I guess the origin is this 2004 article,
1934 wurden die aus Amerika stammenden Waschbären mit Genehmigung von Hermann Görings Jagdbehörde in Deutschland angesiedelt. Heute sind sie vor allem in Kassel zu einer echten Plage geworden. Dreist klauen sich die Kuscheltiere Futter aus Wohnhäusern - natürliche Feinde haben sie keine.
what it actually states is that an animal breeder had the idea of introducing them in 1934, they petitioned for a permit, the application percolated up to the national hunting authorities, that were in fact as
@Hugin&Munin stated, at this time already led by Göring. However to make it more interesting they titled the article in a way that calls the raccoons "Göring's favorites".
A lot of other outlets ran with that and it established a myth that this was a top down decree by Göring.
Anyway record-keeping has been so meticulous that the whole thing could be exactly reconstructed by the local forestry and hunting authorities and an important detail is that the two pairs of raccoons were already released on 12 April 1934, while the permission was only signed on April 28. i.e the locals did this of their own accord and just wanted official backing.
All of this is of course in German
but in the end "Göring's Nazi raccoons" is a bit of an internet myth. It definitely wasn't an idea that originated at the top and while there is no way to prove that he never laid eyes on the application, the signatures approving it are from lower tier employees.