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For some reason beyond my understanding I don't seem to get notifications when you post new episodes on your thread... The upside is I get to read several in one sitting - and they are beautiful and amazing and utterly captivating!
the 'alerts' system is a bit of a mystery to me, to be honest.
If you go to the top of the thread and click 'watch thread' at top right, that should help.
Also, if you're 'following' Luna, you can put your cursor on your name at top right,
then click 'Your News Feed', and you'll get latest activity of all your 'followees', including Luna's Amica posts.
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I have 'Amica' on my 'watched threads' list. :)

Wragg's Wroutine: Arrange myself around the outside of my evening meal, log on, check PMs, look at my watched threads (that can take an hour plus :eek:, especially if Barb et al are busy and we get some crux chatter going :rolleyes:.)

Then I check to see if anyone's started an interesting new thread, and then I may get some writing done.

Then stagger off to bed, dreams filled with the latest hot stuff from the forums, wake up, quick check to see what folk over the pond have been up to overnight, oh, and then go out and earn my crust.


Amica 35

The Dancing Satyr, too, at the centre of the pool in the atrium seems happy at our return, having the company once more of us, his wonderful nymphs. We come to sit on the edge of his watery realm to tell him of our summer adventures, our secrets, our little loves, our desires, our sighs. He listens, eager to hear our news.

Udij has fallen in love with an Egyptian slave who’s in the service of Pollio Felice – he’s got a wonderful villa on the Cape of Sorrento, not far from Fulvia Lucilla’s. He would come secretly through the branches of the trees into the garden of the villa where Udij would be waiting, they were surely risking their lives if ever they were caught, but love makes people more daring than reason would allow.

Micon, who comes from an island near Crete, has found herself a gladiator in the service of Agrippa, owner of a villa with a beautiful nymphaeum (temple of the nymphs) in the city of Sorrento.

Suha, the Arab girl who has the name of a star (*), has been given to a handsome boy in Sorrento, all curls and white teeth, son of a Roman patrician who owns four villas in the area, but his occupation is just fucking the most beautiful slaves of others.

Lina, the girl from Paestum, on the other hand, is claiming that her occasional lovers would pay her for her services, two sestercii for a fingering, ten to take it in her arse, twenty in her pussy, twenty-five to suck without swallowing, forty if she does, and a hundred for a whole night. One of them was madly in love with her and had squandered all his fortune, but she’d ditched him, and he’d written her a letter:

Lina, do you imagine, because you’ve dropped me,
I’ll kill myself, and you can celebrate?
Don’t trouble yourself, I won’t be taking
Any such desperate step. I’m not going to kill myself,
So you can slander me, tell the whole neighbourhood
A young man, twenty-four, has killed himself
Just for your pretty face!

That would get you some attention,
And sneers for this poor lad,
And you'd find yourself another fancy boy -
But with me, you’ll get no such business.
Instead, I’ll have you understand
I’m going to kill myself - because I’m broke!

We all laugh, greatly amused.

But the Villa of Fulvia Lucilla seems to be the House of Free Love - maybe she’s content if her slaves go wild at night so long as they’re obedient by day, or maybe she’s so condescending she lets them entertain their lovers whenever they like?

When I tell them that Fannius kidnapped me on the day of the earthquake and took me to his villa, and for ten days in a row we did nothing but fuck, they all turn green with envy, perhaps some become really jealous, thinking I’ve stolen his bed.

Even the dancing satyr is trying to leap across to me, his penis seems to be even more straight, and that’s certainly not because a few flies are tickling him down there!

By the way, my black elf has begun begins to chase all pussycats around the house, picking fights with them again and again.


(*) in what we call the Great Bear, literally ‘the forgotten one’, it sits between two brighter stars.


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Udij has fallen in love with an Egyptian slave

Micon, who comes from an island near Crete,

Suha, the Arab girl who has the name of a star

Lina, the girl from Paestum,

By the way, my black elf has begun begins to chase all pussycats around the house, picking fights with them again and again.

I love the way you remind all Amica's enthralled followers that other lives, just as intense as hers were going on all around her and allow us the briefest glimpse of these :) Brava!
Amica 35

Lina, do you imagine, because you’ve dropped me,
I’ll kill myself, and you can celebrate?
Don’t trouble yourself, I won’t be taking
Any such desperate step. I’m not going to kill myself,
So you can slander me, tell the whole neighbourhood
A young man, twenty-four, has killed himself
Just for your pretty face!

That would get you some attention,
And sneers for this poor lad,
And you'd find yourself another fancy boy -
But with me, you’ll get no such business.
Instead, I’ll have you understand
I’m going to kill myself - because I’m broke!

