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Waiting for Judicial Corporal Punishment

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“Face the wall, spread yer legs and brace yerself for it, Ms Moore, he drawled … that annoying Arkansasian high pitched nasal twang assaulting my senses.


“Traffic offenders ‘round these parts do as they’re told and don’t talk back, Ms Moore.”


“Cause that’s the way it is. Now stop stalling and spread them shapely legs!”

“This is humiliating. I want to speak to an attorney!”

“Shut up, and spread ‘em!”

“Arghhhh! … geeze, not so rough, please!”

“Shut up, and turn yerself about. I gotta do yer cunt next!”

“I really want to speak to an attorney!”

“Well, ya can’t. And even if ya could, he’s stinkiin’ drunk by this time of day.”

“What’s going to happen to me?”

“Traffic violation by a blue state girl? Let’s see what they got ya fer. Oh, okay. If yer lucky, Ms Moore, you’ll get a floggin’ and thirty days hard labor in the fields. If yer unlucky, it’ll be a public hangin’ in the town square.”

“Oh shit!”
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“Face the wall, spread yer legs and brace yerself for it, Ms Moore, he drawled … that annoying Arkansasian high pitched nasal twang assaulting my senses.


“Traffic offenders ‘round these parts do as they’re told and don’t talk back, Ms Moore.”

“Cause that’s the way it is. Now stop stalling and spread them shapely legs!”

“This is humiliating. I want to speak to an attorney!”
“Shut up, and spread ‘em!”

“Arghhhh! … geeze, not so rough, please!”

“Shut up, and turn yerself about. I gotta do yer cunt next!”

“I really want to speak to an attorney!”

“Well, ya can’t. And even if ya could, he’s stinkiin’ drunk by this time of day.”

“What’s going to happen to me?”

“Traffic violation by a blue state girl? Let’s see what they got ya fer. Oh, okay. If yer lucky, Ms Moore, you’ll get a floggin’ and thirty days hard labor in the fields. If yer unlucky, it’ll be a public hangin’ in the town square.”

“Oh shit!”
"I'm sorry, Ms. Moore" the hangman says "but the judge wants to see those blue state tits shakin' on your chest while you're hanged. Officer, tighten the noose so Ms. Moore doesn't fall and hurt herself when I open the trapdoor..."
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Colonel Beauregard’s sweet and gentle daughter will pay a steep price for teaching the slave children to read. Though her punishment will not be delivered at the plantation whipping post, Mary Virginia’s begging and screams will still be heard from the cellar.

Should be one lash for each child taught. Could be a few dozen with the whip tearing her linen away to ensure her bared bottom tastes the whip.
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