby be known that henceforth the Queen shall be formally addressed as: Her Majesty and Right Honorable and Infallible Ruler of CruxForums and all its Dominions, with the exception of Arkansas, Queen Barbaria I.

2. Rhyming of any kind is hereby forbidden and should @montycrusto and @twonines have the foolish audacity to persist in sullying the site with any more of such aforementioned garbage, they shall be relegated to the role of scullery maids at Cruxton Abbey.

3. The phrases, exclamations and words, “tight little,” “Oh shit!” Geeze!” “fine print,” “tumescent,” and “demerits,” shall hereby be enshrined in the CruxForums Lexicon Hall of Fame and any unauthorized use of same shall incur a fine determined and collected by @thehangingtree esq., whom Queen Barbara I has appointed as her official legal counsel and Chancellor of the Exchequer.

4. Hijacking of threads is hereby forbidden unless done by Queen Barbaria1. No exceptions.

5. @Jollyrei is hereby ordered to put on some weight, wear some colorful clothing, and stop behaving so ghoulishly, or he will soon find himself joining Monty and Twonines in the Cruxton Abbey scullery.

6. @Wragg is herby ordered to triple the size of the Cruxton Abbey scullery immediately so as to accommodate an incoming flood of new scullery maids.

7. @phlebas is hereby instructed to speed up the weekly presentations of his prodigious collection of crux art so as to bring it to the present by yesterday or be banished to the Cruxton Abbey scullery, Australian branch.

8. @Loinclothslave is hereby ordered to cover up or join Phlebas in the scullery.

9. @wulf is hereby ordered to turn over all of his model planes to the CruxForums so that they can be used as prototypes for the new CruxForums Blue Avengers air arm the Queen is forming to smite her foes from above with aerial demerit bombs.

And at that point, with her bath water turning tepid and tiring for the moment of issuing proclamations, Queen Bavaria orders @Harsh Martinet , @Loxuru , and @Heineudo to dry her off …. while wearing blindfolds, while @Madiosi stands ready to cover her nudity with ermine robe.

Dear Worshipful Queen @Barbaria1
I @Baracus grovel before you in utter debasement,(whilst admiring one's "tight little") for I have a suggestion to make regards rule #9.
I believe that I,too have a fair selection of model airplanes,perhaps a greater number,so enshelved.
Perhaps they should join those,as made by @wulf ..??
Thank you,your exalted majesty.....all supreme monarch of Cruxton.
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And at that point, with her bath water turning tepid and tiring for the moment of issuing proclamations, Queen Barbaria orders @Harsh Martinet , @Loxuru , and @Heineudo to dry her off ….
With that blindfold on, I of course have to grope around, touching, from toes to chin and backward down, to be sure it is Her Majesty's Right Honorable body, I am going to dry off!:D:rolleyes:
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