The poem, 'Lina, do you imagine' is actually based on a sonnet by Carlo Alberto Salustri (1873-1950), better known by his pen-name Trilussa (an anagram of his surname). He wrote in Romanesca, the urban dialect of Rome. Luna of course helped me with that, but like most of eul's efforts at translation, it's far from 100% accurate, just trying to catch the spirit of the witty verse.
The poem, 'Lina, do you imagine' is actually based on a sonnet by Carlo Alberto Salustri (1873-1950), better known by his pen-name Trilussa (an anagram of his surname). He wrote in Romanesca, the urban dialect of Rome. Luna of course helped me with that, but like most of eul's efforts at translation, it's far from 100% accurate, just trying to catch the spirit of the witty verse.

I think it works perfectly !!! :)

Lina, te credi, perché m'hai piantato,
che me suicìdi e te ciariccomanni?
Nun te ce sta' a pijà 'st'affanni,
ché nu' lo fo' 'sto passo disperato.

Io nun m'ammazzo manco se me scanni:
doppo anneressi a di' p'er vicinato
che p'er grugnetto tuo ce s'è ammazzato
un giovenotto de ventiquattr'anni!

Così diventeressi interessante
a la barba d'un povero regazzo,
e te ritroveressi un antro amante...

Ma co' me nun se fanno cert'affari!
Piuttosto dò a d'intenne che m'ammazzo
per causa de dissesti finanziari.​

Amica 36

Meat, fresh meat for the brothels of Lucius! The Phoenician merchant has arrived with new slaves, like doves plucked of their feathers, bare breasts quivering, they undergo the humiliating ritual of assessment, frightened youngsters, lined up waiting for the verdict and their fate. We too tremble with fear, who’ll stay and who’ll go? It's a wheel, everything may depend on the tensing of a muscle, a movement of the lips, the quiver of an eyelash….

Eulalia is in attendance, as I understand, in her role as interpreter. She knows many languages, asks questions and translate the answers. Most of these wretches come from the east, they’ve dark complexions, black hair, and bright eyes, but their expressions are traumatised, their voices trembling, Two of them are distinguished by their incredible beauty. Another two have looks I’ve never seen before, with high cheekbones, eyes stretched thin, both amber-complexioned, paler than the others. They can’t comprehend what's being said to them, nor can anyone undestand what they say, they’re a new challenge for Eulalia.

Lucius and Fulvia have made their choices, four remain, the others will be sent off to work, to earn the bread they eat, and to enrich Lucius. Three of those who remain here will go into service in the house, one of them has come with me. Screams, tears, hugs, goodbyes, the torment for those who have to depart is even stronger, now their tragic fate is known.

'Why? Eulalia Why such cruelty? What have they done wrong? '

'בֵּיתלָחֶם Beit-lachem, Belem, the Judaean girl, has never adapted to living among other slavegirls, she’s too proud, she thinks herself superior - she’s had too many quarrels and created too many problems with her insubordination, and the punishments she’s received haven’t been sufficient! These Hebrews are difficult to deal with.

The other two have proved lazy - they thought they were safe, so they failed to do what they’d been commanded. Everyone’s responsible for their own actions - learn from these examples, and don’t be troubled about the fate of others, if it’s the consequence of their own behaviour. You cannot and you must not have pity on every person who suffers the consequences of her own actions, they certainly wouldn’t be bothered about your fate, even if you were to suffer unjustly!'

They’re tough, the judgments of Eulalia, but they’re well-considered, consistent with justice, who deserves receives, who doesn’t, pays.

Now that Eulalia is committed to educating these new arrivals, after the daily chores I have a bit more time to devote to reading, and a little more freedom. I can leave the house, always accompanied by the trusty Δρόμος, Dromos, the auriga (charioteer). I like him, this slave from Macedonia, but I’ve promised my heart and my body to Fannius, and he understands and respects me, and protects me when we are out.

As we walk along the street of the temple of Mercury, one insula (block) away from the house of Lucius, he points to a door of a two-storey building – it’s a lupanare (brothel).

I grab his arm, partly seized by fear, yet I look into his eyes questioningly.

'Let's go in, I want to see that place with my own eyes!'

He doesn’t object, indeed, he enters readily, has he been in on other occasions?

We’re welcomed by an ugly old woman with a bit too much weight on her.

She greets him, asks which girl he wants to lie down with, and turning to me says,

'But there are no boys here, only girls, do you want to spend some time with one of them?'

I must have a really surprised look, because she smiles at me, and takes me by the hand almost eagerly, to lead me through the maze of corridors leading to cellae meretricae (sex-workers’ cubicles).

