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Waiting for Judicial Corporal Punishment

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“I simply can’t express my delight at seeing so many Arkansas men turning up at my rally,” declared Suffragette Barbara Moore.

:) and after punishment


“Oh shit!” Cried Suffragette Barbara Moore as the predominantly male Arkansas crowd surged forward to cries of “Lynch her, boys! Lynch that meddlin’ blue state hussy! Swing her high! Make her dance! Let’s see her ass and tits!”
- What do you want, slave?

- Master ordered me to find you, sir and… ask you to whip me…

- Really? What happened?

- Um, master has a guest today… It’s his friend, master Arminius. I had to comfort him and he was not… mhmm… fully satisfied…

- Fully satisfied with what?

- Fully satisfied with me.. eem… sucking his cock..

- Oh… ok. How many should you receive?

- I don’t know sir.

- Well, I’ll do you a favor, girl. I’ll give you just ten on your back. And another one, I’ll teach you how to suck properly.
Misadventure of a house slave, by MrZet
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Helena was the favorite in her event but fell just a tenth of a point short of receiving a medal at all. Even that would have been her country’s first Olympic honors of any kind. Upon her return, Helena arrived to an empty airfield where the large celebration of her anticipated triumph was to be held.

When the police arrived a few days later, Helena had been lying on the couch, somberly replaying the competition in her head. She screamed for her father as she was dragged away, but he only sat weeping with his face in his hands. Driven to the Ministry of Sport, Helena was stripped to the waist and bound in front of more than twenty angry and disappointed officials. The trembling girl will learn the price of failure through the sting of the lash.

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“Come on dearie. You know the penalty for failing to complete your work. It’s time.”

“Please no! Don’t do this to me. I shouldn’t even be in this place. I’m innocent!”

“Everyone gets a whipping or two within the first few months. You’ll get quicker at your tasks over time. Let’s be a good girl now and don’t make it harder on yourself.”
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