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Condemnation: Burned at the Stake (to the Pole or Crucified)

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WITCH "I am a Witch...I am a Witch...I am the Witch Surrounded by Flames, cruel punishment of the Holy Inquisition.
I understand the agony of young women being Burned Alive before me... I am the skin of the women Burned Alive after me."
Attracted by the beauty of the Flames... anxious before the pain...brazen towards the ruthless Inquisition...Another woman was Executed...



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INQUISITOR "Do you like Witch? we believe not, but we promise you this on the Stake...everything is more Atrocious and Terrible.
That pain everywhere on every part of your skin....Tomorrow witch, all tomorrow... together with your lesbian friend.


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WITCH "I am a Witch...I am a Witch...I am the Witch Surrounded by Flames, cruel punishment of the Holy Inquisition.
I understand the agony of young women being Burned Alive before me... I am the skin of the women Burned Alive after me."
Attracted by the beauty of the Flames... anxious before the pain...brazen towards the ruthless Inquisition...Another woman was Executed...

hey my lovely witch, you can't believe how good it did me to have made you scream, shriek and roar one last time for no reason at all… the torturer already made you admit yesterday that you are a sinful witch… But since I am responsible for your soul, I asked God if it was okay to play with your flesh one last time… I had a long prayer and God said that since the flesh of this sinful witch would be burned tomorrow anyway, it would not be a violation of celibacy and he wished me a lot of fun!
Last night was a dream... how your body bent in the pain, the agony! how you screamed... how often I could squirt my cum over you and into you!
and now my sweet sexy condemned witch…
You see with your puffy eyes how I loosen the rope, the belt from my cloak...
how I tie the belt around your neck…
you feel how I pull the noose tighter and tighter until your sweet damn veins protrude from your neck… I will fuck your throat with my cock until you collapse! and then I'll squirt my cum on your face so that everyone who will be present at your cremation can see... that I was the last one to squirt God's will on your face!
and then, when I have chained you over the branches of the stake...
I will light the dry branches under your feet with the same flame as I lit my cigarette…
and I will massage my cock under my monk's robe. while the hungry flames gnaw at more and more branches, get bigger and start playing with your feet! and when your screams start at the stake... I'll splash a load of cum in the sand at my feet!
Yep my sweet witch... your flesh in the flames is too hot for me now :) but I will soak up every scream, every howl, every roar and I will thank god I met you and I know that you are just one girl of many that i will accompany on their last journey
Young beautiful Witch girl at the Stake.
1) Chained natural naked.
2) Chained naked with torture marks on her body.
3) Chained naked and smeared with pitch or Flammable grease.
Young beautiful Witch girl at the Stake.
1) Chained natural naked.
2) Chained naked with torture marks on her body.
3) Chained naked and smeared with pitch or Flammable grease.
Number 2, I can't imagine anyone burning a girl at the stake without playing with her first.
pitch or Flammable grease... doesn't this just shorten the agony of the girl in the flames?
And to number 1.... Naked would be desirable.... in any case...
EXECUTIONER "They told me, that during the interrogation you said you preferred Flames to the cross.
Now; that you witness the agony of your little sister are you still relapse?
WITCH LITTLE SISTER "HEEELP MEEEE Sister...why do they do this to me....HEELP MEEEEE".
WITCH SISTER " AAAHHHHHAAAAAA; Forgive me my sister....Please just BURN MEEE AAAHHHHH":


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The Terrible day has arrived for this poor girl... embarrassed by being naked...terror in the heart, in the eyes...because she fails really to imagine, how much I am in Extreme pain...of her her last moments of her.
Sentenced to the Stake... and the understanding that everything is real.


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INQUISITOR "The Executioner is ready with the torch to start your Autodafè...it is the punishment for every Witch, even if she is young and beautiful like you".
WITCH "I prefer to face this sentence, it's better than being your submissive slave to all your depravity".
INQUISITOR "Soon you will be prey to repentance for having rejected your only chance to live.
The Executioner lights the Pyre behind you...you will feel the heat growing and Torturing your back,then when I see the expressions of fear and pain...
the Executioner lights the Pyre in front of you and Burns all your young beauty... And at the BURNING THE WITCH".
WITCH " Go away... go away... monster of the church".


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WITCH" I am proud of my nature as a witch and I can't explain why...I'm attracted to Fire...
to the point of excitement at the thought of being Burned at the Stake; condemned for this nature of mine".
Yes; my demon mentor...if you want to see me Condemned to the Stake, by the Holy Inquisition...I get caught.
I kiss you as a sign of promise... I'm your Fetish Witch."



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A Young Witch; relapse, devil worshiper...promises to be faithful and to deal with risks during the time of rule of the Holy Inquisition.
Captured during the sabbath, the following days for her they were forgotten...torture...humiliations...blackmail to save themselves from Death at the Stake.
but she...on the eve of the day chosen for its Execution...he said to his cruel Inquisitor.
YOUNG WITCH "I'm scared, but I prefer Flames on my body at your dirty hands... I am a Young Witch!!!"



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YOUNG WITCH "You don't care about my salvation...you want to get to this moment. It excites your penis; chain a young girl like me to this post...surrounded by fagots of branches... Your cross does not help me in this last hour of cruelty."
INQUISITOR "This lascivious nature of yours, accentuates the whole contour of you in this scenario. In the Flames you will lose to us
and you can only scream."

With courage, fear held back...and a strange attraction to Fire, they are part of the spectacle offered by this new sentence.
A young girl, in the square... to be Burned at the Stake. She suffered for a long time in the Flames before dying.


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MOTHER NUN "Forgive me sister...forgive me if I reported you to the Holy Inquisition, but your impure acts, with the bodies of other women.
it is not tolerated within the walls of a convent... Accept the Flames on your body and the Suffering as just punishment...
Because you became a Witch."
NUN CONDEMNED "My Sentence to the Stake; it's a moment of suffering....then I will be gone from this world that judges the love between two women
like a fault... The young girl in nun's clothes in front of my Pyre, it's her too she stood naked next to me."
MOTHER NUN " I know well; she is in charge of me to look for the impure nuns.
She mentioned your name to me...But in a short time...she too is Sentenced to the Stake and I wait for that moment...
Goodbye sister, prepare your body for the Flames punishment...
When she starts writhing in pain, the cloth that dresses your impure vagina falls down...It's going to be an Exciting time."

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A blasphemous nun; witnesses the Execution of her friend and convent sister... The Inquisitor does not know that she harbors the soul of a witch.
BLAPHEMIAN NUN "What did that poor convent sister do to deserve to be Burned at the Stake?"
in front of that cruel spectacle...she felt excited...attracted by the desire to be discovered and arrested.
BLAPHEMIAN NUN "I am a Witch...I am aware of this and the thought of a fatal destiny in the Fire attracts me; out of fear and fetish."
A few months later, she was discovered and arrested by the Holy Inquisition.. ready to interrogate her, with every method.


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..Tortures and humiliations for the blasphemous nun, guilty Confesses to being a Witch.
Until one morning, with a bit of fog in which she is led before the Great Pyre and by her Inquisitor Executioner.

MASKED INQUISITOR "It excites me to pass the flaming torch in front of the face of the Witch ...I Condemned to the Stake.
it is the moment in which, if there is arrogance to challenge my authority...it gives way to the ardor of the Flame close to the skin":
BLASPHEMICAL NUN "I curse you out loud even when I am enveloped in the Flames of this Condemnation":



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