Dromos explains to the woman that I'm a slavegirl of Lucius, but I have to be treated with respect as I’m the favourite of Fannius. The woman is still more surprised, she leads me upstairs to where there are the most beautiful girls in the brothel, for persons of quality, frequented by the rich. I’m explaining that it’s not my intention to enjoy myself with a girl, I’ve just come in to see, when Dromos slips off into a cubicle with a beautiful busty brunette!

The cubicles are small, but well arranged. By each door is the name of the girl, a stage-name of course, such as Myrtis, and a fresco, hers shows a girl engaged in fellatio. A piece of graffiti written by a satisfied customer reads Myrtis, bene felas (Myrtis, you suck well (+)).

At the centre of the brothel is a larger room where the girls stay while they’re waiting for their customers. They give me smiles, sweet words, obscene proposals,

'I lick right between your thighs ...', says one of them, thinking I'm coming to pass a little time in her company. The madame goes away.

One of them seems annoyed by my presence, taking me for a newbie - 'Have you come to take away our customers, you with your piggy face?'

It is forbidden to use coins with the imperial image in brothels, explains the madame, special tokens are used that are called spintriae (trinkets), more precisely eroticae tesserae, with which you can pay the girls for their sexual favours. Each token shows a sex scene on the front, and on the back a number, the performance, and the price.


(+) [n.b. fellas, not felas, but this is a true graffiti in a true 'lupanare']


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Amica 36

Meat, fresh meat for the brothels of Lucius! The Phoenician merchant has arrived with new slaves, like doves plucked of their feathers, bare breasts quivering, they undergo the humiliating ritual of assessment, frightened youngsters, lined up waiting for the verdict and their fate. We too tremble with fear, who’ll stay and who’ll go? It's a wheel, everything may depend on the tensing of a muscle, a movement of the lips, the quiver of an eyelash….

Eulalia is in attendance, as I understand, in her role as interpreter. She knows many languages, asks questions and translate the answers. Most of these wretches come from the east, they’ve dark complexions, black hair, and bright eyes, but their expressions are traumatised, their voices trembling, Two of them are distinguished by their incredible beauty. Another two have looks I’ve never seen before, with high cheekbones, eyes stretched thin, both amber-complexioned, paler than the others. They can’t comprehend what's being said to them, nor can anyone undestand what they say, they’re a new challenge for Eulalia.

Lucius and Fulvia have made their choices, four remain, the others will be sent off to work, to earn the bread they eat, and to enrich Lucius. Three of those who remain here will go into service in the house, one of them has come with me. Screams, tears, hugs, goodbyes, the torment for those who have to depart is even stronger, now their tragic fate is known.

'Why? Eulalia Why such cruelty? What have they done wrong? '

'בֵּיתלָחֶם Beit-lachem, Belem, the Judaean girl, has never adapted to living among other slavegirls, she’s too proud, she thinks herself superior - she’s had too many quarrels and created too many problems with her insubordination, and the punishments she’s received haven’t been sufficient! These Hebrews are difficult to deal with.

The other two have proved lazy - they thought they were safe, so they failed to do what they’d been commanded. Everyone’s responsible for their own actions - learn from these examples, and don’t be troubled about the fate of others, if it’s the consequence of their own behaviour. You cannot and you must not have pity on every person who suffers the consequences of her own actions, they certainly wouldn’t be bothered about your fate, even if you were to suffer unjustly!'

They’re tough, the judgments of Eulalia, but they’re well-considered, consistent with justice, who deserves receives, who doesn’t, pays.

Now that Eulalia is committed to educating these new arrivals, after the daily chores I have a bit more time to devote to reading, and a little more freedom. I can leave the house, always accompanied by the trusty Δρόμος, Dromos, the auriga (charioteer). I like him, this slave from Macedonia, but I’ve promised my heart and my body to Fannius, and he understands and respects me, and protects me when we are out.

As we walk along the street of the temple of Mercury, one insula (block) away from the house of Lucius, he points to a door of a two-storey building – it’s a lupanare (brothel).

I grab his arm, partly seized by fear, yet I look into his eyes questioningly.

'Let's go in, I want to see that place with my own eyes!'

He doesn’t object, indeed, he enters readily, has he been in on other occasions?

We’re welcomed by an ugly old woman with a bit too much weight on her.

She greets him, asks which girl he wants to lie down with, and turning to me says,

'But there are no boys here, only girls, do you want to spend some time with one of them?'

I must have a really surprised look, because she smiles at me, and takes me by the hand almost eagerly, to lead me through the maze of corridors leading to cellae meretricae (sex-workers’ cubicles).

