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After The Rebellion Of 2014

Go to CruxDreams.com
Blaire was and she tilted her head back against the stipe as Tree squeezed a water bottle into her mouth. Blaire was surprised how hard it was to swallow as the water filled her mouth, ran down her chin, and chilled her neck and breasts.
Tree told her to lean her head forward. Blaire wondered why she should but did. She Tree’s hand hold a cloth under her nose and heard him say “blow.” Blaire jerked her head back and asked “What did you say?”

“I said ‘blow’ as in your nose. I can tell you’re breathing through your mouth” Tree said. She leaned forward and did so. When she was done Tree wiped her upper lip, shoved the handkerchief into his pocket, and then lit a cigarette. Blaire could smell it. He asked “Is that better?”

Blaire thought a moment. Yes she could breathe more easily but it was the first time since she was young child that someone helped her blow her nose and the act reaffirmed her helplessness. She meekly said “Thank you.”

These are the little touches that really make the story work for me :)
reality, humanity, intimacy
These are the little touches that really make the story work for me :)
reality, humanity, intimacy
Thank you, Phlebas. This would be a good time that while I do look for pictures on the web and I also run a few of my originals, I could not illustrate my posts nearly as much a I do without the pictures , manips, and original art that is posted by you and many others here. Over time I have got much quicker at doing manips.

I also want to thank Image Maker for providing this site that so many enjoy...

Thank you, Phlebas. This would be a good time that while I do look for pictures on the web and I also run a few of my originals, I could not illustrate my posts nearly as much a I do without the pictures , manips, and original art that is posted by you and many others here. Over time I have got much quicker at doing manips.

I also want to thank Image Maker for providing this site that so many enjoy...


Can I add a big 'hear hear!' to that!

Blaire is learning all types things during her first crucifixion! At least Tree is trying to keep her alive as long as possible. I'm not sure anyone knows what Bull and Gunner are doing....:rolleyes:

From what I've heard, they don't know what they are doing, either :doh:
Bull and Gunner finally got to talk to Judge Admi and demanded what was going on with the time with the length the women would be crucified. Bull asked how long would they be crucified and the judge asked how long would it take them to die.

“What caused this?” Gunner demanded.

“Well, I had a private consultation with Blaire’s parents and to assuage their grief over their daughter becoming a slave I agreed to have the three crucified to death.”

“That’s bullshit, Judge! First of all, Barbaria and Messa would be freed from their crosses when Blaire died or completed her time. There is no way Barbaria and Messa are going to die before Blaire. How much did he pay you?” Bull asked.

‘Umm…” the judge paused and thought then said “More than you can afford, I can assure you.”

Gunner pulled the bolt back on the M-60, pulling the first round into the breach and cocking the weapon. He lit a fat cigar and pointed the gun at the judge saying “The better question would be ‘what can you afford, judge.”

“Look, I read the sentence you handed down. Five sixes were rolled so 30 hours is how long she hangs” Bull said.

“How did you get a copy of the sentence?” Admi asked.

“You aren’t the only one that can be bribed” Bull said.

“And you really read it?”

Bull nodded. Admi threw his hands up and said “Oh, I see how you are confused! The roll of the dice was done under Dutch Yahtzee rules! If the first roll comes up 5 sixes you get a bonus 6 points, or hours in Blaire’s case.”

“’Dutch rules’; what kind of bullshit is that?” Gunner asked.

“Here let me show you” he said as he reached into a desk drawer, shuffles through some papers and pulled out an e-mail in Dutch from his mother he had printed off. He handed it to Bull and said “There it is in writing.”

Bull stared at it and muttered “I can read ‘reading’ but I can’t read ‘writing’… Hey… is this in French?”

“No my friend, it is Dutch” the judge said.

“No wonder I couldn’t read it” Bull said as if he knew French. Bull and Gunner agreed they could go with six extra hours as long as they got their MCT certification if Blaire was alive at 30 hours.

“Of course, but don’t you need to talk you other partner?”

“Barbaria? She is a bit busy right now. I’m sure she will be fine with this…”

Bull and Gunner finally got to talk to Judge Admi and demanded what was going on with the time with the length the women would be crucified. Bull asked how long would they be crucified and the judge asked how long would it take them to die.

“What caused this?” Gunner demanded.

“Well, I had a private consultation with Blaire’s parents and to assuage their grief over their daughter becoming a slave I agreed to have the three crucified to death.”

“That’s bullshit, Judge! First of all, Barbaria and Messa would be freed from their crosses when Blaire died or completed her time. There is no way Barbaria and Messa are going to die before Blaire. How much did he pay you?” Bull asked.

‘Umm…” the judge paused and thought then said “More than you can afford, I can assure you.”

Gunner pulled the bolt back on the M-60, pulling the first round into the breach and cocking the weapon. He lit a fat cigar and pointed the gun at the judge saying “The better question would be ‘what can you afford, judge.”

“Look, I read the sentence you handed down. Five sixes were rolled so 30 hours is how long she hangs” Bull said.

“How did you get a copy of the sentence?” Admi asked.

“You aren’t the only one that can be bribed” Bull said.

“And you really read it?”

Bull nodded. Admi threw his hands up and said “Oh, I see how you are confused! The roll of the dice was done under Dutch Yahtzee rules! If the first roll comes up 5 sixes you get a bonus 6 points, or hours in Blaire’s case.”

“’Dutch rules’; what kind of bullshit is that?” Gunner asked.

“Here let me show you” he said as he reached into a desk drawer, shuffles through some papers and pulled out an e-mail in Dutch from his mother he had printed off. He handed it to Bull and said “There it is in writing.”

Bull stared at it and muttered “I can read ‘reading’ but I can’t read ‘writing’… Hey… is this in French?”

“No my friend, it is Dutch” the judge said.

“No wonder I couldn’t read it” Bull said as if he knew French. Bull and Gunner agreed they could go with six extra hours as long as they got their MCT certification if Blaire was alive at 30 hours.

“Of course, but don’t you need to talk you other partner?”

“Barbaria? She is a bit busy right now. I’m sure she will be fine with this…”


I don't have a say in this?????:eek::mad:
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