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Waiting for Judicial Corporal Punishment

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These girls should be marched outside to receive their punishments in public. I am sure they'd draw a crowd.

Corporal punishments should always be in public (well, maybe except for those given in the principal's office;)).

OK, another caveat: For women in prison punishment should be in the exercise yard, or other such place where all the other prisoners can witness the punishment.

I agree. The public will call for extra strokes to be added to the sentence and the punishment to be more severe as each girl cries out

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Life was a struggle for the small town couple that had dated throughout high school. Poppy worked hard at the feed store trying to save money to further her education. Travis was once a star athlete, but had lost his way since graduation. He began to drink heavily and bounce from job to job. Unbeknownst to Poppy, he had also become involved in a theft ring.

Their one time dream to get married and raise a family seemed to slip further away. Travis was bitter and insecure over Poppy’s desire to attend the local teachers’ college. It broke her heart when he crumpled the acceptance letter she excitedly showed him. The next night, the sheriff pulled them over and discovered that Travis’ trunk was full of expensive stolen tools. Shockingly, he would not plead guilty to save Poppy from being charged also.

Now Poppy listens as the boy she has loved for so long is whipped outside in the courthouse square. Travis was stone-faced and defiant as he was led shirtless past her cell, refusing to look at her as she wept. She hears him begin to cry and beg after the fifth lash, only adding to the terror welling inside her. Poppy will soon receive her own punishment in front of the entire town.

Trembling with arms across her chest as she approaches the post, Poppy tries to salvage the last fleeting moments of her dignity before the exposure of her young upturned breasts. With the girl’s arms finally tied high, those close enough to the platform can see the deep blush of shame across tender pale skin and the nervous sweat tricking down her stretched torso. Poppy’s whimpering sobs will build to full-throated screams while she twists and bleeds under twenty sharp lashes for Travis’ crime.
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