Dromos explains to the woman that I'm a slavegirl of Lucius, but I have to be treated with respect as I’m the favourite of Fannius. The woman is still more surprised, she leads me upstairs to where there are the most beautiful girls in the brothel, for persons of quality, frequented by the rich. I’m explaining that it’s not my intention to enjoy myself with a girl, I’ve just come in to see, when Dromos slips off into a cubicle with a beautiful busty brunette!

The cubicles are small, but well arranged. By each door is the name of the girl, a stage-name of course, such as Myrtis, and a fresco, hers shows a girl engaged in fellatio. A piece of graffiti written by a satisfied customer reads Myrtis, bene felas (Myrtis, you suck well (+)).

At the centre of the brothel is a larger room where the girls stay while they’re waiting for their customers. They give me smiles, sweet words, obscene proposals,

'I lick right between your thighs ...', says one of them, thinking I'm coming to pass a little time in her company. The madame goes away.

One of them seems annoyed by my presence, taking me for a newbie - 'Have you come to take away our customers, you with your piggy face?'

It is forbidden to use coins with the imperial image in brothels, explains the madame, special tokens are used that are called spintriae (trinkets), more precisely eroticae tesserae, with which you can pay the girls for their sexual favours. Each token shows a sex scene on the front, and on the back a number, the performance, and the price.

(+) [n.b. fellas, not felas, but this is a true graffiti in a true 'lupanare']
Lovely, as ever.... and as ever I learn!
Amica 37

While the madame is showing me a collection of stone dildos of various shapes and sizes, an elderly client arrives.


'What number are you?', he asks me,

'A thousand times a thousand', I reply,

'But here they only go up to number sixteen!'

'She’s not a girl of the house, look for yours among the girls sitting in the waiting room!', says the madame.

The madame explains again that the spintriae (tokens) enable the girls to prove how many customers they’ve satisfied each day; everything is recorded in the account-book, and once she reaches a certain set amount, the girl may go free and try to get something else for a living.


The house is also frequented by free women who come here to spend pleasant moments with occasional lovers, or to earn some denarii that they can hide from their husbands and use to indulge some whim that their mean husbands won’t allow them - some makeup, perfume, or a dress.

Suddenly a man enters, grabs me and pulls me toward a cubicle, I scream!

'Gemini! Gemini! Cucurrite!', Screams the madam.

Two huge blacks come running to throw him out, they grab the brute that wanted to fuck me by the arms and legs, open a trapdoor, and hurl him down the emergency exit, a steep stone slide that leads directly down to the alleyway below. I'm safe, but my legs are trembling at the danger I faced.

'Help! Help! He’s killing me! Help!'

The screams are coming from one of the more secluded areas of the brothel, to access it you have to pass through a door on which is depicted a naked girl with her arms raised, bound hand and foot.


Junia is screaming, a fat slave girl whose thighs are four times the size of those of Juno Attica in the temple near the forum. She’s kneeling on the bed, bound hand and foot, her legs spread wide. Her tormentor is possessing her anally and spanking her on the ass, leaving the marks of his hands with every stroke, her white skin is reddened and burning.

Junia’s desperate screams continue.

'Just stop it you two, you’ll scare off all my customers! Do you think this is a private love-nest? It’s a brothel!'

screams the madame, as the bouncers grab the brute and throw him naked down the emergency chute, then chuck down his clothes out of the window.

'Why have you turned him away? I was having fun, I was enjoying it like Penelope being buggered by the faggots!'

‘Shut up Junia! It’s not your house, you can see everyone’s come out of the cubicles, alarmed by your screams! Some of them have already run away! You'll have to be whipped for the loss of income that you caused! I’ll send you to work in a plebs’ brothel where you yell as much as you like. This is a well-reviewed house, the patricians do not want this kind of commotion! Whip her! '

she commands, turning to the black twins, who don’t need to be told twice, they take away poor Junia weeping, now they’ll have their fun with the fat slave girl.

Fortunately Dromos appears,

'Bene futui! (I've had a good fuck!)'

The madame apologizes for the disturbance a moment ago,

'Such things must never happen here!'

Then she tells me,

'If you want, you can come here whenever you like. You can make love with your lover here, safe from prying eyes - or you can make good money, you can meet rich magistrates, or merchants who are richer still, they’d willingly pay a good five hundred gold sesterces for an hour with a nice girl like you!'


A bow my head gratefully,

'I'll think about it!' I reply politely.

We go out by a side door that opens onto a small courtyard between the neighboring houses and allows clients to get away from the brothel without being seen, along an alley that doesn’t lead to the Street of the Temple of Mercury.


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