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Meeting Anastasia

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Sed, your renderings and gifs are awesome! I love them all. Especially this one...a favorite view of mine. This is what you'd expect to see walking down a road and coming upon a crucifixion from behind.

When I dream about crucifixion this is often the view I have...I'm usually on the ground and looking up at the victim (sometimes I see myself on the cross!) The view of the victim changes slowly as you walk around the cross until you finally view her (him) straight on...

As you stated elsewhere, a woman's body contrasts so wonderfully with the harsh wood of the cross. This view gives you the whole cross and a view of the victim that accentuates her lovely curves and emphasizes the fact that she is hanging. Just great stuff!:D

I like your thinking, Roxie. It is a nice view, one that rewards and yet promises even more reward from another angle. It is a view which accentuates a woman's curves, on the cross. It would probably favour a man's more muscular shape too, the upper body seen from below, the strong thighs. The cross brings out the best in men and women :)

How do you feel when you dream, Roxie, and see yourself hanging on that cross?
I like your thinking, Roxie. It is a nice view, one that rewards and yet promises even more reward from another angle. It is a view which accentuates a woman's curves, on the cross. It would probably favour a man's more muscular shape too, the upper body seen from below, the strong thighs. The cross brings out the best in men and women :)

How do you feel when you dream, Roxie, and see yourself hanging on that cross?

Ahhh, the crux dream! So infrequent, but when experienced it is so wonderful! And as with any dream that is pleasurable and exciting, as soon as you wake up that marvelous sensation begins to fade. Our recollections of our favorite dreams is quite pale compared to the intensity of the dream itself!!!

Most people -- men and women I suppose-- might well consider a dream of their own crucifixion to be a nightmare. But for me...crazy, kinky, crux bitch that I am...I've always found them thrilling and erotic. My body is under control of unseen forces...I'm helpless...but not always the unwilling victim. It's all very sexual...;) I wake up with my heart beating fast...and I'm so horny.!!! No doubt others on this site have had this experience too!;)

I've always loved fantasizing about being a victim...whipped, crucified, tortured. But when daytime fantasies become nighttime dreams...there is an intensity not felt when awake....oh yes!!!!

I never feel a lot of pain in my dreams. If pain is inflicted...say, if I'm tied to a post and about to be whipped, or about to be nailed through my hands/wrists...or whatever...I don't experience the lashing or the nailing beyond the first lash or the initial hammer blow. I suddenly wake up at that point -- eyes fly open, heart beating fast, feeling aroused. I suppose this is so because never having actually experienced such awful things my mind is incapable of creating the subconscious fantasy. I can imagine being stripped naked, tied up, marched to the site of my crucifixion, stretched out on a cross...but no further.

If I see myself on a cross, as a spectator would, I enter the dream at that point. It's such an out-of-body experience to see yourself in a dream. In this case I'm hanging nailed at hands and feet, naked, bleeding, sweating, looking out over a crowd around the cross that stares up at me...shouting, pointing, laughing. The dream is delicious, and exciting as I see myself squirming naked on the cross...but, alas, it never lasts long. My eyes pop open and I must enter the conscious world where such fantasies are not real...bummer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to go back!!!!!!!!!! I'm so fucking aroused!!!!!!!!

If I enter the dream hanging on the cross, looking out as one crucified would, I look down in the faces of the crowd. I'm on a high cross, not low down to the ground. Again, completely naked, bleeding. sweating profusely. I feel the pull on my arms and the pushing up on my legs...I sense the nails through me, but not the pain of the nails one would actually feel. (How could I...having no real experience of this..) I feel sexually aroused knowing the crowd is staring at my naked body hanging in front of them. My legs are open...private parts exposed...I cannot close them...I am humiliated...yet highly aroused...what a wanton cunt I am! I feel the air flowing between my sweaty thighs....ohhhh my!!!! Someone offers me water. But as I stretch to receive it I awake suddenly, feeling incredibly horny, and sooooo wishing the dream could last longer!!!! Shit! Shit! Shit!!!! Oh well...

I've also entered a dream already nailed to a cross and feeling the sensation as it is slowly raised up to the vertical and dropped with a thud into a hole. Again, I don't recall hanging that long...as with intense dreams you often awake fairly quickly (or so it seems). As with all my crux dreams, I feel highly aroused both in the dream and upon waking.

I've also dreamed of being led to my crucifixion, naked and feeling afraid, yet, for some reason, anxious to experience the act. (Can one be both attracted and repelled by something at the same time?) Being brought to my cross I am thrown down, pulled and stretched over it, but waking just at the point of being nailed...just when my terror heightens...and my desire to experience the process is the highest! Again, even in a dream you can only experience certain things. (Why don't I try to run away, escape? Do I really want this so much?) Oh well....

I've never dreamed of the entire crux experience: from trial, stripping, whipping, carrying, nailing, raising, hanging....just too many crucial point of absolute terror. That dream would be too complicated, too intense, too long. My subconscious would not permit it, I suppose....but it would be wonderful, wouldn't it!!!!!!

But...all this talk of crux dreams...erotic dreams, dear phlebas, has left this little crux gal in quite a state of...well, let's just say I need to retire for a bit...;););)
I've also dreamed of being led to my crucifixion, naked and feeling afraid, yet, for some reason, anxious to experience the act. (Can one be both attracted and repelled by something at the same time?)

Yes, dear Roxie, yes you most certainly can :)

But...all this talk of crux dreams...erotic dreams, dear phlebas, has left this little crux gal in quite a state of...well, let's just say I need to retire for a bit...

Mmm. Nice for you :)
Now, I'm off to bed, perchance to dream.
I've never had a crux dream.
Maybe Roxie will visit my dreams tonight?
I love the first one - I think you've been reading my water-wheel fantasy on another thread?
Unfortunately I'm having problems viewing them, they're taking minutes to open,
especially the Chloe's eye-views, but they're well worth the wait -
I don't generally get sea-sick, but those do have a very real stomach-turning effect! :D
I love the first one - I think you've been reading my water-wheel fantasy on another thread?

Right! I'm alxays seeking inspiration. You'll probably see an Andromede one day or another :rolleyes:.

Unfortunately I'm having problems viewing them, they're taking minutes to open,
especially the Chloe's eye-views, but they're well worth the wait -
I don't generally get sea-sick, but those do have a very real stomach-turning effect! :D

Here is a mystery : both animations have the same number of frames (481) but the size of the second one is 6 times the size of the first. GIF is a rather old format : from now I'll try to use MP4.

Would you mind trying this one? It should load 6 times faster than the GIF version.


  • test.mp4
    11.4 MB · Views: 544
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