WITCH "I am a Witch...I am a Witch...I am the Witch Surrounded by Flames, cruel punishment of the Holy Inquisition.
I understand the agony of young women being Burned Alive before me... I am the skin of the women Burned Alive after me."
Attracted by the beauty of the Flames... anxious before the pain...brazen towards the ruthless Inquisition...Another woman was Executed...
hey my lovely witch, you can't believe how good it did me to have made you scream, shriek and roar one last time for no reason at all… the torturer already made you admit yesterday that you are a sinful witch… But since I am responsible for your soul, I asked God if it was okay to play with your flesh one last time… I had a long prayer and God said that since the flesh of this sinful witch would be burned tomorrow anyway, it would not be a violation of celibacy and he wished me a lot of fun!
Last night was a dream... how your body bent in the pain, the agony! how you screamed... how often I could squirt my cum over you and into you!
and now my sweet sexy condemned witch…
You see with your puffy eyes how I loosen the rope, the belt from my cloak...
how I tie the belt around your neck…
you feel how I pull the noose tighter and tighter until your sweet damn veins protrude from your neck… I will fuck your throat with my cock until you collapse! and then I'll squirt my cum on your face so that everyone who will be present at your cremation can see... that I was the last one to squirt God's will on your face!
and then, when I have chained you over the branches of the stake...
I will light the dry branches under your feet with the same flame as I lit my cigarette…
and I will massage my cock under my monk's robe. while the hungry flames gnaw at more and more branches, get bigger and start playing with your feet! and when your screams start at the stake... I'll splash a load of cum in the sand at my feet!
Yep my sweet witch... your flesh in the flames is too hot for me now
but I will soak up every scream, every howl, every roar and I will thank god I met you and I know that you are just one girl of many that i will accompany on their last journey